South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 15 July 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Chalk Ford
Warm & sunny
11 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Becky Harber, Michael Jones, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Philip Stone, Gavin Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Michael appeared tonight on his newly-restored Mercian frame, thanks to a little help from Eliot during the week. The ride took us up the hill to Cross Furzes and down the moorland track from Lud Gate to Chalk Ford and Scoriton. It really was a glorious place to be on this particular evening.

We still had plenty of time so we continued the ride around Michelcombe and Holne to the River Dart Country Park, where the youngsters enjoyed sliding down the twisty tubes on sacks for a full ten minutes.
Sunday 17 July 1994
Day ride: Ten Tors
Cloudy start, then hot/sunny
21 Participants: Neil Ault, Daniel Broadbent, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Ashley Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Ken Oakley, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Ricky Robertson (18, Devon), Gavin Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Dave Turrell, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
We’ve been running the same route for our Ten Tors event for several years, so this year we substituted Wind Tor and Yar Tor for Haytor and Rippon Tor. The effect was to space the Tors out more evenly and to make the event even more fun than before.

Saddle Tor, Top Tor and Pil Tor presented no problems, and we were soon enjoying an early lunch on Tor number four - Bonehill Rocks - in glorious sunshine. Alex, the mountain goat, just couldn’t resist climbing through all the nooks and crevices in the rocks.

The next three Tors - Bel Tor, Chinkwell Tor and Honeybag Tor - were very impressive but involved a considerable amount of walking, a concept alien to most of our young cyclists. Rewards came, however, when we descended Bone Hill to Widecombe for refreshments purchased from the local shop.

The new route showed itself when we turned right out of Widecombe for the steep climb of Southcombe Hill. From the top, Wind Tor was just a short ride across a moorland path. It was during the descent to the road that Alex attempted one of his first ever jumps, lost control and had to choose between a rock and a gorse bush. He chose the latter, ending up somewhat scratched and bruised and the subject of much merriment for the rest of the afternoon!

We managed to find some unfamiliar lanes near Shallowford to take us to Yar Tor, overlooking Dartmeet, then there was just Dr Blackall’s Drive and Mel Tor to go. Ashley and Philip Oakley managed to get Budgie and Julian to give them piggy-backs up the final Tor, which offered spectacular views over the Dart valley.

There were a couple of mechanical breakdowns on the return, probably caused by members riding too fast on the rough ground of Dr Blackall’s: first, Julian got a puncture, and then Seb broke a pedal! Seb hobbled through Hembury to Buckfastleigh with the rest of us where he hoped to ring his parents for a lift home. To his annoyance Michael produced a used pedal from his workshop and fitted it in seconds!

Everyone except Dave, Ken, Keir, Charlie and Neil completed all ten Tors and qualify for certificates, which will be awarded at the Christmas Lunch.
Tuesday 19 July 1994
Evening ride (Junior): Spitchwick
Warm & sunny
9 Participants: Michael Jones, Kim Kilty, Ashley Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Charlie Raven (16, Devon), Eliot Thomas-Wright
Our fourth junior evening ride attracted a larger attendance than usual because Michael submitted to the requests of members aged 13-16 to allow them to join in. They must enjoy their club if they’re keen to ride three times a week!

The ride took us to Spitchwick via the Hembury track and Gallant Le Bower. There were very few people around at this time of the day, just a couple of lads from South Dartmoor school jumping off ropes and ledges into the deep river below.

Retracing our steps to Holne Chase we were soon back in the River Dart Country Park. When the tube slides had been sampled at least five times by each member we returned to Hembury along a riverside path that we have never done before in the club.
Friday 22 July 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Marldon
Warm & sunny
15 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Dayle Guy, Becky Harber, Michael Jones, Mark Knowling, Ashley Loder, Roy Loder, Don Malpass, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone
We’d planned to make this a mainly road ride, but we didn’t expect to cover 22 miles! Everyone seemed to be very fit - even Mark, who hasn’t been out with us for a long time! The weather was perfect and we just kept riding into the sunset.

It was nearly dark as we returned to Buckfastleigh, an opportune moment to point out that lights must be brought by everyone on all evening rides.
Friday 29 July 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Avon Dam
Perfect weather
14 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Richard Goss, Dayle Guy, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Gavin Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright
The midges were biting as we rolled into Shipley Bridge on this balmy evening, so we didn’t stop until we reached the dam itself, which was beginning to look on the low side. Dayle once again resisted the temptation to do a “bunny hop” off the dam wall.

Walking across the moor we couldn’t help noticing a group of walkers on the horizon near our marker post. When we eventually reached the spot we discovered that the top half of the post had been broken off and found some items of litter strewn about the ground. Some of the younger members immediately decided who the culprits were, picked up the litter and determined to pass it back to the walkers when we caught up with them. Michael pointed out that we couldn’t be sure it was them, and after further words of restraint they agreed to give them the benefit of the doubt. The walkers did appear somewhat unruly, however.

Disaster struck for poor Philip Stone as we made the final descent towards Cross Furzes: he went over the handlebars after trying to ride at speed along a groove in the path. He ended up with a few cuts and grazes, but was able to ride back to Crofters for surgery (a plaster actually).
Sunday 31 July 1994
Day ride: Thurlstone Dands
Threatening start, rain later
4 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware
In view of the inclement weather we decided on a shorter ride that took us through Wrangaton to Ugborough Beacon, where we attempted to become skilful with a rather poor quality Frisbee that was in fact one of Budgie’s plastic dinner plates!

After lunch we took the exciting track descent to Owley and hoped to be able to enjoy refreshments at South Brent’s Copper Kettle. Unfortunately the cafe was full, so we sped back to Buckfastleigh for Star Trek entertainment as the first raindrops began to fall.
Tuesday 2 August 1994
Evening ride (Junior): Totnes
Occasional drizzle
14 miles
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Phillip Oakley
Riding along the green lanes of Colston road we began to smell a strong aroma that distinctly resembled tobacco smoke. Around the next corner we found the source, an elderly gentleman with a pungent pipe taking his dog for a walk.

Everyone was keen to have a good long ride this evening despite the weather, so we ended up riding the cycle path from Dartington to Totnes. There is now a new extension that goes past the railway station and finishes up at Totnes Pool - a much better finale than the old termination at the Unigate factory.

We returned homewards via Barracks Hill and Rattery.
Wednesday 3 August 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Rising Sun Tearooms
Cloudy but warm
10 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Phillip Oakley
This was an unscheduled ride, arranged in July by the leaders of all the major cycling groups in South Devon. The idea was simple: groups would ride to the Rising Sun Tearooms from various corners of South Devon, enjoy an hour or so of chat and quality refreshments and then amble homewards.

The ten representatives from our Section were joined by more than twenty other cyclists, but there was little mixing as most people seemed to prefer the company of their own club - which is probably understandable really! Nevertheless the evening was enjoyable.
Friday 5 August 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Spitchwick
Perfect weather
16 Participants: Neil Ault, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Becky Harber, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Roy Loder, Don Malpass, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Gavin Taylor
Spitchwick was the obvious destination in weather like this, particularly as Budgie had brought his Frisbee plate again - perhaps it would work better in the absence of wind? For a change we rode up through Ashburton and Buckland, allowing us the pleasure of the descent past the Witch’s House.

The Frisbee seemed set on heading for the river this evening. Michael was the first to wade into the water on a retrieval mission, but others quickly followed. After a lot of fun in a very friendly atmosphere we returned homewards via Hembury Woods.
Sunday 7 August 1994
Afternoon ride: Rising Sun Tearooms
Hot and humid
13 miles
17 Participants: Richard Burge, Carrie Burgess, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Mark Hardwick (Junior, UK), Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone
New rider Mark turned up out of the blue today - he was down in Devon for a week’s holiday and just couldn’t resist a ride with the local CTC!

OK, some of us went to the Rising Sun only a few days ago, but today’s ride had been planned for a long time so this was the ‘official’ visit.

After indulging in a variety of expensive drinks and confections we soon found ourselves at the start of the irresistible Beeston track. Unfortunately it was still muddy in a few places despite the recent dry spell, and Budgie was not at all amused! We concluded the ride with the altogether drier track through the fields and woodlands of Lower Combe, from where Green Lane took us quickly homewards.
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Events Index Gallery Participants