South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 10 April 1994
Day ride: Hameldown Beacon
Windy, then sunny & fine
5 Participants: Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
From the Bickington pickup we rode via Haytor Vale to Manaton and settled down for lunch in a sheltered field. Paul wasn’t impressed with the numerous cow pats, however, and was pleased to get back to the bikes.

When we arrive at the track that leads to Hameldown Beacon there was some dissent in the ranks: apparently everyone thought it would be muddy on top of the hill, so we had to skip the track and take the tarmac lane to Widecombe. Having negotiated the French tourists who had invaded the village we enjoyed refreshments at the Wayside cafe and then set about finding a circuitous route home to fill in the time left by missing Hameldown.

Michael quickly found the answer with a climb up Southcombe Hill and a rough footpath beside the river to Ponsworthy. The path included a few stiles and rocks but otherwise made a delightful excursion. It was thirsty work, however, and Michael was forced to break all his rules by drinking some of the stream water at Ponsworthy.

We returned via Leusdon, Spitchwick and Hembury. The more observant members noticed a heron wading in the marshes near Spitchwick, and a wild rabbit a little further along the lane.

As we approached Gallant Le Bower, Eliot, Paul and Tao made Michael promise to return on Friday for the track descent to Holne Bridge, and Tao arranged to ride out specially from Newton Abbot and stay the night with Eliot.
Friday 15 April 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Michelcombe
Cold & dry
11 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Jeremy Ford, Russell Grant (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Don Malpass, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Michael honoured the agreement made on Sunday by taking the group down the track to Holne Bridge. In order to get the timing right he arranged the outward route to pass through Buckfast, Scorriton and Michelcombe. The youngsters would never have thought of taking such a route of course, so they needed constant reassurance that we were actually going to the agreed track!

As we entered Holne, Paul’s Shimano chain broke and needed several vital minutes of work to make it useable again. Martin Hills volunteered immediately, making his return to club rides particularly welcome as far as Michael was concerned!

We eventually arrived at the head of the track a few minutes before dusk, leaving only just enough light for us to see our way down. In fact it was so dark as we rode through the River Dart Country Park that Tao rode into a rope barrier! Fortunately he wasn’t hurt and was able to take part in the Anaconda Run fun before we set off for Peartree and home.

And what was Russell’s opinion of his first ride? A bit tiring, but good fun - especially the downhill bits!
Sunday 17 April 1994
Day ride: Dartmouth Castle
9 Participants: Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Harry Hall, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Jim Unknown (Adult, Devon), Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Ben Widger
Michael had to miss this well-attended ride as a result of a family reunion. Well actually he put in an appearance at the Totnes pickup and then left Charlie, Seb and Budgie in charge of the pack.

The ride was somewhat hilly, following the Dart through Tuckenhay to Dartmouth. Lunch was enjoyed on the quayside, then the Totnes brigade returned through the lanes with Harry while the remainder took the ferry to Kinsgwear and separated near Paignton. Budgie’s Buckfastleigh contingent stopped at their favourite cafe, the Rising Sun tea-rooms at Woodland, on the way home.
Friday 22 April 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Staverton Bridge
Cloudy, then rain
11 Participants: Neil Ault, James Gant, Russell Grant, Andrew Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Michael Jones, Don Malpass, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Andrew Watson
The ride took us along Colston Road to Staverton Bridge, from where we took the riverside track to the village. Michael knew that the landowner had complained to another cyclist last year about riding along the track, so he advised the leading riders to push the section through the meadow. Some didn’t of course, so the rest of us cycled as well. As it happened, the landowner was waiting for us at the end. His wife could clearly see the value of allowing youngsters to enjoy the countryside, however, and it took only a little time for Michael to convince him that we really weren’t doing any harm, so everything was OK in the end.

Only famous sports personalities like James Gant and Andrew Watson could join club rides after a break of nine months and make it look easy!
Sunday 24 April 1994
Day ride: Hunters' Path
Sunny, occasional showers
2 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones
Only Tao and Michael braved the early showers this morning. They discussed the options and eventually decided that they weren’t going to be done out of a good ride just because their comrades couldn’t be bothered to turn out. Lustleigh’s Primrose cafe seemed like a good first port of call, so off they set.

The weather looked sunny and bright as Tao finished the last mouthful of his chocolate gateaux, so our two brave wanderers agreed to proceed all the way to Fingle Bridge as planned. They rode through Moretonhampstead, climbed the hill to Cranbrook Castle, descended the steep stony track to Fingle Bridge (taking care, of course, not to overshoot the path when it took a hairpin right), climbed to the top of Hunters Path and enjoyed lunch overlooking the magnificent scenery of the Teign Valley.

After enjoying the rest of the path (mainly downhill) they were delighted to sail past a queue of cars held up at Sandy Park - a coach couldn’t get round the last bend because a car had parked there! After Chagford the two returned to Bovey Tracey via Manaton after an excellent ride.
Friday 29 April 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Avon Dam
8 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Michael Jones, Keir Manning, Phillip Oakley, Nick Radmore, Philip Stone
This was definitely the warmest evening ride of the season so far - perfect weather for a romp along the Abbot’s Way. Nick and Keir joined us for the fun, and Neil was to be seen on a touring bike, his own being under repair.

The last time we tried this ride we were slightly late home, but this evening the fast pace brought us back by 9.15pm.
Sunday 1 May 1994
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Haytor Rocks
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Chan Beevers, Janet Beevers, Richard Burge, Carrie Burgess (Adult, Newton Abbot), Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Tom Widger
We couldn’t have asked for better weather for our May Day afternoon ride - surprising really in view of the wet morning we had just experienced!

Janet and Chan Beevers, joining us for their second ride, once again opted for a short cut, this time from Halshanger Cross to Cold East Cross, while the rest of us pressed on through Birchanger. Dayle was delayed here for some time, straightening a buckled rim.

There were more mechanical problems at Haytor when Tao’s derailleur broke (that boy really does have more than his fair share of trouble). Martin once again jumped for his chain rivet extractor and did the honours while the rest of us enjoyed soup and ice creams from the refreshment van.
Friday 6 May 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Galant Le Bower
Rain, after dry start
11 Participants: Neil Ault, Andrew Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder (12, Buckfastleigh), Don Malpass, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Nick Radmore, Eliot Thomas-Wright
We knew the rain was coming, so we rode only as far as Galant Le Bower before diverting homewards via Holne Bridge. Matthew HW, being in a bit of a hurry, came off on the corner leaving the park. He was a bit shaken, but otherwise unharmed, and more concerned about his bike than himself!
Sunday 8 May 1994
Day ride: Rough Stuff Event
Fine, after damp start
10 Participants: Tao Burgess, Ben Hobday, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Don Malpass, Ken Twydell, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
The Rough Stuff Event is our annual opportunity to meet with other CTC members from South and West Devon. This year’s event followed an interesting route through the lanes around Bovey Tracey and took around 2½ hours to complete. Many tracks were included, some of which were new to us: one was so steep that nobody could climb more than half way up!

Seb was first from our Section (fourth overall), Tao was first junior and Ben Hobday (ably assisted by Ken) was the youngest participant. We’d like to thank Arthur Browne for organising the event, and his wife for supplying endless quantities of tea, squash, buns and biscuits from the trailer.

Kevin and Dawn Presland, living temporarily at Ilsington while they search for a new home, accompanied us as far as Haytor as we rode homewards across the moor.
Friday 13 May 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Spitchwick
11 Participants: Neil Ault, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Michael Jones, Don Malpass, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Nick Radmore, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Another thoroughly enjoyable evening ride took us up the riverside Hembury track, past Galant Le Bower and straight to Spitchwick via the riverside track from New Bridge.

When everyone had finished chatting, sitting or riding around the Common we set about climbing the hill through the woods to Buckland. Nick discovered that he could keep up with the fastest in the group and vowed to come on his first full-day ride as soon as possible!

With such a friendly atmosphere in the air, Michael’s offer of free hot chocolate at Crofters was taken up by nearly everybody.
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