South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 321 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 15 May 2011
10:15 - 12:32
Morning ride: Skerraton Down
Sunny, 14°C
5 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
With GCSE exams looming for some we went ahead with Michael’s plan of a shorter ride to Skerraton Down on a lovely sunny morning. We rode up the hill past Nurston and then took the bridleway up to the moor. There were bluebells everywhere today and the views from the top were outstanding – Connor in particular enjoyed this ride immensely.

The moorland downhill to Cross Furzes was great fun but the youngsters couldn’t resist stopping part-way down to climb an interesting old tree. We got back to Crofters by 12.32 and the after-ride social continued until 2pm.
Friday 20 May 2011
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: River Dart Country Park
6 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Our ride started out along the old Ashburton road, taking us quickly to the play park at Ashburton. We explored some of the lanes behind Ashburton, then headed to River Dart Country Park and up the steep path to Gallant Le Bower. We returned home via Hembury by around 9.15.

This was the first evening this season that we didn’t need lights.
Sunday 22 May 2011
13:00 - 17:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): Cockwood
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Today we started later than usual, at 12.00, as we were planning to join the Devon DA 80th birthday celebrations at Cockwood village hall near Starcross, which we decided was a bit too far to cycle. When the bikes had been loaded into the car we set off around 1.15, and after being delayed by accidents on the A38 we finally parked the car at Ashcombe Village Hall at around 2.20.

It was a fabulous sunny day, although perhaps a bit on the breezy side. We took the lanes to Dawlish and then rode the path along the sea wall to Dawlish Warren – spectacular today in the sunshine. From there it was just a short ride around to Cockwood where we arrived at 3.15.

The hall was really small for the number of people, and as there we no chairs free we had to stand up for the whole time we were there. We paid our £4 each and received two below-average scones with plenty of cream but little jam, a square slice of anniversary cake with semi-liquid icing that had been made by two members and decorated intricately with the CTC logo, and a drink of squash. Some of our members didn’t get on with the food at all, but at least it was nice to be part of the club’s celebrations.

Kevin Presland was there and had a chat with some of our lads who knew his son from South Dartmoor School. He then wanted to ride back to Ashcombe with us, so we left around 4.10 and chatted happily all the way to the car. All in all we had a good day and got home by 5.45.
Friday 27 May 2011
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Lud Gate
Sunny but cold
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott
We rode up to Cross Furzes on a lovely sunny evening with a great turnout, and then on to Lud Gate. Ash somehow managed to burst his tube on the moor, and as he didn’t have a spare tube and had two holes the repair took around 15 minutes. This allowed everyone the time to get to know some friendly horses that were watching us from a nearby field.

By the time the tube was repaired the sun was low and it was getting cold – Michael’s fingers were freezing after repairing the tube. Most of the youngsters wanted to go back the way we had come as they were cold and wanted to be sure of enough game time! Ash, however, was determined not to miss out on the downhill to Chalk Ford so he pressed on at high speed and the rest of us went back home via Cross Furzes. Ash was pleased with himself when he arrived just 6 minutes after us, at 9.04.
Sunday 29 May 2011
10:15 - 12:50
Morning ride: Staverton
Cloudy with light drizzle
4 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
The weather may not have been perfect today but there was a very nice atmosphere on the ride – Callum O’B was full of enthusiasm and rode excellently. We started out along Colston Road, stopping briefly to chat with Michael’s relatives at Colston, then took the cycle path to Huxham’s Cross and the road to Staverton Bridge and the riverside path. We then took the woodland path past the imaginary swamp-piranhas and spent an enjoyable time in the park playing Frisbee, rocket and the swings as well as eating chocolate.

We returned home along the usual route past Abham and Caddaford, hitting each other if we saw a double digit registration plate on a passing car. We finally arrived home at around 12.50.
Friday 3 June 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
Hot and sunny
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Adam Wyeth
This was a fabulously hot summer evening, so it wasn’t surprising that everyone liked the idea of going to Spitchwick for a swim or that several had brought towels in anticipation. Unfortunately Callum O’B was being very slow up the hill today – he said he had sore eyes – so we changed the ride to include the inner track through Hembury Woods and a swim in the river there instead.

This turned out to be a good choice as we had a full half an hour to spend in the water. Everyone except Jack, Callum O’B and Michael went in by a little waterfall that provided a great deal of entertainment for bathers and watchers alike.

When we got back to Crofters at 9.30 Michael had to spend ages cooking noodles as everyone seemed to be strangely hungry!
Sunday 5 June 2011
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Cancelled
Light rain
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
With Callum O’B away on a family camp, Zac working and Callum F and Connor off with Ash’s Mum again we decided to cancel the ride so that Ash could focus on GCSE revision.
Friday 10 June 2011
19:00 - 21:10
Evening ride: Belford Mill
Dry but cool
8 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Adam Wyeth
Our ride this evening took us along the old road to Ashburton, along the path past the park, up to Belford Mill and down the woodland track to Ashburton again. Jerry had never been on this track before, and as it was not too muddy today he enjoyed it a lot.

We returned home via Druid and the old Ashburton road for around 9.10.
Sunday 12 June 2011
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: Converted to Social
Heavy rain all day
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Adam Wyeth
It rained heavily all day today – the first real rain we have had for ages, and just in the nick of time as apparently the South West region is on the verge of a drought.

We organised a games social at Crofters finishing at 2pm.
Friday 17 June 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Converted to Social
6 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Adam Wyeth
The rain was supposed to stop between 6.30 and 7.30, but it didn’t so we ended up playing games at Crofters all evening.
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Events Index Gallery Participants