South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 62 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 1 April 1990
Afternoon ride: Fishacre Barton
41 Participants: Neil Ault, Joseph Bosence (10, Devon), Erica Brown, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess (9, Buckfastleigh), Sam Chew (10, Buckfastleigh), Ashley Cullen (17, Devon), Julian Duquemin, Michael Giles, Tom Giles, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Luke Hatherly, Roxanne Hobday, Toby Hopper, Jackie Hunt, Jeremy Hunt, Jessica Hunt, Joanna Hunt, Martin Hunt, Matthew Jago, Matthew Jeffery, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Warren Masters, Ben Mitchell, Mark Moxham, Philip Roberts, Andrew Simmons, Alan Skinner, Charles Staniland, Erin Staniland, Gary Taylor, Gavin Taylor, Maureen Taylor (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Eliot Thomas-Wright, Debbie Twydell, Ken Twydell, David Walshe (14, Buckfastleigh)
The weather today was perfect in every respect. Maureen found it a bit too hard on Weston Hill so she headed home while the rest of us continued along the riverside track to Staverton.

After a twenty minute wait at the destination / pick-up point in which Michael gave out lots of newsletters, everyone had arrived - including the kiddy-back club in the form of the Twydells and the Hunts. We continued on a meandering route through Ipplepen and Torbryan, then back to Broadhempston. There was so much to see today: flowers in bloom, horses, people mowing their lawns, trees coming out in leaf - beauty everywhere. Matthew Jago and Philip looked after the younger members very well.

The various groups made their separate ways home from Broadhempston. The last hill almost killed some of the new arrivals, and even Matthew H-W who had been suffering from knee pain all day, but they all made it and we very muchhope they will be able to join us again. There were refreshments at Crofters for those who could manage to climb Wallaford Road.

This ride was just pure magic. Nothing went wrong and everyone had a very happy time.
Wednesday 4 April 1990
Evening ride (Paignton): Red Post
Sunny / cold
6 Participants: Dave Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Lee Jelfs, Stephen Larkin, Martin Luke, Philip Roberts
All present seemed happy with an energetic ride (including Lee and Martin who had ridden out from Newton Abbot), so Dave drove us at a fast pace through to Ipplepen. Sadly the cafe was closed, so we continued with an excursion which encompassed Red Post, Broadhempston and Ipplepen before returning to Marldon with a total of 17 miles on the clock.
Friday 6 April 1990
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Spitchwick
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Simon Barnes, Erica Brown, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Philip Harler, Martin Hills, Catherine Hopper, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Chris Platt, David Platt, Alan Skinner, Gwenda Spry (Adult, Ashburton)
The first Buckfastleigh evening ride of the new season got off to a shaky start when Michael's Romany (ridden by Neil) became unridable near Buckfast. Closer inspection revealed that the bottom bracket had seized (lack of maintenance I'm afraid) and Neil's own cycle had to be brought out before he could continue the ride.

Gwenda found Hembury Hill a bit tiring and decided to head for home at Holne Chase. The rest of us continued to Spitchwick (where Matthew and Paul had a "scrap") before riding home via Ashburton.
Sunday 8 April 1990
Day ride: Burrator Reservoir
Sun / wind
46 miles (▲ 1090m ▼ 1090m)
17 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Chris Guy (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Philip Harler, Luke Hatherly, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Warren Masters, Mark Moxham, Andrew Simmons, Alan Skinner, John Stuart, Martyn Williams
This energetic grade 3 ride attracted a good turnout, including Alan Skinner and Phillip Harler who coped very well with the fast pace despite their tender years.

An unusually friendly tailwind blew us along the A38 from Avonwick to Ivybridge, from where we took the cross-country route to Cornwood. There was just time for an ice-cream-and-photo stop before we were forced to continue to the reservoir via Cadover Bridge. It was the last hill that really wore us out: we were now riding into the wind, and suddenly it didn't seem quite so friendly.

We had arranged to meet the two Rushworths by the reservoir. During the approach we had spotted the police helicopter circling high above, so we guessed that Martin must be somewhere nearby! In the event they failed to find us, so after enjoying a well-deserved lunch on the reservoir's eastern bank we continued along the rocky track to Princetown. The track involved a fair amount of climbing, but the younger riders were often with the leaders. Poor Martin Hills was last, because he had cut himself at the start of the track and was now nursing a wounded knee.

This was the day of the Dartmoor Prison riot, so there was plenty of action at Princetown. While we were enjoying refreshments at the Foxtor cafe (ruined only by Warren and Andrew Simmons who upset the proprietor with their bad behaviour) the authorities took possession of parts of the affected wing of the jail: the large white banner we had seen as we arrived had been removed by the time we left the cafe to look at the numerous satellite dishes and tv cameras that surrounded the scene.

We finally arrived home at about 7.30, having taken the usual scenic route through Hexworthy and Holne. The ride had been tiring, but everyone enjoyed it.
Wednesday 11 April 1990
Evening ride (Paignton): Haccombe
4 Participants: Dave Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Martin Luke, Philip Roberts
Haccombe and Coffinswell were the destinations on this delightful evening. Dave fell off his bike at Aller petrol station, and later was repeatedly aware of something being in front of him. Closer examination revealed that it was a bat - was this some form of omen? We got home at about 10pm after covering nearly 20 miles.
Friday 13 April 1990
Tour (Senior): Mid Wales
Day 1 Devon to Bryn Poeth Uchaf
Rain, hail and snow
4 Participants: Hazel Brown, Jeremy Ford, Richard Hopper, Andrew Simmons
'Croeso i Gymru' the greeting ran, as we crossed the Severn Bridge into Wales in the car. The rain greeted us as well, which wasn't that surprising, and this was followed by hail. All we needed now was snow, and on the Brecons there it was. We parked in Brecon and headed out in a stiff oncoming breeze sharing our route with a fairly elderly rough-stuffer from Birmingham. Apparently it was the Rough Stuff Federation's AGM in Brecon that weekend, and he was getting in an early ride with his brother before the serious business started.

After Upper Chapel we came across a 'Road Closed Ahead' sign. The nearby farmer said it was a firing range, but we should be OK - if flags weren't flying. Half a mile up the road and the flag was flying, but no sentry in sight. Andrew was all for going on, holding a small branch over his head for camouflage, but in the end we opted for safety via a longer route. This took us through another firing range, but the signs simply warned us to keep on the road. After the final short but horrendous climb we arrived at Bryn Poeth Uchaf to find a mix-up over the booking, but they coped with this by giving us the family room. To Jeremy's joy there was a shower, but his face fell when he found it wasn't working. The common room fire is notorious for smoking badly, so we were glad to have our own room to retreat to.
Friday 13 April 1990
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Beaston
14 Participants: Neil Ault, Jeremy Ford, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Catherine Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Andrew Makepiece, Chris Platt, David Platt
There were a few mechanical adjustments at the top of Green Lane, but we were soon speeding down the track towards Caddaford - Martin reckoned several members wanted a pile-up. The next track was the one at Beaston. Fortunately the large muddy lakes had largely dried up, so it was possible to get through with nothing worse than slightly clogged mudguards. Dayle and Martin's coats were filthy, but they reckoned that was what tracks were all about!

Michael got a shock while descending the hill to Baddaford farm in the semi-darkness: a fox jumped out of a hedge and shot straight across the lane, missing his front wheel by just a few centimetres. If he'd been riding any faster he would probably have injured both himself and the fox.
Saturday 14 April 1990
Tour (Senior): Mid Wales
Day 2 Bryn Poeth Uchaf to Blaencaron
Dry start, then heavy rain
4 Participants: Hazel Brown, Jeremy Ford, Richard Hopper, Andrew Simmons
The day started brighter, but rapidly deteriorated. A tail wind, fortunately, but plenty of rain and quite cold. We got chilled waiting for Jeremy to mend his puncture at the highest point, then had a three mile descent to make us even colder.

Lunch was taken sheltering under some trees from very heavy rain, then the sky cleared for the beautiful long descent to Tregaron. We had to wait quite a long time for Hazel to appear at the bottom of the hill, and this was because she had taken a tumble onto the grass verge somewhere near the top. Her brakes had been insufficient to cope with the wet, the steep drop and the sharp bend. Both bike and rider were OK, although Hazel nursed a heavy bruise on her leg for the rest of the tour.

We spent an hour in the cafe in Tregaron, drinking tea and steaming gently, before we ambled the three miles out to the hostel at Blaencaron. Jubilant Jeremy: a shower that worked!
Sunday 15 April 1990
Tour (Senior): Mid Wales
Day 3 Blaencaron to Glascwm
Dry but cold & windy
4 Participants: Hazel Brown, Jeremy Ford, Richard Hopper, Andrew Simmons
Cold but dry, and the wind was even stronger. However, today it would be in our favour. Jeremy was our tarmac fanatic, and left us at Pontrhydfendigaid to take the easy route through Cwmystwyth and meet us in Elan Village: at the post Office, we said.

A steady climb took us to the start of the track at Ty'n-y-cwm farm and the very rough track gradually petered out as it climbed steeply to 450m near Llyn Egnant. It was then a matter of sheep-tracking and tussock-jumping to make our way down to Claerwyn Reservoir. After all that bouncing around it was a pleasure to get on to the stony farm track alongside the reservoir. We lunched out of the wind, basking in the sunshine in the lee of a bend in the track. Mind you, after five miles of the track it was even greater comfort to hit tarmac again at the head of the reservoir.

The post office in Elan Village had disappeared since the map was made, so it took a few minutes to find Jeremy. The A470 to Newbridge on Wye had pleasantly little traffic on it, but the last few miles from 100 House to the hostel at Glascwm seemed quite a slog. A fairly typical simple hostel, using an old village school and with the warden living nearby. No shower, to Jeremy's disgust, but delightfully quiet.
Sunday 15 April 1990
Day ride: Easter Special
7 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Philip Roberts, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Bradley Wood, near Newton Abbot, always provides plenty of cycling fun. Today it turned out to be the mystery destination for our Easter Special - although anyone who can read maps could have discovered the destination for themselves from the grid reference.

Those who have ridden the track before may know that the owner of the house at the Chercombe Bridge end is particularly grumpy. He seems to live in constant angry regret that a footpath crosses his car parking area and leaves his premises via a stile to one side of his large, personal gate. The first sign of a cyclist trying to carry a bike through the stile usually makes his blood boil, and if they dare to try to make life easier by opening his large gate he rushes out in a tearing rage and makes them struggle through the stile, voicing various unpleasantries to help them move a little quicker. We approached the area very quietly today - only to discover that he was not at home!
Page 62 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants