South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 42 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 28 September 1988
Social: Annual General Meeting

8 Participants: Richard Burge, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Luke Hatherly, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Jeremy Weston
[There were 27 members present this evening but I am still trying to find the complete list]

It really was rewarding to see so many members and parents attending our AGM this year. In fact they weren't just attending, but also volunteering to help with the running of the club and taking an active part in the discussions. The new Committee are listed on the front page of the newsletter, but the following were elected as publicity reps:

Totnes town and school - Luke Hatherly
South Brent - Jeremy Weston
Buckfastleigh - Paul Hamlyn-White
Ashburton & Newton Abbot - Richard Burge
South Dartmoor School - Dayle Guy
Paignton and Torquay - Mark Lakeman

So what important decisions were made at the meeting? There will be weekly evening rides from Marldon starting next April, following the same format as the very successful Buckfastleigh rides. And evening rides at Buckfastleigh will always be on Fridays next year instead of alternating between Tuesdays and Fridays. Surplus funds will be used to purchase books and catalogues on cycling which will be available for loan to members. And the Section newsletter has been expanded to include reports on previous Section activities - as you can see. The Committee intend to publish a compilation of Section activities from January to June 1988 in a special booklet, priced at about 60p and available on request.

Finally, members are invited to think up designs for a logo for some new cycle clothing and badges which will be offered to members later in the year. The logo should be obviously South Dartmoor Section and obviously cycling, and it may be as simple or complex as you like. A design from several years ago showed some cyclists on Postbridge clapper bridge, so that's what you've got to beat. Please send in your ideas as soon as possible, for judging by the Section Committee near Christmas.
Sunday 2 October 1988
Afternoon ride: Combe Fishacre
16 Participants: Michael Banks, Richard Burge, Michael Giles, Simon Hopper, Dave Humphreys (Adult, Paignton), Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Jenny Quick, Alan Skinner, Mark Slater, Mark Sloman (15, Staverton), Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor, Sean Williamson
This was an important day in the history of South Dartmoor Section. The occasion was the introduction of afternoon rides from Marldon, meaning that the Marldon start point now has rides on every Sunday of the year. On this occasion both Buckfastleigh and Marldon groups were meeting each other half way - if the former were a bit late it was only because they paused at Staverton to observe a particularly bedraggled bunch of youngsters attempting in vain to float their raft on the Dart.

Dave Humphreys, who will be the regular leader for all afternoon rides from Marldon, got off to a good start with a rear puncture in his Raleigh Randonneur shortly after the rendezvous. Repair was speedy, however, and the group were soon able to complete the ride through Denbury, skirting back to Broadhempston before the two contingents went their separate ways.
Friday 7 October 1988
Social: Games Evening

15 Participants: Richard Burge, Dayle Guy, Catherine Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Martin Rushworth (11, Buckfastleigh), Peter Rushworth (14, Buckfastleigh), Andrew Simmons, Alan Skinner, Mark Slater
The first social of the new season, dominated by computer games in traditional style, also included a video on frame building and the viewing of a certain home-made movie, which triggered ideas for a similar enterprise next year.
Sunday 9 October 1988
Day ride: Fingle Bridge
7 Participants: Debbie Cooper (Adult, Devon), Luke Hatherly, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Mark Slater, Mark Sloman, John Stuart
An exhilarating ride, including the inevitable cafe stop at Lustleigh where Debbie was (mistakenly) addressed as a "chap" by the proprietor. The cap and heavy clothing probably aided the misunderstanding. She subsequently gave her cap to Mark Sloman and forgot all about it until she got home.

The steep stony track down to Fingle caused a few headaches for some members (not literally I hasten to add), and the climb along Hunters Path caused a few more. Views across the steep-sided, wooded valley from the selected lunch spot made the climb more than worthwhile, although a chilly wind discouraged us from lingering too long.

Continuing at a fair pace down the track we finally met the road and returned homewards across the moor via Chagford. This was a tough ride for the newcomers, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Sunday 16 October 1988
Day ride: Noss Mayo
14 Participants: Michael Banks, Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Mark Ivey (13, Paignton), Michael Jones, Paul Ledingham, Mark Morris, Jenny Quick, Andrew Simmons, Mark Slater, Mark Sloman, Jason Vasey (13, Paignton)
Jenny very kindly took the Marldon lead in Mark's absence, bringing out two very keen new lads who clearly weren't concerned how far they rode on their first ride. Well, perhaps they would have been concerned if someone had told them, but it was too late once they were at Avonwick. Also rather confused was young Paul Ledingham, one of our regular evening riders, who had thought it was a morning-only ride and hadn't brought a packed lunch.

Having fixed the puncture at Avonwick the group followed the main road to Ermington and then took some new lanes through to Bridgend. Riding through the delightful coastal village we came across a group of cyclists from Plymouth. While others ate their lunch Michael spent a little time talking to them of the possibility of starting a Plymouth Section - but only time will tell how successful he was.

Teebo and Wicket (sorry, Mark and Jason) had coped surprisingly well with the morning ride. The return route, along the coast to Holbeton, was against a stiff headwind however, and this time a stop at Erme Mill cafe was definitely the order of the day. Here at last the cafe award scheme got off to a tentative start, with votes being cast by all present and recorded on a temporary form.

Some of the older Buckfastleigh lads decided to go home directly via Ivybridge while the rest took the scenic route in the now beautiful sunshine, bringing out the full autumn colours which were now beginning to show themselves on the trees. There were some steep hills to tackle (one of which proved unnecessary after a wrong turning) which left everyone very tired after a later-than-usual return. Many congratulations to the newcomers, however, and also to young Paul for completing an exhausting ride with comparative ease.
Thursday 20 October 1988
Social: Slide Show

12 Participants: Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Michael Jones, Geoffrey Ledingham (11, Buckfastleigh), Paul Ledingham, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Toby Rake (10, Buckfastleigh), Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Andrew Simmons, Mark Slater
This was a specially-compiled slide show comprising four different tours of Scotland. Some people had changed a lot in five years.
Saturday 22 October 1988
Day ride: Kenn Valley
Sunny start
12 Participants: Richard Burge, David Cutts (Adult, Marldon), Jamie Davey (12, Dawlish), Steven Hills, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Paul Ledingham, Mark Morris, Mark Moxham, Mark Slater, Mark Sloman, Ken Twydell (Adult, Paignton)
The first half of this ride was definitely the most enjoyable. The autumn leaves were even more glorious now than they had been the previous week as we tackled the lane route from Gappah over Haldon. In order to gain speedy access to the Kenn Valley, the group took the main road over Telegraph Hill (descending in a very controlled way of course) and then (on Steven's advice) climbed the picturesque lane up to Hayden Common for a well-earned lunch. Quite why Jamie had to eat his up a tree remained a mystery.

Setting off once again through the deciduous woodlands we came across an amazing sight - four pheasants on a gate at the end of a grassy track, with more fluttering around in the field beyond. There seemed to be wildlife everywhere, which seemed surprising considering how close Exeter was.

The last part of the valley was flat but scenic, bringing us out to Powderham and eventually Starcross for refreshments against a stiffening headwind and ever threatening skies. Mark's broken valve at the beginning of the coastal footpath delayed us sufficiently to arrive at Dawlish just as the rain was settling in. Steven and Jamie didn't have far to go, but the rest got somewhat damp as they cycled through Teignmouth, Shaldon and Netherton. Those who didn't have lights had to telephone for transport, so please remember to bring working lights on all rides until the end of March.
Saturday 29 October 1988
Day ride: Dittisham
17 Participants: Richard Burge, Jamie Davey, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Jeremy Hunt (14, Dartington), Jonathon Hunt (12, Dartington), Martin Hunt (Adult, Dartington), Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Laurence Porter (14, Totnes), Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Mark Slater, Eugene Tollemache, Richard Voisey
Problems caused by the huge turnout at Totnes were compounded by Torbay Section's arrival and departure. Eugene's last-minute decision to rush home for his bike delayed us even more, but eventually we were on our way along Sharpham Drive, an "interesting" track route towards Ashprington. Jeremy got a puncture within the first two minutes, then Simon's chain broke. Fortunately on this occasion things didn't happen in threes, and we were able to enjoy the leafy autumn lanes, gates, meadows, stiles, steep fields and woody tracks that led us eventually back to solid roads. The track-lovers were happy, and the rest had at least enjoyed the delightful unspoiled views of the Dart.

A new track at Tuckenhay, explored by the intrepid Simon and his foolhardy followers, turned out to be longer and a good deal harder than the road alternative. Time now dictated a fast search for a sheltered lunch spot.

Continuing towards Dittisham, a number of faster riders at the front of the group found out the hard way that speed doesn't pay. Laurence needed a bit of first aid treatment and his bike required some attention as well, but he didn't seem too bothered about continuing with the ride despite it all. Our cyclists really are made of sturdy materials!

After lunch we continued to Dittisham, where the majority favoured paying the ferryman 75p to cross the river to Greenway. The crossing was enjoyable if short, and the return through Galmpton was a good deal easier than the western alternative. Small groups returned to their respective homes in descending gloom and a chill night air.
Friday 4 November 1988
Social: Map Quiz (Paignton)

18 Participants: Michael Banks, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Xavier Gonzalez, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Laurence Porter, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, Mark Slater, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor
The Paignton venue for this social attracted an excellent attendance. Topics covered included recognition of map symbols, use of six figure grid references and measurement of distances. The evening was concluded with a 20-question quiz based on the Torbay area OS map, for which members needed to draw on all they had learned.
Saturday 5 November 1988
Weekend ride: Maypool Youth Hostel
Day 1
Clear / cold
26 Participants: Michael Banks, Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Briany Humphreys, Caroline Humphreys (Adult, Paignton), Philip Humphreys, Jackie Hunt (Adult, Dartington), Jeremy Hunt, Jessica Hunt (Junior, Dartington), Joanna Hunt (Junior, Dartington), Jonathon Hunt, Martin Hunt, John Iles, Michael Jones, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Geoffrey Ledingham, Paul Ledingham, Laurence Porter, Unknown Rider 1, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Mark Slater, Eugene Tollemache, Martyn Williams
Maypool's firework display has always been a popular event in our diary. This year's display was the most expensive ever provided by the hostel, costing more than £110, but a record turnout helped to ensure that the hostel covered their costs - another first.

The journey to the hostel was punctuated with a few notable incidents. Mark and Paul Lakeman reached the Marldon start just in time to miss leader Mark Williams, and so had to find their own way to the hostel. The others met the Buckfastleigh and Totnes starters at Longcombe and proceeded to climb the famous Parliament Hill. Lights were required for the remaining section to Galmpton, but they weren't bright enough to scare away some dogs near Waddeton - Jeremy was the unfortunate victim, standing no chance of avoiding the excited creatures. Fortunately no-one was hurt.

After the fireworks came the barbecue, boasting vegetarian hot dogs for those who didn't fancy the traditional offerings. The Dartmouth lights provided a delightful backdrop to the evening, although certain individuals seemed more interested in pushing their friends over the grassy banks than admiring the views.
Page 42 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants