South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 98 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 26 July 1992
08:00 - 18:00
Weekend ride: Plymouth / Golant YH
Day 3 Golant to Home
55 miles
6 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Goss, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Sunday's ride was more of an achievement than a pleasure. We wanted to avoid an expensive train fare from Plymouth to Totnes if we could, so we set our heads into the wind and drizzle and rode for all we were worth along the main roads. Somehow we all covered the 55 miles to Buckfastleigh by 6pm - quite an achievement for Eliot, Paul, Chris and Richard.
Friday 31 July 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Totnes Cycleway
5 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt
This was our first chance to try out the almost-completed cycleway from Dartington to Totnes before its official opening next weekend. We were very impressed, and looked forward to the day when it would run all the way to Buckfastleigh.
Sunday 2 August 1992
Afternoon ride: Tally Ho
6 Participants: James Allason, Neil Ault, Richard Goss, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday
This was another quiet meander around the Staverton-Broadhempston lanes.
Friday 7 August 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Destination Unknown
Weather unknown
3 Participants: Michael Jones, Chris Platt, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Report unavailable
Sunday 9 August 1992
Day ride: Underdown
6 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Goss, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, Bob Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright
In view of the inclement weather we diverted to Bovey Tracey and the warmth of the Brookside Tearooms.
Friday 14 August 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Chalk Ford
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Clive Buckland, Richard Goss, Martin Hills, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Unknown Rider 1
Toby had turned out on his touring bike hoping for a good road ride, so where did Michael lead us? Up the long, rough track to Lud Gate, down a steep stretch of open moorland to Chalk Ford, through the mud and along a very stony track to Scoriton. Michael had a touring bike and he liked tracks, so I guess he didn't expect Toby to think differently!
Sunday 16 August 1992
Day ride: Mansands
19 Participants: James Allason, Neil Ault, Richard Goss, Harry Hall, Steve Harran, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Kevin Presland, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Ken Twydell, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Alan Widger, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
This was an excellent ride. From Marldon we took the Westerland Valley route to Collaton St Mary, then the Stoke Gabriel road and back lanes to Northern Telecom and Churston, where Kevin and his friend from Plymouth just happened to meet up with us. There were more back lanes to explore before we stopped for lunch in a grassy park overlooking Brixham harbour and the sea.

Brixham itself was bustling with tourists, so we hastened through the crowded market place and ascended a road which Michael hoped would eventually lead to Mansands. Remarkably, he got it right first time, although a few people (notably Ken) complained a little about the rough nature of the tracks.

We enjoyed a short rest on the beach before setting off for the long journey homewards.
Wednesday 19 August 1992
Tour: Yorkshire Dales
Day 1 Devon to Slaidburn
Sunny & warm
24 miles (▲ 265m ▼ 155m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Ben Collins (14, Wigan), Matthew Crabtree, Thomas Crabtree, Mark Evans (14, Chesterfield), Paul Evans (12, Chesterfield), Richard Goss, Nicholas Guard, Timothy Guard, Michael Jones, Matthew Muir (12, Lancaster), Matthew Pryer (14, Wigan), Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Andrew Walker, Robert Walker, Lukas Wooller (14, Liversedge), Tristan Wooller (12, Liversedge)
This was the major junior tour for 1992, taking us to the Yorkshire Dales. A good way to start any tour write-up is to list the participants in order of age, so here they all are: Andrew Walker (11, Paignton), Tristan Wooller (12, Liversedge), Paul Evans (12, Chesterfield), Matthew Muir (12, Lancaster), Robert Walker (12, Paignton), Richard Goss (13, Buckfastleigh), Timothy Guard (13, Solihull), Ben Collins (14, Wigan), Matthew Pryer (14, Wigan), Mark Evans (14, Chesterfield), Lukas Wooller (14, Liversedge), Richard Sudworth (14, Wigan), Neil Ault (16, Buckfastleigh), Matthew Crabtree (16, Bridgnorth), Thomas Crabtree (16, Bridgnorth), Nicholas Guard (16, Solihull), Paul Smith (17, Basingstoke) and Michael Jones (32, Buckfastleigh).

If you've been counting, that makes a total of eighteen - a good size for a tour. Seven were completely new to CTC tours ... but enough of the statistics: you're probably dying to know what happened!

Our first problem, in the tradition of all junior tours, was British Rail. Only four bikes are allowed on each train from Devon to the north, so poor Neil had to travel on his own to Birmingham, incurring additional costs. We tried to persuade BR that there was enough space for five, but they insisted that the rules should not be broken. Neil took the 0705 train to Birmingham, where he met up with Paul Smith and the twins for the last leg of the journey. Meanwhile Michael, Richard and Co had to wait an hour for the 0805. At least the trains were on time, so everyone finally met at Preston at the agreed time of 1315.

The traffic in Preston was nowhere near as bad as we expect in Torquay at this time of year, so we quickly found the road to Longridge. We had been cycling for several miles when Tim and Nick manoeuvred to the front and asked Michael when we'd be stopping for lunch. Of course, everyone else had eaten lunch on the train or at the station. Conveniently, there was a problem with Matthew Muir's mudguard within five minutes, so while Paul and Neil fixed the mudguard Nick and Tim ate lunch near Gibbon Bridge.

As we approached Dunsop Bridge we found ourselves behind a herd of cattle, driven along by an elderly farmer on a Quad (four-wheeled motorbike). We were so early, however, that we still had time for a detour to the Trough of Bowland. Michael had some repairs to attend to along the way, so the leading bunch reached the top first. Instead of waiting, like any other sensible tour members, they turned about and set off down the hill again to rejoin those who had waited at the bottom. They passed Michael so fast that he didn't even have time to say "Stop". Just around the corner, Tim ran out of road and found himself half-way down a stony bank with some nice grazes on his face and arms. At last they realised why Michael always leads down hills and why he never takes any notice when they ask him to go faster.

We hobbled back to Dunsop Bridge and onwards to the primitive hostel in the pretty village of Slaidburn. Here there were no carpets or bedside lamps. There were also no showers, so everyone had to wash in the sinks.

Supper was adequate, and relatively uneventful except for Andy's questionable table manners. The rest of the evening was spent on the opening stages of our marathon 18-player whist league, played on the nine bunks in our dormitory with all partners changing every five minutes or so. Michael has spent a lot of time working out sheets that told him how to arrange all the pairs for each heat so that all possible combinations were played in the minimum number of heats. It certainly got us all talking to each other.

Poor Tim suffered a bit during the night, as his arm had sustained a friction burn in addition to a graze: groans of relief rose up out of the darkness every so often as he dipped his arm into a pan of icy water he had brought up from the kitchen!
Thursday 20 August 1992
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Yorkshire Dales
Day 2 Slaidburn to Malham
Misty start, sunny later
38 miles (▲ 1035m ▼ 970m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Ben Collins, Matthew Crabtree, Thomas Crabtree, Mark Evans, Paul Evans, Richard Goss, Nicholas Guard, Timothy Guard, Michael Jones, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Andrew Walker, Robert Walker, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
Our attempts to make an early start failed miserably. Somehow we managed the long, hilly road over Burn Moor to Clapham and up to White Scar caves in time for a late lunch at 1315. Matthew P broke his rear derailleur along the way, pushed the last two miles up to the caves and then had to race back to retrieve his helmet from the site of the mishap.

We put this trifling matter to one side for the next eighty minutes and enjoyed a discounted tour of the caves. They really are quite impressive, with real streams running through most of their length and an enormous cavern as large as a small cathedral at the innermost point of the tour.

Michael remembered the last time he led a tour to this area, in 1987. On that occasion, one of the participants broke a crank at Clapham and had to push the twelve miles to the bike shop at Settle. Today it was Matthew's turn, ably assisted by Paul and Neil who pushed him from either side up the hills. They had a fifteen minute start on the rest of us, and we did have a few minor mechanical problems along the way, but we were still amazed when they actually got there first!

Michael was so impressed with Settle Cycles at his last visit that he had ordered many items from them during the subsequent years. Now they had new premises adjacent to the station, so we appreciated Mark's local knowledge in locating it. Michael bought a new cycle meter cable to replace the one Neil had broken when he unpacked the bikes at Newton Abbot, and Matthew bought and fitted an expensive Shimano derailleur, thanks to some financial assistance from Michael and some technical assistance from Paul.

Some long climbs awaited us on the last leg to the hostel. We eventually arrived (as usual) just as the meals were being served, having forfeited our right to a menu selection. Richard S, who is on a gluten-free diet, was quick to voice his displeasure at the fruit juice, salad and yoghurt that the warden had selected for him: he wanted something hot, and he did his best to make sure that nobody else enjoyed their soup, pizza or sponge pudding!

When everyone had showered we completed the Whist League. The victor on this occasion was Lukas Wooller Esquire - sheer luck of course!
Friday 21 August 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Destination Unknown
Weather unknown
2 Participants: Clive Buckland, Martin Hills
Report unavailable
Page 98 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants