South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 6 November 2011
10:15 - 14:17
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Sunny but slightly chilly (10°)
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Only Jack and Callum joined us for the ride today. It was Lawrence’s birthday and we were disappointed not to be able to celebrate it with him.

We followed the original plan of riding to South Brent, and amazingly Callum was actually very fast – he loved the ride and didn’t complain once all day! We called in to the Co-op at South Brent, bought some Belgian buns and cookies and then decided to take the moderate off-road ride to the Avon Dam rather than my proposed extreme off-road route to Ugborough Beacon.

Autumn leaves adorned the route from Gidley Bridge to Shipley Bridge – Callum did so well he was actually leading at one point. There were, predictably, lots of people at Shipley, and as we rode up the path to the reservoir Callum revealed that he had never been here before.

We ate our food by the reservoir and spent a little time walking along the dam for some photographs. Eventually we set off across the moor for home at around 1.20: it turned out to be quite muddy and boggy in places, but there were fabulous views across South Devon from the top of the Abbots Way.

Once we had negotiated the muddy bits near Water Oak Corner everyone enjoyed the final downhill moorland track to Cross Furzes. After a few more photos by the clapper bridge we returned via Wallaford Road for around 2.17. Congratulations to Callum on his best ride for ages.
Friday 11 November 2011
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Badminton

7 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
After some games and chat at home we set off at around 8.10 in the car for our booked badminton courts at Paignton, calling in at Morrisons Paignton on the way to buy some discounted snacks. We had two courts booked for the rather steep price of £16, and after moving some towels off one of the courts that were designed to catch the rain that had been leaking through the roof we ended up playing on two adjacent courts.

We all had some excellent games: Michael, Julian and Ash played three 2v1 games with varying results. Everyone had a lot of fun, and Callum O'B demonstrated that he is actually quite good at the game.

It was 10pm when we finally left, leading to a late return to Buckfastleigh at 10.30.
Sunday 13 November 2011
10:15 - 15:20
Day ride: Fermoy's Garden Centre
Cloudy with sunny periods
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Zac rang at 9.50 to say he had a puncture but his Mum would take him to get two new tubes from Big Peaks and he would therefore be a little late. He got here by 10.25 but took another half an hour to change the tube, so it was 11am when we finally got away on our planned route to Fermoy’s Garden Centre.

We took the usual route past Caddaford and through Staverton. Near Ambrook we came across a farmer who was struggling to get his Land Roved out of a field. Things were harder for him because he had a trailer attached that contained six bullocks. Ash decided we should stop and help him, so most of us spent some time heaving away while the farmer sat at the wheel. Jack stood back and watched, saying it was the Farmer’s problem, not his! It took a lot of effort and a great many attempts, but just when Michael was about to pull out our troops we managed to get it out.

We arrived at Fermoy’s at 12.40. Lawrence had the small roast at Michael’s suggestion but then moaned constantly that he needed the full roast despite his small size! When he had polished off the small roast he attempted to prove his point by going up again for £2 of chips! Unfortunately he ended up proving himself wrong: even though he shared them out he still couldn’t manage the few he kept back for himself. Most other people had pasties, although Ash, in contrast to Lawrence, couldn’t manage all of his.

The pet store had changed in that the furry animals and birds had now moved down with the rest of the pets. We headed back around 1.50 or so, following the usual route through Denbury and Broadhempston. Callum F was still looking around for some off-road. He had declined the woodland tracks at Orley Common on the way out, but now he was organising a group who wanted to ride Beaston! Lawrence was getting tired, the majority wanted to get home and the track would have been very muddy today, so Michael had to overrule on this occasion. He did promise a Dartmoor off-road ride next week however if the weather was suitable, and that seemed to satisfy everyone.
Friday 18 November 2011
19:00 - 22:20
Social: Cinema Trip, In Time

5 Participants: Neil Ault, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Everyone liked the idea of a cinema trip tonight so we headed to Plymouth by car for the 7.50 showing of the movie In Time, meeting Neil at the cinema. The whole place was heaving with visitors and it took Michael some time to find a parking space.

The film turned out to be very entertaining even if the underlying concept was a bit ridiculous.
Sunday 20 November 2011
10:15 - 15:52
Day ride: Dartmeet
Cloudy start, sunny later
7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
We had a good turnout, but somehow Jack got the false impression at the start that nobody wanted to help him adjust his disc brakes so he went home. He wasn’t waiting for us in the car park and we didn’t see him anywhere on the way past his house, so we had no choice but to continue with the ride.

We rode up to Scoriton where our friendly dog Ben was out again, then took the lane to Michelcombe and up to Holne. Kevin Presland and the Torbay group came up behind us at the seat junction above Holne just at the point in the ride when Michael was feeling really drained from his recent virus and was wondering whether he would be able to do the full ride to Dartmeet. Callum O’B was also feeling tired so we all rode up to Venford at various speeds, chatting along the way By the time we reached the top Kevin’s group had gone on and the rest of us were feeling somewhat better, so we decided to press on to Badgers’ Holt despite Ash’s kind advice that Michael shouldn’t push himself onwards if he was feeling unwell.

We took the track from Combestone Tor to the stepping stones: it was quite muddy in places, and there was a lot of mud in the narrow gateway near the bottom of the final field – so muddy in fact that Ash got stuck in it!

The river was fairly high today so two of the stepping stones only had small dry areas and the water was quite deep around all of them. As we did our best to carry the bikes across the river Jerry thought the whole situation was crazily fun and adventurous, so he insisted on some photos for the website.

We reached the Badgers’ Holt café at 1.12. Most people wanted to stop there, so we went inside for a very enjoyable break. Ash had chocolate cake and a hot chocolate, Michael had coffee cake and a hot chocolate, but both of them felt the drinks were tasty but too small – yes they were in mugs, but they were the smallest mugs they had ever seen! Zac had a burger with loads of mustard. He also had a black and white cat on his lap that drooled onto him, although he didn’t notice the drooling!

As we were leaving the café at 1.45 some were filling their water bottles, so Michael sent Callum O’B on ahead up Dartmeet Hill on Callum F’s bike, accompanied by Ash, with clear instructions for Ash to keep him moving until he got to the top. He was making excellent progress, but as soon as the rest of us got near Callum F shouted to Callum O’B to stop, then swapped bikes back again! Callum O’B then pushed his bike – slowly – to the top, and we ended up waiting fifteen minutes for him. Thanks Callum F!

Next we rode the famous Dr Blackall’s drive in what was now a quite sunny and pleasant afternoon. Zac almost skipped the final downhill part of the track saying he had had enough of off-road for one day, but in the end we all did it and enjoyed it as always.

Callum O’B was slow again up to Gallant le Bower, so Michael sent the three on that wanted to ride Hembury Woods track and we met them at the car park near the bottom of the woods. We passed Jerry’s grandparents at Coronation Seat and got home by 3.25 for an hour of computer games.
Friday 25 November 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Video Evening, Surrogates

6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien
Most in the group had not seen tonight's movie, Surrogates, before, and it proved a very popular choice with everyone except Ash, who said he had seen it multiple times before. Everyone left at 10 after a short game of Modern Warfare 2.
Sunday 27 November 2011
10:15 - 13:40
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny, 11°
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien
Lawrence was out on his brand new Trek 3700 disc bike today, and he was clearly very pleased with it. Michael had decided to lead the ride by car today as he was still not feeling up to cycling after his recent virus. Michael suggested Diptford as a good destination today but Ash managed to persuade everyone to vote for the shorter ride to Chalk Ford and that is what we ended up doing.

Lawrence rode well up Wallaford Road on his new bike. At Cross Furzes Ash, Callum F and Callum O’B wanted to ride the track to Chalk Ford, so the rest of us rode down to Scoriton where we had to wait 25 minutes for them to emerge from the track. They were all muddy and wet but had clearly enjoyed the ride.

We went on to Michelcombe and met ex-member Ricky Dixon digging a hole by the side of the road to lay a pipe. We had a nice chat with him – he is now working for the Department for International Development.

At Holne everyone liked the idea of a café stop, and Lawrence and Callum O’B ordered their usual meal of scrambled egg on toast. The elderly American chap who was serving half remembered some of our names from the last time we saw him.

We left there at around 12.55 and all but Zac rode the slalom track through Hembury Woods. We met Jack near the top, out for a ride on his own, then got home for around 1.40. Ash uncovered the trampoline with a little help from the two Callums, and once they had put the safety net back on they were able to enjoy some quality time on the trampoline in the afternoon sun. Zac, Lawrence and Michael played some games of Call of Duty 4 which Zac won clearly by killing Lawrence a lot! Everyone left at 3.30.
Friday 2 December 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Movie Quiz

4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
We tried a new kind of quiz tonight – a movie quiz. Michael showed a carefully-chosen still frame from a top-300 movie, then if nobody recognised it he would run the clip forward until somebody worked out what it was. Jerry won by a small margin with Ash a close second. We concluded the evening with another music quiz which everyone thoroughly enjoyed as usual.
Sunday 4 December 2011
10:15 - 12:55
Morning ride: Belford Mill
Cloudy, 10°, rain by afternoon
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
All our regular riders were out today except Callum F who was in Gloucester. Lawrence got Michael to make him a toast and marmalade breakfast, then everyone took a look at Callum O’Brien’s new bike, which turned out to be exactly the same model and colour as Lawrence’s Trek.

Michael was around 80% fit now after his recent cough, so he was back to cycling today. Zac suggested Ashburton and everyone seemed happy with that so we followed our usual route along the old Ashburton road and then took the old railway track to the park where some played for a short time and others stayed outside in the hope that the rest would then finish quicker.

The woodland track back from Belford Mill was a bit muddy today. Halfway along the track we found a rope overhanging the river which provided much entertainment. Callum plucked up courage to have a go after watching the others and had no problems, but Lawrence needed some help to return to the bank when he took his turn.

Leaving the woods we noticed a pair of dirty shorts hanging from a bramble by the gate and wondered how they got there. We then returned past South Dartmoor School and along the old railway line, reaching Buckfastleigh by 12.55. Lawrence did will today, and Callum’s new bike made a huge difference to his performance.
Friday 9 December 2011
19:00 - 22:10
Social: Games and Superstore

7 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The youngsters spent the first couple of hours playing computer games, then we went to Tesco at Lee Mill for some snack shopping.
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Events Index Gallery Participants