South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 22 April 2012
10:15 - 13:20
Morning ride: Broadhempston
Sunny start, then showers
11 miles (▲ 273m)
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
It was good to see Lawrence and Jack on the ride again today. While Lawrence was eating his usual toast and marmalade he revealed his middle name was Michael – an excellent name by any standards.

The forecast was for a mixture of sunshine and showers, but it was sunny all the way up Green Lane to Broadhempston where we played in the park. Michael was only planning to stay there ten minutes before moving on, but when John went to check out the village shop and returned fifteen minutes later with two takeaway coffees it was clear that we wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. So Michael enjoyed his first ever cappuccino while taking some photos of the youngsters playing happily on the park equipment. Then Ash wanted to check out the shop too, so we all went in there and finally left at 12.00 after a very enjoyable 45-minute break.

Michael’s original plans of skirting around to the back of Landscove for a café stop were now dropped in favour of the shorted route past Ron Greet’s tractor yard. When we got to the start of Beaston track there were some dark clouds looming ahead so we made the sensible decision to skip the track and head for home. We only got halfway up the hill to Memory Cross when the heavens opened, so we took shelter in an old barn.

To keep the ride fresh we detoured via Landscove on the way home, but we got a few more showers along the way and were a bit damp when we finally arrived back at 1.20. Everyone did really well on the ride, especially Lawrence. There were the usual games of Modern Warfare 3 after the ride until 2.45.
Friday 27 April 2012
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Staverton
11 miles (▲ 189m)
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
It was good to see Lawrence joining our evening ride today. We started out along Colston Road, but George had a pain in his back for some reason. When we got to the Steiner school and started the climb up the cycle path he really couldn’t cope, so John took him home.

The rest of us continued down to the riverside path at Staverton. Unfortunately we couldn’t cross the stones to the island because the river level was too high, so we went into the park and spent a little time on the equipment before heading home at a good speed. We took the usual route via Abham, then as we descended the hill past Caddaford a number of bats got perilously close to us in the semi darkness.

We got home for around 9.30 to find John and Will waiting with several packages of fish and chips from their shop in the town. They were shared out in the kitchen amongst a number of very grateful youngsters – thanks John for the nice surprise. There was time for a few games of Modern Warfare 3 before everyone left at 10.05.
Sunday 29 April 2012
10:15 - 14:10
Morning ride: Converted to Social
Wet and windy
7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
It had been very wet and windy overnight and the bad weather was forecast to continue until late afternoon, so we had no choice but to convert the ride to a social today.

We played MW3 together in the PC room for the first hour, then everyone was keen to play badminton, so Michael booked a court at Ashmoor and we played there for an hour from 11.30. We had some good games, and the Rogers family did well even though they had never really played the game before.

We got back at 12.55 and played games and Ash’s electronic drum kit until 2.10.
Friday 4 May 2012
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
Gloomy, cold & slightly damp
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
On a cold, damp and gloomy evening we rode to the top of Hembury hill and through the shortcut path to the fort where everyone had a lot of fun. Ash was very good with the youngsters and John couldn’t resist taking a photo.

John went back down the road but the rest of us rode the Slalom track down through the woods – George and Will went cautiously but made it to the end with no problem. We got home by 9pm, glad to get indoors and out of the cold. We played some games of Modern Warfare 3 until 10pm.
Sunday 6 May 2012
10:15 - 13:25
Morning ride: Holne
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
George arrived early this morning so he could play on the trampoline, then Lawrence joined in so we didn’t get away until 10.35. We headed for Venford at Jack’s suggestion, but Will and George were slower than usual up Hawson hill, probably because Will had done a long ride with John yesterday to Princetown and Dartmeet. It was 11.50 when we finally arrived at Holne Park so we gave up on Venford and Michael offered either park or café (with no hot food). Well the youngsters wanted both, so they got both.

We had much fun with Ash’s tennis ball, Michael’s Frisbee and the swings. George also went on the big tyre swing at the far end of the park, pushed by Michael. Unfortunately as we were leaving, Lawrence scooped up some water in the Frisbee and aimed it in Will’s Direction. This was apparently in response to Will splashing Lawrence and some other people earlier in the park, but it still took some time to resolve the ensuing disagreement.

We enjoyed drinks and cakes in the café. Ash’s cake seemed half the size of everyone else’s cake so he asked the volunteer serving behind the counter and she kindly agreed to upgrade him.

Will went home with John but George came with the rest of us through Hembury Woods. Today he rode the easier downhill track with Michael, meeting Lawrence at the bottom of the Slalom track so we could all do the final section together. After also riding the section on the other side of the road we got home for around 1.25. Jack and Ash played Halo while the rest of us played Modern Warfare 3.
Friday 11 May 2012
19:00 - 21:28
Evening ride: Skerraton Down
Sunny, 13°
7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
It was a superb sunny evening, but as we rode up the hill past Nurston the sun was always just behind the hill. We felt sure we’d catch it on Skerraton Down, but we got there just as the sun set behind the horizon. At least it gave us a good sunset photo.

It was a bit chilly up on the moor but everyone seemed to enjoy the ride, including Will and George, although perhaps John was not quite so enthusiastic about all the off-road riding. It was dark at 9.15 as we reached the road at Cross Furzes, so in fact we did need the lights that Michael said we wouldn’t need. We got home for 9.28 after the long and chilly descent of Wallaford Road, and finished the evening with hot drinks and some games of Modern Warfare 3 on the PCs.
Sunday 13 May 2012
10:15 - 13:20
Morning ride: Diptford
Sunny, 16°
15 miles (▲ 368m)
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, George Rogers
Will and John were recovering from a 50-mile Dartmoor ride yesterday but George still joined us and rode really well today.

We rode up Dean hill and through South Brent without stopping. We then rode along the Cobbly Walk track in Avonwick and crossed the main road to the Diptford road. We stopped beside the river Avon at a spot Michael knew, but the river was too high to have very much fun on the rocks.

Further along the road we stopped at a disused bridge for a chocolate stop: it was a real sun trap so we didn’t really want to leave.

We continued on up the hill to Diptford village then returned via the viaduct and Rattery, admiring the many alpacas that resided in the fields on the left past the viaduct. We got home for 1.20 and played on Modern Warfare 2 and the trampoline until 2.30.
Friday 18 May 2012
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Converted to Social

3 Participants: Neil Ault, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
Ash was unwell this evening and Callum O'B didn't really want to do a ride if Ash had to stay home, so we organised a social this evening. Neil joined us and we played several games of Modern Warfare 3 which was great fun for everyone.
Sunday 20 May 2012
10:15 - 12:15
Morning ride: Chuley Cross and Olympic Flame
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Ash was still recovering from a virus he picked up on Friday. He was really suffering by the time we got to Ashburton, but after a rest he decided to continue. Chuley Hill drained him again so from the top we headed back to Five Lanes.

Michael had planned to go via Green Lane but Ash and Callum really wanted to ride the rough track down to Dart Bridge. Michael advised against it but allowed John to make the final decision as he really doesn’t like off-road much. After some deliberation he decided to give it a go, but this did turn out to be a mistake as it was really muddy: Ash and Callum thoroughly enjoyed it but the rest of us just coped as well as we could.

We returned home via Austin’s Bridge for 12.15, played some games and then set out by car at 1.50 for our very special trip to Totnes. We parked on Barrack’s Hill at 2.03 and walked down to the Totnes bypass just as the advance runners were passing through. Next came the Coca Cola advance party, then Lloyds and finally the Olympic Torch itself with its runners and coaches. It made a great sight and was well worth the effort of a trip to Totnes. We got home for 2.37.
Friday 25 May 2012
19:00 - 21:40
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We rode to Hembury Woods and then John and Will went up the main hill while the rest of us took the lower track along the Holy Brook. Callum climbed the usual tree halfway along, then we met the others at Humphreys Cross.

We continued to River Dart Country Park, walking down to the lake for some fun in the semi-darkness, then returned along the old Ashburton road, getting back for around 9.40.
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Events Index Gallery Participants