South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 44 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 18 December 1988
Day ride: Christmas Lunch
29 Participants: Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Michael Giles, Craig Gillman, Luke Hatherly, Steven Hills, Catherine Hopper, Margaret Hopper, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Jackie Hunt, Jeremy Hunt, Jessica Hunt, Joanna Hunt, Jonathon Hunt, Martin Hunt, Michael Jones, Geoffrey Ledingham, Paul Ledingham, Ian Luke, Warren Masters, Nonie McKenzie, Graham Moates, Andrew Simmons, Alan Skinner, Mark Sloman, John Stuart, Jeremy Weston
With Christmas looming fast it seemed that few members wanted to miss out on the Section's annual festive lunch at Leusdon Lodge. Cyclists were arriving at the Bickington pick-up from almost every direction.

Three such cyclists were Martin, Jonathon and Jeremy Hunt who, having taken the car to Leusdon, were descending the long hill from Cold East Cross. When they hadn't arrived by 11.10 the main group set off up the hill towards Ilsington whilst Budgie and a few companions rode the Cold East hill on an interception mission. Fortunately they met them after only a few minutes, so the Hunts were able to rejoin the main group after only a slight struggle.

A strengthening, bitterly-cold crosswind made the going especially tough for the younger riders near Haytor, but we still managed to reach the Lodge within the agreed range of times. Here at last were the remaining car-assisted members, and the whole group trouped into the welcoming dining room with great expectations.

No-one was disappointed. A new table layout had been concocted to cope with this year's increase in numbers, so the anticipated crush did not materialise. The meals, as usual, were excellent quality and reasonably priced, the most expensive three-course meal coming to just £3-95. The only person who might have been a little miserable was Luke Rake, whose meal was divided up among the lions. He had failed to turn up at the last moment, so he couldn't really blame us for putting his delicious soup, nut roast and Christmas Pudding to good use. Catherine was certainly pleased with the pudding, which she polished off without assistance.

After the food came the awards. The junior attendance trophy went once again to Richard Burge, and numerous members received certificates for completing the 100km and 130km reliability rides in August and September. Then there were newsletters and other Section publicity materials to give out, followed by plans for Christmas and new year activities, followed by coffee - there really was no particular rush to leave this pleasant establishment.

After the meal came the homeward ride, up the climb to Beltor Corner and along the track known as Dr Blackall's Drive. The wind had strengthened still further during lunch, and was now blowing with gale force as we struggled to keep our balance along the spectacular track, high above the river Dart. Fortunately the wind was blowing us into the side of the valley and not outwards towards the Dart. The whole experience was breathtaking, exhilarating and a real hit with everyone who took part - even the most ardent anti-trackers were having second thoughts. This was Dartmoor, the bleak wilderness, in just one of its many and varied moods.

Before we finally reached the road at Poundsgate there was the inevitable pile-up, with John Stuart leading the fray on his Saracen mountain bike. No-one came to any harm on the soft grassland. In fact they all stayed exactly where they fell until Michael arrived with his camera.
Monday 26 December 1988
Afternoon ride: Torbryan
Cloudy / dry
7 Participants: Nick Buchanan, Luke Hatherly, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Moxham, Gary Taylor

A short, post-Christmas excursion through the local lanes brought a few brave members to the gate outside Torbryan church, the seat proving useful for Nick's Paignton contingent who arrived first. The route was the usual one, along the muddy track to Denbury and back around to Broadhempston before the two groups returned to their respective homelands.

But for the Buckfastleigh and Totnes group there was an additional treat in the form of hot mince pies at Ian's Newton Abbot home - many thanks to his generous mother. The price was a dark and rather cold return route along the main road, but everyone felt it was well worth it.
Wednesday 28 December 1988
Social: Cinema Trip - Roger Rabbit

1 Participants: Michael Jones
[There were actually 16 people taking part in this trip, but I don't currently have the complete list]

This unscheduled cinema trip, hastily arranged at the Christmas Lunch, made a welcome night out in the middle of the Christmas week. And the film itself was just as entertaining as one would expect from Spielberg and Disney.
Friday 30 December 1988
Social: Christmnas Social

16 Participants: Chris Bailey, Richard Burge, Luke Hatherly, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Luke Rake, Philip Rhead, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Andrew Simmons, Alan Skinner, John Stuart
There was plenty of action at the Section's last festive occasion for 1988. Apart from the usual computer games there was a showing of part 1 of "Dartmoor, The Threatened Wilderness", a team game based on "Give us a Clue" and a range of hot mince pies, drinks and biscuits provided by the members. The full age range of the Section was represented, the younger members entertaining themselves with indoor bowls. All in all, the evening finished the year on a very positive note.
Monday 2 January 1989
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Skerraton Down
12 Participants: Nathan Arecco, Chris Bailey, Richard Burge, Glen Dowty, Chris Giles, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Morris, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, John Stuart
Many of our members have been fortunate enough to have received new bicycles this Christmas, one such being Chris Giles from Buckfastleigh who was keen to attend his first ride this afternoon on his new machine. We should also say how pleased we were to see Nathan Arecco and Chris Bailey after such a long break.

Skerraton Down resides high up on the South moor, about 300m above the Buckfastleigh start in fact. The younger riders got a little worried as the hill past Nurston went on and on, then Ian got worried as the lane turned into a rough track. The pleasure really began when we reached the top, however, with spectacular views all around and long descents which brought us eventually to the ford near Cross Furzes. One or two fell off along the way, but the soft moorland vegetation ensured that no damage was done to bikes or riders.

When the usual ritual of water fights had been completed, members endured a chilly descent to Crofters for a welcome fire and hot drinks.
Monday 2 January 1989
Afternoon ride (Paignton): Duncannon
9 Participants: Heather Daniels (12, Paignton), Glen Dowty, Briany Humphreys (12, Paignton), Philip Humphreys, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Mark Moxham, Philip Rhead, Gary Taylor
We set off promptly from Five Lanes towards Totnes, turning left down Blagdon Hill for a speedy descent. From here we crossed the main Paignton / Totnes road, proceeded to Stoke Gabriel and took the dead-end road to Duncannon. There was time for a fifteen-minute pause to enjoy the views across the river Dart before we returned to Stoke Gabriel, the road beside the millpond leading us eventually to the Totnes road again. This was quite a short ride, but ideal for the two new cyclists - and for those with post-Christmas mince pie bulges!
Sunday 8 January 1989
Day ride: Owley
16 Participants: Richard Burge, Luke Hatherly, Steven Hills, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Ian Luke, Trevor Piper, Laurence Porter, Philip Rhead, Peter Rushworth, Mark Sloman, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor, Ken Twydell, Martyn Williams
This was a funny sort of ride, full of indecision. The problems were the varying amounts of drizzle and the proposed track route over the moor between Ugborough Beacon and Owley. We eventually rode all the way to Bittaford before deciding to omit the moorland section, riding instead through some delightful lanes near Owley and continuing onwards past streams and woodland to Shipley Bridge.

There were punctures and other mechanical problems along the way, notably from Luke Hatherly in the morning session when his rear derailleur fell apart - he had to be collected by a forgiving father. Departure from the Avonwick pick-up was delayed by one hour as a result of the mishaps.
Friday 13 January 1989
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Highway Code Quiz

11 Participants: Rebecca Burge, Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, Alan Skinner
Richard's quiz was a useful exercise for all members. It was rewarding to see a general improvement in knowledge, but not everyone was there of course.
Sunday 15 January 1989
Day ride: Exeter Ship Canal
Dry / Cloudy
22 Participants: Michael Banks, Richard Burge, David Cutts, Jamie Davey, Damian Elsdon (15, Totnes), Craig Gillman, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Jonathon Hunt, Martin Hunt, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Laurence Porter, Jenny Quick, Philip Rhead, Andrew Simmons, Matthew Simpson, Mark Sloman, Ken Twydell, Kris White (14, Totnes)
The Buckfastleigh starters weren't late at the Gappah pick-up thanks to Kris's excellent first-ride pace. When everyone had finally arrived - with representatives from all corners of the region - it was clear that the Section had achieved a new record with more than twenty cyclists on an ordinary Sunday ride.

The usual route over Haldon brought us to the long and steep descent past Mamhead College: Michael's public health warning at the top seemed to work insofar as no-one came off on the nasty double bend at the halfway point. Taking the Powderham road from Starcross we were soon riding along the rough track that leads across the railway line to Turf Lock. Getting twenty two bikes and their associated riders across the line was a potentially hazardous manoeuvre, made more so by the fact that the far gate could not be raised from its hinges. Speedy lifting work shared by the several adults present eliminated the queue in double quick time, however.

Mark Sloman very thoughtfully chose this moment to break a crank. I say thoughtfully because it was definitely time for lunch, and the area around the lock proved an ideal setting for Mark to enjoy his food and contemplate how on earth he was going to get home. In the end he decided to push back to Starcross and ring for his father - accompanied by friend Damian.

Continuing along the muddy towpath Richard, Ian and Philip quickly decided that the wider track below and to the left would be a far more civilised route, with the added advantage that there would be a lower risk of falling into the canal. Initially they were gaining ground on the main group, but soon they encountered huge muddy puddles with hidden potholes and were seen to fall well behind. When the two routes eventually merged the threesome were thoroughly plastered with mud, but put on brave faces.

There were few fishermen today (and no fisherwomen). Progress along the final stretch of the path to Exeter was therefore unimpeded by the usual series of rods and grub boxes. The usual route to Alphington took us along a Tarmac track (sighs of relief from half the group, dismay from the mountain bikers) and through the industrial estate, from where we were pleased to escape to the relative peace of Shillingford St. George. By way of a change we returned to Haldon along the direct route, through Clapham and Underdown - the final climb was easier than the Dunchideock alternative, but was still the last straw for some of our younger members. They were only kept going by the sight of Paul's shopping basket (attached to the rear of his bike).

Those who reached the top first were rewarded with the sight of some deer crossing the road a short distance away. It really is amazing how much more wildlife can be seen from the vantage point of a bike (compared with a car), even when there are so many of us.

Chudleigh could not have arrived soon enough for many, its brightly coloured sweet shop proving irresistible despite the promise of a stop at Bovey's Brookside tearooms. Of course many riders indulged themselves at both establishments, the second proving very warm and not too pricey. How did the voting go? I'm afraid you'll have to wait until September for the results.

Paignton starters got home at a reasonable time despite some lighting problems along the way. Buckfastleigh contingent had to cope with two punctures, however, both of which waited for the darkest, wooded areas so as to cause maximum difficulty in the winter blackness. Members may be amused to hear that both punctures were in Michael's puncture-resistant rear tyre.
Saturday 21 January 1989
Weekend ride: Instow Youth Hostel
Day 1
Sunny / cold
18 Participants: Fergus Fry (14, Totnes), Craig Gillman, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Jeremy Hunt, Jonathon Hunt, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Warren Masters, Mark Moxham, Laurence Porter, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Lee Thorn (13, Totnes), Eugene Tollemache, Kris White
More records were broken on this midwinter hostelling sortie to North Devon - the largest attendance for a midwinter weekend, and the first hostel weekend to attract new riders. In view of the large attendance from the Totnes area, Richard Hopper kindly cycled out to provide an official starting point at the Plains, with Jeremy and Eugene selecting an interesting route which seemed to pass through every nearby village.

Experienced cyclists will no doubt be aware of the problems that can be encountered when taking bikes by train. There can often be problems with six, so how would we fare today with eighteen? The 1235 service to Exeter had a cavernous guards van, as anticipated. The bikes were almost lost inside, and Craig even managed to cycle around inside (albeit briefly, and presumably when the guard was otherwise occupied). Problems were expected on the next service to Barnstaple, but with a two hour wait we had planned an excursion along the new Exeter cycleway, starting near Exeter St. Davids and continuing right across the heart of the city to the Country Park near Countess Wear.

The idea was a real hit with everyone. For those who haven't ridden it, the track is like a Tarmac path. A white line runs along the centre, with one side marked for cyclists and the other for pedestrians. They change sides every so often, apparently when the cycle section would otherwise run alongside the river Exe, so you have to keep your wits about you. Perhaps the most amazing thing about the whole experience was the high proportion of green open spaces that we passed through along the way. One might have the impression of a city-centre cycleway wending its way behind terraced housing blocks and along the side of busy main roads, but all we saw was parkland, rivers and maritime museums.

It was at the Country Park that we finally stopped for lunch, surrounded by a rural scene of woodland, river, ducks and apes (sorry, it was Craig hanging from the tree). Then, when one of the threatened showers appeared to be looming in the distance we set off for the return route, sadly just five minutes too late to miss the hailstorm.

Timing was perfect for the train. But here was the problem. The youngsters ran up enthusiastically to the guard, who told them that the DMU van could not take more than seven bikes. Horror-struck they called for Michael, who parleyed with the guard for a while. Eventually he agreed to let us see how many we could squeeze in, provided we kept a free passage through the centre and allowed him access to doors on both sides. The team set to work with the usual efficiency, and managed to get the whole lot inside. The guard stared in disbelief, asking us to repeat exactly how many bikes had been installed and wondering how Gestapo HQ could possibly have provided him with false information. Next time he is asked he will remember the impossible, which takes South Dartmoor CTC just a little longer than the possible.

The journey was an ideal opportunity to collect fares and just relax, enjoying the delightful rural scenery of mid and north Devon. One of the highlights of the journey came when Michael passed around a translation of a letter he had received from the Soviet Union. It read as follows:<i>

Dear friend!

It is an honour for me to convey through you my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all British cyclists!

I hope that this year will be a year of many cycling tours, trips and journeys around the USSR and Great Britain. I wish you happiness in your personal affairs, joy in everyday life, success in your work, patience and persistence in the cause of developing international cycle tourism!

Leonid Rzhepishevsky </i>

Arriving at Barnstaple just a few minutes before 4pm we found ourselves almost immediately on another cyclepath, this time taking us straight to Instow. The weather was still sunny, but a strong headwind off the sea mad the ride a lot harder than it should have been. Arrival at the hostel followed within the hour, the leading group rushing to squeeze their bikes into the tiny bike shed. How pleased they looked as the others arrived: "Sorry, you'll have to leave yours outside!" Then the warden pointed to the huge, dry garage at the end of the track.

Our new Guide to Youth Hostel Weekends, given to all members before the event, seemed to be having the desired effect already. Signing in was very orderly despite the large number of membership applications and sleeping bag hires that had to be processed. And nearly everyone made their beds and washed before rushing to the members kitchen to burn their respective meals.

The atmosphere throughout the evening was very pleasant, the television attracting as much attention as the other hostellers and the Trivial Pursuit. OK, so there was one problem when Philip H took Michael's reserved vegetarian dish (by mistake?), but we all have our crosses to bear!

Highlight of the evening was the Crazy Post game, usually played at Maypool in March. After all that running around it was difficult to settle the newer members to sleep - just remember that we had special permission to run around the hostel like that; normally members should follow the YH guide to the letter.
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Events Index Gallery Participants