South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 3 March 2013
10:15 - 13:45
Morning ride: Dartington
Cloudy and chilly (3-4°)
13 miles (▲ 235m)
8 Participants: Jacob Cacchione, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers, Alastair Shapland, Jerome Shapland (Adult, Buckfastleigh)
Alastair’s father Jerome joined us for today’s ride on a cloudy, chilly morning. We rode along Colston road at a fast pace and up the cycle path to Huxham’s Cross. Everyone like the idea of a café stop so we continued down the path to Dartington and enjoyed very tasty but rather expensive food in the Venus café. Will entertained us all by piling all his cream and jam onto one scone and then trying to eat it.

Everyone was quite fast enough today to continue to Totnes and return via Littlehempston, but John needed to get back early so we rode back up the hill and down to Staverton. Michael got a nasty puncture along the way that ripped his tyre canvas, so he hobbled along the riverside path. A rather unfriendly gentleman tried to tell us off for pushing our bikes along a footpath, but another lady nearby put him in his place by telling him we were quite within our rights, so he kept quiet after that.

Michael changed his inner tube in the park while the others played on the park equipment, then we headed home past Abham. George was keen to point out the dangers of “Death Hill”, aka Caddaford Hill, which had caused him to take a tumble on his very first ride with the club.

We got back for 1.45 and enjoyed a Modern Warfare 3 and trampoline social after the ride until 3.30.
Friday 8 March 2013
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, Will Rogers
The evening was divided between Modern Warfare 3, Halo and a music quiz. The cartoon themes round of the music quiz didn’t work out too well because Cob, who is a cartoon enthusiast, kept getting all the answers.
Sunday 10 March 2013
10:15 - 12:30
Morning ride: Rattery
Cold, snow showers
6 miles (▲ 163m)
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers, Alastair Shapland, Jerome Shapland
We had a good turnout today on morning where the forecast was mainly dry with some showers, but when people started arriving it was definitely cold and wet. Now Michael had a dilemma: Jerome and Alastair wanted to go cycling regardless of the weather, but all the others wanted to stay dry and warm with a badminton social. Jerome said he and Alastair would do a ride through Hembury Woods on their own if we did a social. Well as we debated the matter the rain stopped so it seemed sensible to do a relatively short ride.

We finally set off at 10.50 and rode up Dean Hill, but light rain soon began again, this time with some snowflakes mixed in. By the time we reached the top it was heavier with more snow and very cold so everyone agreed to head home via Pennywell to avoid retracing our outward route.

Now however there was more snow than rain. This was probably the first time any of the youngsters had been cycling in snow, and even though they were cold they were very much enlivened by the fun of it all. Will soon began to suffer, however, as he was only wearing a shirt and fingerless gloves. Lawrence also had problems as he was wearing jeans for some reason, and George had been freezing since halfway up Dean Hill.

We sailed down Pennywell Hill with snow in our eyes looking forward eagerly to a warm fire and hot drinks. Jerome commented that he wouldn’t have opted to cycle if he had known it was going to be so unpleasant, and I think nobody could disagree with that. When we reached Timbers Road, however, he asked for directions to Hembury Woods: apparently they were still going to do their original ride to Hembury despite the atrocious conditions! Ash thought they were crazy and everyone else probably thought the same, but we wished them luck and raced back home to get showered and changed.

Will and Lawrence decided to stay home once they were showered and warm, but everyone else came up for an afternoon of games by the fire, finishing around 3.15. Callum O’Brien also joined us on condition that he cycled up, and George joined Michael and Ash for a car trip to Tesco after the social.

So Michael had done his best to create a ride that would keep both groups reasonably happy, but in the end it was just too big a gap to bridge and neither group was really satisfied. Having said that, the memory of cycling in the snow will remain with everyone for a very long time.
Friday 15 March 2013
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Badminton

7 Participants: Neil Ault, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
The majority liked the idea of badminton tonight, so after some computer games we met Neil at Coombeshead school, Newton Abbot at 8.30 and had some good games with every game involving different combinations of players.
Sunday 17 March 2013
10:15 - 13:20
Morning ride: Holne
Some sunny periods but quite cold (6-7°)
10 miles (▲ 292m)
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
George and Will chose the destination for today’s ride, the café being a major draw in the decision. We took the usual route through Michelcombe to Holne because George didn’t fancy the alternative past Mill Leat.

Ex-member Ryan Havinga was baking a coffee cake in the café today and told us he is doing a catering course at Exeter. Steph Crutchley, another ex-member from Holne, was serving.

After enjoying excellent refreshments we left around 12.40 and returned home via Hembury Woods, giving the tracks a miss as they would probably be muddy today. We got back at 1.20 and after playing a game of Supreme Commander Michael dug out some video clips from the 2006 Switzerland Tour to wind up the afternoon social.
Friday 22 March 2013
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Switzerland Tour Preview

5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Michael showed John the full 2002 Switzerland tour video this evening in anticipation of a possible European summer tour. Meanwhile the youngsters played games on the PC network.
Sunday 24 March 2013
10:15 - 11:30
Morning ride: Buckfast
Bitterly cold (1°) with an east wind
6 miles
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Carl Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Callum was late up today as he had two flat tyres and no pump and couldn't find a proper coat. Lawrence was ill, but we still had a reasonable turnout.

The weather at the start was chilly but dry so we decided to try a ride in the Broadhempston direction. The descent of Crest Hill, however, was enough to convince Michael that the weather was dangerously cold, probably 1 degree with a bitter easterly wind. We diverted along Colston Road but everyone was really suffering with the cold. John agreed with Michael that we shouldn’t be cycling if it wasn’t enjoyable, so we returned home via Austin’s Bridge and Buckfast by 11.30.

We had hot drinks, Supreme Commander and trampoline fun during the after-ride social until 3.40.
Friday 29 March 2013
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Supreme Commander

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Everyone wanted to stay in this evening for a long game of Supreme Commander which involved us taking on two computer-generated enemies. We had great fun and finally beat them by 9pm. We finished off the evening with various other games until the 10pm closing time.
Sunday 31 March 2013
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Easter Special, Broadhempston
Dry with sunny spells, 6-7°
12 miles (▲ 261m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, Will Rogers
We rode to Broadhempston via Green Lane for our Easter Special and today got a surprisingly warm welcome at the community café. On previous occasions we have arrived close to the 12.00 closing time, but today we were a good deal earlier which probably explains the different reception. It’s a shame that Michael was the only member of the group ordering a hot drink: he had a very nice latte while the others bought cold drinks and kinder eggs. Facilities were basic but it was warm and we enjoyed our stay.

Moving across to the park Michael hid some Easter Eggs around the back of the fort area one at a time for the youngsters to find which provided some rewarding fun. After we had played a few games of ball he with the tennis ball we left around 12.30 and returned home via Staverton. Nobody seemed to agree with Will that his school is all bad, which made him a little grumpy by the time we got back, but the youngsters persuaded him to come up for the after-ride social in the end and they spent an enjoyable few hours playing on computer games and the trampoline until 4.20.
Friday 5 April 2013
10:00 - 23:00
Tour: Bath and Somerset
Day 1 Home to Bath YH
Sunny periods but cold
21 miles (▲ 250m ▼ 140m)
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Ash, Callum O’B and Michael set off from Buckfastleigh at 9.30, parked outside Neil’s house in Newton Abbot and rode the short distance to the station for about 10.05. The Rodgers family arrived while Michael was buying a new Family & Friends Railcard, and when Lawrence arrived with his Mum we had our photo taken on the station platform. The train arrived on time, loading the six bikes was easy and we left on time at 10.32.

It was a sunny but cold morning when we arrived at Bristol Temple Meads just before 12.00. We found our way over the bridge to the start of the Bristol & Bath Railway Path, although several new buildings had popped up since we were last there. Everyone had a packed lunch, so after taking some photos and videos we set off along the railway path without delay, passing through the “dodgy area” of Fishponds – we warned Callum O’B not to shout things at the locals!

Further along, a couple of boys had set up a table by the side of the path and were trying to sell ice creams and drinks in aid of a charity - two drinks for 50p! Our lot thought they were “chavs” and were lying about the charity collection, which Michael thought was a bit mean as they were very friendly and clearly not at all dishonest. Sadly they didn’t really have anything we wanted so we didn’t buy anything, but they were actually doing a great job there and Michael told them so.

We stopped for lunch at Old Mangotsfield Station, where we had lunch on our last visit. It was sheltered from the wind in there and so actually quite sunny and warm, and there was plenty of space for rocket and frisbee fun.

Next stop was Bitton station and café. Michael had found there was a better café just down the road, at Willsbridge Mill, but after riding there we discovered it was only open at weekends. The large “Welcome” sign on the door seemed rather inappropriate. So we returned to the Station buffet, located in a disused train carriage, which was actually very nice and offered a good range of cakes and ice-creams.

The path continued all the way to Bath. Michael was using the SatNav, but of course it didn’t know the cycle routes which led to a little confusion, but we got to the famous Pulteney Bridge soon after 4pm and of course everyone was impressed with the bridge, river and weir. Michael had originally planned to visit the Roman Baths next, as he knew they closed at 5pm, but Lawrence and Callum O’B had made it clear they didn’t want to go in there for £7, so Michael decided to go up the hill to see the Circus and Royal Crescent first, since everyone wanted to see those. He also reckoned that if we went to the Baths first we might never get to the other places.

Well we saw the Circus, with Gay Street leading off it, and the famous Royal Crescent, then returned to Sally Lunn’s café with a view to checking that out. But everyone saw the Bath Sweet Shop and loved it so much that we went in there for a while. By the time we got to the Roman Baths entrance it was just 5.00: the doors were closed and the bloke at the entrance wouldn’t entertain any idea of us going in, even for just a few minutes. It looked like we would be coming back here again tomorrow morning.

We went to Tesco Express and Sainsburys Local. Then George and Will wanted to visit a Subway for their main meal. Michael and Ash would have preferred Pizza Hut, but John felt that would cost him too much money for the three in his family. In the end Ash and Michael couldn’t find anything else they both wanted, so everyone ended up getting food from Subway. At least it was fairly inexpensive. We carried them halfway up Bathwick Hill towards the hostel and ate them on a little grassy side track that offered nice views in a sheltered, sunny location.

We arrived at Bath Youth Hostel at around 6.30. After the usual showers, some needed some advice on making their beds as they seemed a little confused. When Michael and Ash had eaten their desserts (yoghurts and fruit pies), we played some games of Bomberman as darkness fell and then headed out to the extensive grounds for our customary game of Manhunt.

Michael had a good spot way down in the woods near the driveway, but it was taking people too long to find him so he moved to a bush nearer the hostel. George joined him there for a while, then ran out to give himself up and brought the searchers back to get Michael. Except Michael had gone, which left him rather frustrated – he had thought that would be an easy catch! A few minutes later, Michael went back to hide in the same bush, and poor George walked past it several times and didn’t think to check there again. Callum O’Brien eventually found him.

Back in the dorm we watched some Pink Panther videos on the laptop while people were getting ready for bed – there were seven of us in a ten-bed room so we had plenty of space. We put out the lights around 10.55.
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Events Index Gallery Participants