South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 23 December 2012
10:15 - 17:10
Day ride: Christmas Lunch, Ilsington
19 miles (▲ 412m)
7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
There was a dry interlude today from the recent spell of wet weather so we were actually able to cycle to the Christmas Lunch. Jack arrived with a puncture so we left rather late at 10.45 and rode to Bickington and up the lane to Ilsington. Michael wondered how easy George would find the ride but he needn’t have worried as we got to the Ilsington hotel by 12.20.

This gave us a clear hour to enjoy the private pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna and steam room, which of course everyone thoroughly enjoyed. The meal was excellent as usual, keeping us happy until 3.15 when we set off for home via Halshanger Cross and Ashburton. We got home by 5.10, feeling properly in the Christmas spirit.
Friday 28 December 2012
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Grand Music Quiz

7 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, Will Rogers
The youngsters started the evening with some PC games, then when Julian had arrived and had a good chat with Michael everyone gathered in the lounge at 9pm for our grand Christmas quiz.

Julian proved quite knowledgeable on the music rounds and won all of them even though it was him against the rest. He didn’t do so well on the movie themes however, so the youngsters won at least one round. We finished at 10.15 after an excellent evening.
Sunday 30 December 2012
10:15 - 13:35
Morning ride: Holne
9 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
A shower at 10.25 prompted us to delay the start, giving Ash chance to fit the new off-road tyres that he had obtained from Gavin. It was dry by 11.05 and George wanted to go to Holne café, so we rode up via Scoriton and settled into the café to enjoy parsnip and curry soups and other tasty refreshments.

When another shower had been and gone we set off again for Hembury Woods where Ash tried the slalom track and came out at the bottom plastered in mud, much to John’s amusement. The photo says it all really. We got home for 1.35 where Ash took a much-needed shower and the others played games until 3pm.
Friday 4 January 2013
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Badminton

7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers, Will Rogers
Gavin joined us this evening for a session of badminton at Ivybridge Leisure Centre from 8.35. Gavin’s involvement meant that we had some very energetic games, and with some good mixing up of the sides we had a very enjoyable evening.
Sunday 6 January 2013
10:15 - 13:07
Morning ride: Dartington Hall
14 miles (▲ 265m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Adam Wyeth
With everyone feeling on top form today we rode out along Colston Road, then followed the cycle path through the Cider Press Centre towards Totnes. When we got to the Dartington Hall road at 11.48 Adam suggested that we could maybe return via the Dartington Hall estate. This seemed like an excellent idea so we set off up the hill at a good pace.

Michael had inadvertently neglected to pack his chocolate box today and thought this would be enough to persuade everyone to stop at the upmarket café in Dartington Hall. Unfortunately the majority favoured minimal spending so he ended up accompanying Lawrence into the café so he could buy a 75p KitKat to take away!

When Callum had been reminded again of the dangers of cycling with earphones we returned home via Staverton Bridge and Abham, reaching Buckfastleigh by just after 1pm. There was a games social after the ride until 2.50.
Friday 11 January 2013
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Computer Games

5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers
Everyone wanted to play PC games this evening, and this kept everyone happy right up to closing time. We finished the evening with everyone playing Modern Warfare 3 together in multiplayer mode.
Sunday 13 January 2013
10:15 - 11:20
Morning ride: Hockmoor Head
Cold, 5°
8 miles (▲ 293m)
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
On a cold but sunny morning we set off for Ashburton. By the time we reached Dart Bridge Michael decided that Callum’s flimsy gloves wouldn’t provide enough protection from the cold and so diverted us back via Buckfast and Hockmoor Head to get some gloves.

Unfortunately in the end it wasn’t the cold that scuppered the ride but Callum’s excessive tiredness. So Callum stayed at Crofters while first Michael and then Jack and Ash did short but energetic rides up to Cross Furzes and back.

Computer games after the ride kept everyone entertained until 2.10.
Friday 18 January 2013
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
After some discussion the consensus was to stay in for computer games tonight, which for Will and Michael involved beating two normal computer enemies in Supreme Commander. John, however, contented himself with watching some videos of the comedy series Life is Too Short.
Sunday 20 January 2013
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Converted to Social
Freezing (-1°)
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
With temperatures below freezing at the start we decided conditions were just too cold for young George to be comfortable on a cycle ride, so we changed the ride to a badminton social.

We played some good games at Ashmoor leisure centre from 11am on three courts, and with Gavin joining us soon after we arrived we had some very good games.

We enjoyed videos and games after the ride until 2.30.
Friday 25 January 2013
19:00 - 22:10
Social: Games Evening

5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, Will Rogers
As usual everyone just wanted to stay in this evening so we enjoyed another full session of computer games on the PC network.
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Events Index Gallery Participants