South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 58 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 3 November 1989
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Cycle Workshop 1

16 Participants: Philip Beard (12, Kingsteignton), Richard Burge, Anthony Davis, Julian Duquemin, Chris Giles, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Chris Platt, David Platt, Alan Skinner
The first of our series of bicycle workshops covered the basics of cycle maintenance. All those present should now know how to keep their machines safe and in good working order through the long winter ahead. To conclude the evening there was a twenty-minute video on the science of the bicycle, although it was difficult to keep some members off the computers. Many congratulations to Chris Giles on not forgetting his coat this evening!
Saturday 4 November 1989
Weekend ride: Maypool Youth Hostel
Day 1
31 Participants: Hazel Brown, Paul Deslandes, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Briany Humphreys, Dave Humphreys, Joanna Humphreys (Adult, Paignton), Philip Humphreys, Arren Hymas, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Mark Lakeman, Martin Luke, Mark Moxham, David Platt, Unknown Rider 1, Unknown Rider 2, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Mark Williams, Martyn Williams
Richard was left somewhat bemused as the group set off from Totnes Plains: within a few seconds of their departure they changed direction and headed straight for the nearby bus shelter. The reason was a particularly cold and heavy shower, so Richard decided to follow the others.

The route to Maypool via Parliament Hill is quite short, and we managed to stay surprisingly dry as the cold night drew in around us. On such occasions a warm and friendly hostel makes all the effort worthwhile, and there can be fewer hostels more welcoming than Maypool.

Once meals had been consumed Dave and Jenny Rowe, the wardens, provided us with a superb evening of entertainment which included a firework display and plenty of hot food (tomato soup, hot dogs and delicious hot doughnuts) served on the lawn beside the open fires. From this vantage point we could see the lights and fireworks of Dartmouth reflected in the river Dart. For those with different interests there was the games room in the basement - some of our youngsters even missed the fireworks to play on the arcade games there!
Sunday 5 November 1989
Weekend ride: Maypool Youth Hostel
Day 2
31 Participants: Hazel Brown, Paul Deslandes, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Briany Humphreys, Dave Humphreys, Joanna Humphreys, Philip Humphreys, Arren Hymas, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Mark Lakeman, Martin Luke, Mark Moxham, David Platt, Unknown Rider 1, Unknown Rider 2, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Mark Williams, Martyn Williams
It was difficult to get anybody out of bed next morning - the sound of heavy rain beating against the window didn't offer much encouragement. Conditions improved rapidly during breakfast, however, and we were soon thinking positively about a full day ride.

Once Richard's crew had moved the wood we set sail for Paignton sea front, bathed in glorious sunshine. Toby and Luke managed inevitably to get their feet wet whilst playing "chicken" on the beach, and others (too numerous to mention by name) got sand on their gears - they obviously didn't attend our social on cycle maintenance.

Next stop was Torquay harbour area for a well-deserved coffee, but even after these refreshments there was little support for the climb onwards to Babbacombe. We were committed to joining the Marldon afternoon ride at 2.15pm, so with plenty of time on our hands we amused ourselves near the theatre before pressing on to Cockington Park for lunch.

There was plenty of water at Cockington. Access to the (closed) cafe area was partially obstructed by a huge lake of water - no problem for our bikes, but a real turn-off for potential customers. Then there was the chalky duckpond complete with ducks. Next came the series of lakes, all with warnings about blue-green algae, surrounded by a maize of twisty paths (some people actually got lost trying to find Dayle and Co). Finally, there was the rain. We enjoyed lunch in the bowels of a huge fir tree near one of the lakes, which kept us all reasonably dry, entertainment being provided by Martin Luke and Paul Hamlyn-White, who kept taunting each other, and David Platt and friends who attempted to climb the tree.

The weather cleared up as we left the park to climb the long hill to Marldon. We hope our new hostellers (Luke and Marcus Kudliskis, Arren Hymas, Dayle Guy, Martin Luke and David Platt) enjoyed their first taste of hostelling despite the showers.
Sunday 5 November 1989
Afternoon ride: Uphempston
27 Participants: Philip Beard, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Toby Hopper, Arren Hymas, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Paul Lakeman, James Losh, Martin Luke, Richard Pinnegar (12, Torquay), David Platt, Tim Reed (13, Torquay), Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Alan Skinner, Oliver White (14, Poundsgate), Martyn Williams
There was quite a turnout at Marldon today, boosted by the Maypool hostellers who had just lunched at Cockington. In addition to the new riders we were pleased to see Matthew Jago, now almost fully recovered from his recent operation. Philip Roberts turned up in a car at the last minute - he only decided to join the ride when the sun came out, and then there wasn't time to cycle up!

We met up with the Buckfastleigh contingent at the little bridge near Tally Ho. This wasn't the agreed meeting place, so we were fortunate to find each other. Proceeding through Littlehempston to Uphempston we soon found ourselves at the entrance to a track which none of us had ever cycled. Graham Burge had done it in a vehicle once and warned the group that it would probably be quite muddy. This was exactly what the Mountain Bikers wanted to hear, of course, and only Paul HW, Graham Burge and a few others took the road alternative.

When they saw what lay at the other end of the track, they were certain they had made the right decision. A huge lake of muddy water blocked the exit from hedge to hedge. One could not cycle through it without getting wet and muddy feet. The real mud-lovers (and there are plenty of them in our club) rode through it time and time again, back and forth, plastering themselves and all nearby spectators with filthy, juicy mud. When they had finished they thanked Michael for the best track they had ever done with the Section!

The rest of us weren't so sure. Dave Robinson and friends found an escape over a gate and through a field, Michael took his shoes and socks off and then rode through (just once), and Matthew Jago announced that tracks weren't as bad as he had previously thought. In view of the mixed reactions, it seemed sensible to avoid any further tracks that afternoon.

As the sun set and temperatures plummeted, some younger riders began to regret ever getting their feet wet. Martin Hills' puncture didn't help either. Eventually everyone got home to warm baths and good food - a little cold and muddy perhaps, but it had all been worth it.
Sunday 12 November 1989
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
17 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Dayle Guy, Luke Hatherly, Peter Hern, Martin Hills, Simon Hopper, Dave Humphreys, Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Martin Luke, Peter Riggs, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Gary Taylor
Our first Grade Three ride of the month took us rapidly to Bovey Tracey and then onwards towards Sanduck. We must have been in a hurry, because we didn't even stop at the Primrose Cafe!

After a quick lunch, a vote revealed that everyone wanted to press on to Fernworthy even if this meant being late home, so off we went, arriving close to 3pm. Now this was very late of course, and by the time we had enjoyed a few minutes riding around the grassy banks of the reservoir and ridden the few hills back to Widecombe it was dark, cold and 5.35. Would there be a cafe open to save us? Well, the Wayside was shut. But what was this? The Green was open! We had to swallow our pride and accept their hospitality, despite our earlier criticisms.

Several had hot meals, which were quite expensive even with our discounts. There was plenty of food, however, and we spent a good hour thawing out before we finally set off for home. Parents collected the few who couldn't face the ride home.
Friday 17 November 1989
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Map Quiz
14 Participants: Anthony Davis, Julian Duquemin, Chris Giles, Luke Hatherly, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Martin Luke, Alan Skinner, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor
We are grateful to the Taylor household at Paignton for opening their doors to our youngsters for this important social. Hopefully all those who attended learned a little about Ordnance Survey maps that they didn't know before. Rumours were circulating that Michael had eaten a sausage roll during the proceedings (he's vegetarian of course), but no-one actually saw the event.
Sunday 19 November 1989
Day ride: Ten Commandments Stone
14 Participants: Joseph Bellows, Julian Duquemin, Martin Hills, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Luke Kudliskis, Marcus Kudliskis, Martin Luke, Alan Skinner, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
The poor turnout from Paignton had with them Matthew Jago, still cycling after his muddy experiences two weeks earlier. There were no cyclists at the Totnes pick-up but we did see Martin Hunt there, and the ensuing chat made the group late for the Buckfastleigh pick-up.

From there, we took the old A38 towards Ashburton before turning off and climbing seemingly endlessly to the lunch spot. However, the view from the Stone was well worth the long walk - I mean ride.

As we were about to set off, after lunch, it was discovered that young Joseph had bent his derailleur. Michael good-naturedly effected a temporary repair and we continued across the moor where both Ken and Julie (with trailers) came off.

On the Bonehill descent to Widecombe, we met the Torbay Section on their way home and had a quick chat.

After tea at the Wayside cafe we set off for home in the gathering dusk, when it was noted that not everyone had adequate lights. We must point out that everyone must bring working lights on all rides from October to March, and on all evening rides.

As we passed Leusdon Lodge we dropped in to confirm the Christmas Lunch booking and some of us stocked up on sweets.

The darkness and the (by now) constant drizzle took their toll and most of us were glad to get back to Buckfastleigh.
Sunday 26 November 1989
Day ride: Ringmore
Cold / bright
10 Participants: Robert Crabbe (15, South Brent), Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Dave Humphreys, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Simon Paull, Gary Taylor, Stuart Young
The Buckfastleigh contingent were delayed at South Brent when Martin Hills went to rouse his friend Robert from his Sunday morning slumbers. He didn't rest until he had dragged the poor lad all the way down to the Avonwick pick-up. Perhaps it was all worthwhile, as he agreed to join us on future rides.

When Dave and Gary had unloaded their car (!) there was a long wait for Steven and Martin who were riding cautiously in view of the icy conditions. Martin's puncture didn't help either. It was about midday when we finally set off, enjoying the descent to Ermington and then exploring the narrow, hilly and attractive lanes towards Kingston. Lunch was taken near Tor Rock in glorious sunshine.

Continuing past Kingston we came across Martin Rushworth and his family. They had been walking near Ringmore, but didn't really expect to see us. About half the group took the detour to Ringmore, where Steven was unexpectedly waiting for us. He had elected to follow on at his own pace after meeting us at Avonwick.

In view of the excellent weather conditions we decided that we could afford to return along the tidal road to Aveton Gifford. When members had been duly photographed (they had to ride back and forth four times in all) we explored another new road, this time to New Bridge. Michael was particularly frustrated to collect three separate punctures in his Nutrak tyres along the muddy lanes. To make matters worse, he only discovered two during repairs, and had to pump a slow puncture for the rest of the return journey. The Avon Mill cafe provided an oasis of warmth before the speedy route home through Avonwick and Rattery.

The youngest rider today was Simon Paull, who coped very well with the longish ride right up to the very end, when the cold night air began to take its toll.
Friday 1 December 1989
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Highway Code Quiz
12 Participants: Richard Burge, Anthony Davis, Chris Giles, Paul Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Alan Skinner
Computer Games and the issue of various newsletters and tour information packs occupied the first half of the social. By the time the last of the road sign questions had been given it was time for some to go home. Marks were generally quite good, but there was plenty of room for improvement.
Sunday 3 December 1989
Afternoon ride: West Ogwell
19 Participants: Michael Giles, Luke Hatherly, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Dave Humphreys, Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, James Losh, Martin Luke, Ben Mitchell (13, Widecombe-in-the-Moor), Mark Moxham, Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Martin Rushworth, Alan Skinner, Erin Staniland (12, Buckland-in-the-moor), Helena Unknown (Junior, Devon), William Whiteside (13, Widecombe-in-the-Moor), Stuart Young
West Ogwell is easier to reach from Marldon than it is from Buckfastleigh - the steep hill to Chuley Cross is just a sample of the rugged terrain that must be tackled along the way. It was not surprising, therefore, that the Buckfastleigh starters were late, but this was no excuse for a number of impetuous members to ride straight past the pick-up point on arrival! It was almost impossible to miss Dave Humphreys' yellow waterproofs in the nearby glade. Perhaps they were still trying to lose the little dog that had been following us from Waye Farm near Woodland.

The ride continued through Denbury to Broadhempston (much to the annoyance of the Paignton contingent who had just come that way), from where the various groups went their separate ways home. The new riders, all from the Widecombe area, were collected by car after performing admirably on the ride. And Luke Hatherly also called for help when he realised he didn't have any lights.
Page 58 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants