South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 13 September 1992
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
10 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Richard Goss, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Eliot Thomas-Wright
This was another of those rides when rain stopped play. We enjoyed a short ride across the moor which brought us home for lunch.
Friday 18 September 1992
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Buckland
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Aaron Collett, Jeremy Ford, Richard Goss, Philip Harler, Mark Hedges, Michael Jones, Mark Knowling (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, Shane Teague, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Spitchwick was peaceful this evening. We continued past the Witch's House and up through the Haunted Wood to Buckland, from where we returned via Ashburton. Shane and Philip made a snap decision at the end of the ride to join the Salcombe weekend.
Saturday 19 September 1992
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 1
27 miles (▲ 645m ▼ 610m)
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Jeremy Ford, Richard Goss, Philip Harler, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, Shane Teague, Eliot Thomas-Wright
When we last visited Salcombe about eighteen months ago, the youthful warden kept us entertained with his impressive collection of enormous snakes. We were somewhat disappointed, therefore, to discover that he has now been replaced: apparently his many unusual pets had been causing a number of problems for YHA members!

We were stuffed into a poky, dismal dormitory at the back of the hostel while another female hosteller was given sole rights to the enormous Royal Suite overlooking the sea - usually reserved for us! This didn't put the new warden high on our list of favourite people.

After enjoying what we had to admit were quite reasonable meals we set off for our traditional walk along the coastal path. As we approached the inky darkness of Starehole bay we saw a flashlight in the distance. From the coast path on the near side we could see that there were two flashlights, moving unsteadily through the undergrowth on the far side of the bay and heading towards the water. They (whoever THEY were) knew we were there, but their lights couldn't quite reach us across the water. Some of the lads were all for going over to investigate, suspecting a smuggling operation, but Michael overruled and we returned to the hostel.
Sunday 20 September 1992
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2
31 miles (▲ 710m ▼ 745m)
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Jeremy Ford, Richard Goss, Philip Harler, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, Shane Teague, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Sunday's ride included the usual ferry journey to East Portlemouth, the outdoor cafe stop on the far side overlooking the estuary, the ride to Torcross and the homeward route through Tuckenhay.
Friday 25 September 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Destination Unknwon
Weather unknown
6 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Goss, Philip Harler, Michael Jones, Shane Teague, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Report unavailable
Sunday 27 September 1992
Day ride: Higher Ashton
Weather unknown
12 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Richard Goss, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Mark Moxham, Paul Oakley, Bob Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker
We reached the destination today and returned home via the reservoirs.
Friday 2 October 1992
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Annual General Meeting

16 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Richard Goss, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Chris Platt, David Robinson, Matthew Thomas (Junior, Devon), Eliot Thomas-Wright, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker
This year's AGM, held at Crofters, was reasonably lively, although there were few volunteers for the vacant positions on the Section Committee. Michael was re-elected Section Secretary and North Area Co-ordinator, Bob Taylor was elected South Area Co-ordinator, Neil Ault became Publicity Officer and Lorraine Walker was re-elected Treasurer. The position of Section Delegate was not filled.

The following local publicity representatives were elected:

The following motions were passed:

<i>That member-organised tours for senior riders should be encouraged and supported by the Section.</i>

<i>That the Secretary should explore a variety of country hotels, guest houses and restaurants with a view to finding a suitable venue for the Christmas Lunch ride, offering good food at prices ranging from £4 to £8, but that if he fails, Lorraine Walker should be asked to organise the meal at a venue with good kitchen facilities.</i>

The amended motion was carried. Michael agreed to start with the Ilsington hotel, Holne Chase hotel, Dartmoor Hotel, Forest Inn and The Mill at Avonwick. Dave Robinson suggested The Green restaurant at Widecombe, but he was not taken too seriously.

<i>That special Youth Hostel weekends should be organised up to six times every year, according to demand.</i>

<i>That North Area socials should be held at either the Southpark Centre, Buckfast, or members' houses at the discretion of the Secretary.</i>

Dave Robinson suggested that the Secretary should carry a survival blanket for use in emergencies. Michael did not think this was necessary, but said that if the cost and weight were small there was no reason why it should not be carried. Michael commented that the first aid already carried was costing a lot of money, and gave the example of a box of 25 tubes of antiseptic liquid of the type used in hospital casualty departments which cost nearly £12. The following motion was agreed:

<i>That the provision and carrying of comprehensive first aid equipment is of great importance, and that the Secretary be authorised to purchase whatever equipment is required, including a good quality survival blanket, using club funds, up to a maximum of £30.</i>

Dave kindly contributed £2 cash towards the cost of the blanket.

Dayle suggested that the club should organise more special social activities throughout the year, such as trips to London, cinema trips, ten-pin bowling, or any other activity which interests members, even if it is not related to cycling. He felt this would assist new members to join the club. Everyone agreed that this was an excellent idea. The Secretary asked that any members with ideas for such activities should inform him in time to publish the arrangements in the newsletter if at all possible.

Charlie Walker suggested that the club should do more to encourage members to wear cycle helmets. Michael explained that the club's current policy, agreed in committee, was that inexperienced cyclists (usually but not always those under 16) who enquired are advised that it is sensible to wear a helmet. A motion was proposed as follows:

<i>That the Section will extend its current policy to encourage inexperienced members to wear a helmet.</i>

Dave Robinson suggested that all members should be encouraged to wear a helmet, and Charlie agreed. An amendment was proposed to the motion, so that it read as follows:

<i>That the Section will extend its current policy to encourage all members to wear a helmet.</i>

Before voting on the amendment, Martin Hills wanted clarification that voting for the motion would not mean that attempts would be made to persuade members to wear a helmet during the course of cycle rides. It was agreed that encouragement would mainly mean writing the advice in the next issue of the Section Guide. Michael wanted clarification that senior members of the club would not be expected to set an example in this respect, as he had no intention of wearing a helmet for the foreseeable future. It was agreed that this would not be the case.

The amendment and the amended motion were both carried by a majority vote.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 2148. The position of Section Delegate is still vacant: see the advertisement in Noticeboard if you think you may be interested.
Sunday 4 October 1992
Afternoon ride: Uphempston
23 Participants: James Allason, Neil Ault, Lucas Buchanan, Nick Buchanan, Tao Burgess, Richard Goss, Thain Hatherly, Mark Hedges, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Chris Platt, David Robinson, Mr Simmonds (Adult, Devon), Bob Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker, Ben Widger
It's amazing how a large turn-out can make people forget the most basic club rules. Whilst half the group were deciding whether to risk the muddy track or take the road alternative, the leading bunch proceeded along the track. There was nothing wrong with that, but when Michael and a few others followed a few minutes later and reached the cross-tracks there was nobody to be seen and no indication of which way they had gone! Ten minutes were spent investigating each of the three alternatives, but no evidence was found to help us. We waited a little longer in case they came back to find us, but in the end we just took the planned route, which happened to be left, and hoped that they'd sort themselves out.

This turned out to be extremely muddy, much to Dave Robinson's delight. As we struggled through the mud we were greeted with the happy voices of the missing cyclists: apparently they had selected the right turn and just happened to meet up with the roadies on their road alternative route!
Sunday 11 October 1992
Day ride: Sparkwell Wildlife Park
12 Participants: Tao Burgess, Richard Goss, Harry Hall, Dave Humphreys, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Keir Manning, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
Michael was ill today but the rest of the gang enjoyed a brisk ride to the destination, returning early in the afternoon.
Friday 16 October 1992
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Indoor Games

5 Participants: Richard Burge, Richard Goss, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones
Star Trek: The Next Generation videos formed the main attraction at our first social of the season.
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Events Index Gallery Participants