South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 14 October 2012
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Nobody was available to take part today, so the ride was cancelled.
Friday 19 October 2012
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Computer Games

3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Ash and Jack spent the first hour and a half playing Minecraft this evening, then we did a trip to Tesco at Lee Mill to buy some refreshments. There was time for some more games when we returned at 9.40.
Sunday 21 October 2012
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Cancelled

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Michael was away again this weekend, at Destination Star Trek London, so the ride had to be cancelled.
Friday 26 October 2012
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Computer Games

4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, Will Rogers
Neither Jack nor Will wanted a trip out tonight so we ran a games evening, Minecraft first and then Supreme Commander. We all enjoyed the latter even though we were defeated by a Balanced AI in the enemy list, but Will liked the game and wants to play it again.
Sunday 28 October 2012
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny spells & showers, 10°
10 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
On a chilly but mainly dry morning we rode to Buckfast and on to Scoriton and Michelcombe before stopping at Holne Park for some Frisbee games. George particularly enjoyed the time there and had a lot of fun.

Next stop was, inevitably, the Holne café, which was always the intended destination. Some of the cakes and drinks were not quite up to the usual standard today, but it was an enjoyable stop that conveniently kept us dry during a spell of light rain.

It was dry when we left so we didn’t hang around, heading straight home via Hembury hill. For a change nobody rode the track, so we stopped for a photo in the car park near the bottom. When we got to Buckfast George informed us he had been hoping for some off-road! He should have told us that at the top of the hill.

We got home for 1.15 and spent the afternoon playing first Modern Warfare 3 and then Supreme Commander again so that everyone could get familiar with how the game works. We just managed to defeat the last of the three Normal enemies before the club closed at 4.10.
Friday 2 November 2012
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Badminton

5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, Will Rogers
This evening we drove to Ashmoor leisure centre, which is now run by South Dartmoor School, and played on two courts for just £6 per court from 7.30 to 8.30. Everyone had fun and George learned to serve properly with a little help from Michael.

Back at Crofters we rounded off the evening with some games of Supreme Commander and Minecraft until the club closed at 10.15.
Sunday 4 November 2012
10:15 - 11:30
Morning ride: Colston Road
Showers, 8°
4 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
The forecast was for a chilly 6 degrees with some showers, but it was 8 degrees when we set off with the intention of riding to Dartington and Totnes. The first shower came as we entered Colston road, however. We took shelter, but it was quite heavy and the youngsters were getting cold. Michael managed to persuade them to carry on when it slowed, but it started up again before we got to Colston Farm so we had to turn back.

Typically it stopped as we returned to Crofters and the rest of the morning was dry with sunshine, but the youngsters had already set their attentions on playing Supreme Commander so they played that for the rest of the morning until the club closed at 3pm.
Friday 9 November 2012
19:00 - 22:10
Social: Supreme Commander

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
After half an hour of Halo we moved to the PC network and played an epic game of Supreme Commander against a Balanced AI enemy on a 20x20 map. We won the game but was it really a surprise when Will sent a nuke to his ally George near the end without warning?
Sunday 11 November 2012
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Dartington
Sunny but chilly (7°)
16 miles (▲ 261m)
6 Participants: Morgan Emmerson (10, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We had a great turnout today by recent standards on a very pleasant sunny morning, including new rider Morgan Emmerson aged 10. He was on a bike that John had kindly prepared for him. We rode to Dartington via Colston Road, and Morgan did really well. George suggested 2 minutes silence for Remembrance Day at 10.53, so we did that during the ride.

At Dartington Jack seemed to like the idea of going to the cafes there rather than to Morrisons in Totnes, but when we finally settled on Cranks Jack didn’t buy anything. It turned out he had forgotten his money, so Michael bought a cake for him and Morgan to share. We ate outside in the sunshine which made it a very pleasant stop.

As the weather was still excellent we pressed on to Totnes, took a photo on the cycle path and then returned to Staverton Park where everyone enjoyed some Frisbee fun – they had apparently all been looking forward to a Park stop. Morgan said he had never ridden this far before and he would definitely be coming again next week.

We returned to Buckfastleigh along the usual route past Abham, getting back by around 2.30. This had been an excellent ride where everyone was friendly and had a great time – just like old times. We finished the day with some Supreme Commander on the PCs until 4.25. Ash joined us at 3pm after returning from a family wedding.
Friday 16 November 2012
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Music Quiz

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Everyone liked the idea of a music quiz this evening, so after finally prizing Ash off Halo we got on with the quiz at 7.20. Everyone loved it. We had a movie themes round first, which Ash and George won. Then there was a games themes round and a TV themes round - again Ash and George won both. After a refreshment break we had a round on the most popular songs from the last 40 years: John won this time by a good margin.

We rounded off the evening with fifty minutes of Minecraft and Supreme Commander, with everyone leaving rather late at 10.15.
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Events Index Gallery Participants