South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Friday 17 June 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Avon Dam
Perfect weather
10 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Becky Harber, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone
Andrew, who had only come to the start to say hello, decided to join us when he found out where we were going! The rhododendrons that line the path to the Dam were in full bloom this evening - and the midges were thirsty for blood!

The dam, which was almost full, looked glorious as the sun set over the horizon. Once again, the skylarks accompanied us as we sped across the moor to Cross Furzes and home.
Saturday 18 June 1994
10:00 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Test 1
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Report to follow
Tuesday 21 June 1994
Evening ride (Junior): Hembury Woods
Wet and breezy
2 Participants: Michael Jones, Kim Kilty
Our second Junior ride was not blessed with good weather. Only Kim was brave enough to turn out, and after a little thought he decided on a short ride around the two Hembury tracks followed by some computer games at Crofters.
Friday 24 June 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Scoriton
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Julian Duquemin, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Eliot Thomas-Wright
The rain was falling again, but nine members had still turned out. They all seemed to have the idea of going on a very short ride and then spending a very long time at Crofters playing computer games!

Michael gave the impression of going along with the idea, but secretly felt the rain would ease off and so included more and more detours in the route. After encompassing Hembury, Holne, Michelcombe and Scoriton he suggested a short-cut via Combe. As they began to climb the enormous hill to Cross Furzes some people began to realise they had been tricked, but the rain had all but stopped and most were too busy chatting to their friends to notice where they were going!

Michael isn’t as hard as nails, however, so he left a little time for computer games at the end of the ride.
Sunday 26 June 1994
Day ride: Lannacombe Beach
Cloudy with sunny periods
9 Participants: Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Don Malpass, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Eliot Thomas-Wright
A 9.30 start and some fast riding got us to Lannacombe by 1pm, leaving us nearly an hour and a half to play on the beach. Most of us went in up to the ankles, but Tao, Keir and Eliot kept taking risks and were soon drenched up to their waists. Then, of course, they reasoned that they might as well go in a bit further: within ten minutes they could be seen prancing around in the sea fully clothed! Fortunately they had enough dry clothes between them to get home.

Thirty-five minutes of riding brought us to Slapton by 3pm, where we enjoyed refreshments and fun on the stony beach. More liquid was collected at Forces Cross, and then we came to the first delay of the day: one of the five Land Rovers that preceded us down Corkscrew Hill managed to turn over half way down, and our youngsters just had to watch as they tried to right it!

The speed wasn’t quite so fast as we clocked up the fiftieth mile at 7pm, but we felt we’d had another excellent ride in the company of some very good friends.

Philip deserves a commendation for keeping up with the group all the way - he has only recently graduated to full-day rides.
Friday 1 July 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Knowle
Perfect weather
14 miles
14 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Becky Harber, Mark Hedges, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Roy Loder (Adult, Buckfastleigh), Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Nick Radmore, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright
This fourteen mile ride took us up Green lane, down the track to Abham, through numerous lanes to Knowle and home via Woodland and the somewhat overgrown tracks between Parkfield Cross and Pridhamsleigh. Keir managed to fall off no fewer than three times this evening!
Sunday 3 July 1994
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Venford Reservoir
Fair weather
16 Participants: Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Ken Oakley, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Chris Platt, Eric Pouney (Adult, Paignton), Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
Our new member Eric Pouney from Paignton wasn’t sure about the Hembury Woods track, but when he found himself climbing the hill past Shuttaford he knew he needed a rest. He diverted to the Old Forge cafe at Holne while the rest of us continued to the ice cream van at Venford for refreshments.

For the return route we couldn’t resist the rough track descent to Michelcombe. Philip Oakley, however, was a little too enthusiastic, overshooting the path part-way down, descending a rough bank at rapid speed and riding straight into a stone wall! He was grazed and bruised, but there was no serious damage - except to his pride!
Tuesday 5 July 1994
Evening ride (Junior): Ashburton
3 Participants: Neil Ault, Michael Jones, Phillip Oakley
The track from Furzeleigh to Priestaford turned out to be exceedingly overgrown. Neil and Philip were all for turning back after five minutes of stings and scratches, but Michael assured them they were almost at the end - in fact they were only half way!

Next came an exploration of an unfamiliar steep track from Knowle Cross to Ashburton which offered excellent views across Peartree and gave Michael an idea for the next Friday ride. We returned homewards via Great Bridge and Hele Cross.
Friday 8 July 1994
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Ashburton
10 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Roy Loder, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Our investigation of the track from Knowle Cross to Ashburton on Tuesday had uncovered another promising-looking track running over the hill to Headborough Farm. Tonight we decided to try it. After a couple of twists it became very overgrown and then ended with a gate and barbed wire, firmly blocking the way: evidently the construction of the Ashburton reservoir on the hill many years ago had severed the track.

Neil crossed the fence and confirmed that the track could be rejoined on the far side of the reservoir. This seemed a better option than going back, so we proceeded to cross the fence - with some difficulty! Budgie wasn’t too pleased when we got stuck behind a heard of cows on the approach to the farm: his bike was plastered in mud!

The ride continued up the hill to Druid, down to Cuddyford Cross, up the hill from South Dartmoor School to Bronswell Farm and down the track through Whiddon Wood. It was then that several of us noticed the woodland path through Whiddon Scrubs. It turned out to be level, reasonably smooth and highly picturesque - ideal for the careful cyclist.
Sunday 10 July 1994
Day ride: Plym Valley Cycleway
Hot and sunny
12 Participants: Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Ben Hobday, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Dave Turrell, Ken Twydell, Tom Widger
Our bi-annual 50-mile jaunt around Burrator began early - so early that Michael didn’t remember to oil his chain. The Avonwick garage was pleased to assist, however, by donating some light engine oil - the chain didn’t squeak again all day!

When Seb and Tom eventually arrived after some puncture problems we set off down the A38, much to the disgust of the adult members present. But as Michael said, the ride was tough enough already without adding additional hills at the start of the day. The A38 was fast and relatively easy despite a slight headwind, bringing us to the start of the cycle path by around midday.

After some lively discussion we decided to have a quick lunch break at the usual wooded glade in Cann Wood. Then we were off again, crossing the three viaducts and doing our best not to collide with the many other cyclists of all ages who were using the path. The tunnel near Dewerstone Rock left those without lights in a state of some consternation!

The climb from Goodameavy was tough in the afternoon heat: Ben agreed with his Dad that they should return to Paignton via Cornwood, but he still did as many miles as the rest of us by the time he got home.

There was a delay at the turn-off for Meavy because Tao and Chris, being so engrossed in seeing who could ride down the hill at the most dangerous speed, had forgotten to stop. We waited patiently until they returned and then, when Michael had pointed out for the umpteenth time how foolish it is to race down hills, we proceeded to Burrator reservoir for ice creams.

We took the road route to Princetown’s Foxtor Cafe on this occasion and sank gratefully into the cool chairs to enjoy well-earned refreshments. The final leg of the journey took us through Hexworthy and Holne, but our extra-fit crew still managed to get home by 5.30!
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