South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 93 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 23 February 1992
Day ride: Gara Mill
Dry, occasional sunshine
35 miles
12 Participants: Neil Ault, Tom Current, Alan Dawson, Harry Hall, Thain Hatherly, Dave Humphreys, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Ben Widger, Tom Widger, Sam Wilde (Junior, Devon)
We enjoyed a brief chat with our neighbouring Torbay Section members at the Totnes pick-up before we set off for an all-new route to Gara Mill. We started off as we meant to go on with the delightful (but sometimes muddy) Sharpham Drive. Ashprington was inevitably the next port of call, and then at Tuckenhay the members demanded 'Corky' in reverse. As we reached a junction part-way up the track, Dave Humphreys suggested the left fork instead of our usual right. We were rewarded with snowdrop-lined hedgerows and excellent views of Tuckenhay and the Dart - and I suppose the mud at the end was a reward for some.

The track brought us out in Cornworthy, a village we haven't visited for many a year. We followed a lane from the village which brought us to the more familiar territory of Higher Tideford, and had lunch in the sunny shelter of the big dip just before Hemborough Post. Poor Alan had been making heavy weather of the ride today, so he was very glad of the rest.

The exploration of new routes didn't end with the consumption of lunch. We continued to Bugford Farm and took more interesting new lanes to the destination - a picturesque mill surrounded by woodland and situated by a river in a steep-sided and very private valley. Some members were so intent on getting up the far side that they rode straight past the mill, unaware that it was the destination and oblivious of the scenic delights of the area.

We returned to Moreleigh from where some continued to the Copper Kettle at South Brent for refreshments. Congratulations to young Sam, who performed admirably on his first ride.
Sunday 1 March 1992
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Sigford
8 Participants: Harry Hall, Thain Hatherly, Zoe Hatherly, Martin Hills, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Sam Wilde
Michael was down with a cough this week, but the other keen members had a good ride to the destination through some delightful lanes.
Friday 6 March 1992
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Give us a Clue

8 Participants: Neil Ault, Joseph Bellows, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones
This evening is always a lot of fun, and tonight's session was no exception. Highlight of the evening was Julian's pathetic mime of a bat - mimicked later by Dayle when he had to do 'Batman'.
Saturday 7 March 1992
Weekend ride: Maypool Youth Hostel
Day 1
4 Participants: Neil Ault, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
This was a very poor turnout by South Dartmoor standards. Michael was still afflicted with his cough and wasn't too keen to make matters worse with a drenching on a bike. And so it was that Michael, Neil, Eliot and Paul attended the hostel by car.
Sunday 8 March 1992
Weekend ride: Maypool Youth Hostel
Day 2
4 Participants: Neil Ault, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
We had an enjoyable time, and returned next morning after a walk and cafè stop on Paignton sea front.
Sunday 15 March 1992
Morning ride (Buckfastleigh): Huntingdon Warren
Dry but windy
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Tom Current, Thain Hatherly, Michael Jones, Luke King, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Andrew Thorne (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Ben Widger, Tom Widger
The climb to Cross Furzes was quite pleasantly sheltered from the wind, but it was a very different story as we reached the open moor at Lud Gate. Our immediate task was to climb to the top of Puper's Hill, but the youngsters were soon pushing and not terribly enthusiastic about continuing.

Once we had crossed the top of the hill we were exploring new territory - well, not new to Ben, who helpfully pointed out a track that made the descent to Huntingdon a good deal easier. We viewed the deserted settlements and the relics of the tin mining era and then began to work out how to get home.

We were reasonably familiar with the moorland terrain from Red Lake to Cross Furzes, so we decided to follow the stream down to its junction with the Avon and then pick up the Abbot's Way behind the dam for the journey homewards. The going proved a little boggy in places, and more than one of the younger members got ankle-deep in mud, but the ride rapidly turned into one of the most enjoyable of the winter season to date.
Sunday 15 March 1992
Morning ride (Paignton): Grattons
Dry & windy
3 Participants: Unknown Rider 1, Andrew Walker, Robert Walker
Mark, Robert and Andrew were the only members in attendance at Paignton today.
Friday 20 March 1992
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

8 Participants: Neil Ault, Joseph Bellows, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones
The low turnout gave us the luxury of enjoying pool, table tennis and computer games without the necessity of queuing - a fabulous evening to end the season.
Sunday 22 March 1992
10:00 - 16:00
Day ride: Hayne Down
Dry but very windy
8 Participants: Daniel Broadbent, Harry Hall, Richard Hopper, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell
Ken, whose bad cold was making him unusually miserable today, persevered against the headwinds and steep climbs for as long as he could, but by midday he was ready to go home. He stayed with us for an enjoyable lunch, however, in the shelter of Black Hill overlooking Trendlebeer Down. Several horses were being ridden up an interesting-looking track which followed the edge of Yarner Wood nature reserve - we decided that it might be fun to ride down on another occasion.

Ken and Paul left us at Manaton while the rest of us proceeded up the rough track to Hayne Down, doing our best to ignore Alex's curses which floated up behind us. The wind was quite bearable until we reached the tor: here it was difficult to stand upright, and one could lean at several degrees to the vertical, supported only by the force of the wind.

There was a catering van at Hound Tor which seemed a quicker solution to the refreshment problem than a detour to Widecombe. Alex got Michael to buy him a drink, then Daniel shook him and discovered that he had his own money! He then proceeded to complain about the drink which Michael had ordered, saying he didn't really want it. Definitely a problem child!

We returned to Crofters via Cold East Cross and the Ten Commandments Stone (as windy as Hayne Down) and enjoyed some video and computer entertainment until 5pm.
Sunday 29 March 1992
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Ringmore
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Tom Current, Harry Hall, Thain Hatherly, Decima Jones, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Mark Moxham, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Ben Widger
There was a considerable delay at the Avonwick pick-up, which had something to do with Mark Moxham deciding to make a telephone call from Totnes fifteen minutes after the listed departure time. When he finally arrived at Avonwick he announced that he was going home, so everyone felt it had been well worth the wait!

The forecast was unpromising but we decided to continue as planned while the brighter spells held out. We took the primrose-lined lane from California Cross to Harraton, which was mainly downhill and offered good views across the rolling countryside to Ermington and beyond.

After lunch on one of the B3392's grassy verges the ominous clouds prompted most of the group to make for the Avon Mill cafè at Loddiswell, which made Thaine and Harry even more determined to reach the destination. The main group arrived a few minutes after the downpour began, and the other two walked in about half an hour later, thoroughly drenched.

The rain stopped after an hour, so we headed back through Woodleigh and Moreleigh in brighter conditions.
Page 93 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants