South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 40 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 24 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 7 Raasay to Applecross

72 miles
14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
Wet and windy weather heralded the hardest day of the tour. Leaving late from the hostel (with Michael who had waited for him), Jeremy proceeded to turn left instead of right in his panic to get to the ferry, and rode up a steep hill before realising his mistake. Speeding back to the ferry it was humiliating to see it a hundred yards out from Raasay. An annoyed Michael (and Jeremy) caught the next ferry, which in fact arrived soon after, as the ferry had returned to Raasay straight after docking on Skye. A badly planned joke awaited them on Skye, as the driver of an immaculate Aston Martin greeted the duo with the question "Is one of you Michael?", and told them that the group had ridden on. Unfortunately several bikes were obviously visible, leaned against a telephone box, and so the joke backfired. The group proceeded in better weather to the Kyleakin-Kyle of Lochalsh ferry.

The very short crossing took the group to the meeting point where Steve Wilson rejoined the tour, and the group proceeded onwards to stop for lunch at Plockton, a picturesque village with a Mediterranean type climate because of a current that comes in by it from the ocean.

Several miles were pedalled away as the group neared their formidable hurdle before Applecross - Bealach na ba (the Pass of the Cattle). Rising from sea level to 2053 feet in about four miles, the sign at its beginning stated "Not advised for learner drivers or caravans". The plan was for everybody to climb at their own pace, and this was what happened, although the first arrivals soon realised that it was no fun standing around at the cold, wet and darkening summit.

Once all the group arrived the exhilarating descent began complete with frost-bitten fingers, and it only remained for groups to be assigned to their respective b&bs for a night of luxury. It seemed ridiculous that a 72-mile round trip could have been substituted by a two-mile boat trip to get from Raasay to Applecross - if only there had been a ferry.
Thursday 25 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 8 Applecross to Torridon

34 miles
14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
The morning was mostly spent lazing about in respective b&bs as the wet, windy weather outside did not look too inviting. For Darrel, Chris and Jeremy's entertainment a vide of the '87 Tour de France was provided by their host's son Donald, a London cycle courier himself.

However, once all the groups had gathered and conversation was exchanged about everyone's respective nights, the group slowly set out of Applecross, along the road for one mile, only to stop at the cafe/shop for lunch and it was not until 1.45pm that the group had all departed.

For once, sunny weather had made an appearance, and thus the coastal scenery looked more spectacular than usual. Passing abandoned fishing villages, the group stopped at a quiet, sandy beach, next to a very secretive naval base, for dune hopping, and departed a little later in sunshine. The road continued to follow the coast, with some exciting descents making an enjoyable day's ride. A quick pause for some of the group at a weaver's shop along the route, and then on towards Torridon.

A final long and very fast descent brought the group to Torridon, a modern hostel, resembling KEVICS at Totnes (as Michael was keen to point out). Most of the group rushed in to see Top of the Pops, and the evening was spent in the hostel, persuaded, perhaps, by the vicious midges outside.
Friday 26 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 9 Torridon to Carn Dearg

35 miles
14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
Just as the group were ready to leave, much later than planned due to wheel truing, Michael spotted the laundry, hidden away in the foyer. Thus, he proceeded to empty the entire contents of his panniers and saddlebag (or so it seemed) to wash them, and by the time the machines were vacant and they had consequently finished their never-ending washing and drying cycles it was very late. Then further time was wasted at the shop down the road buying food, and then waiting around further up the road at a National Trust (for Scotland) building.

Finally the group began to ride up a lane for several miles, which being quiet and undulating meant that the miles went by with ease, but arriving in Kinlochewe, the inevitable prolonged cafe stop came around, and it was not until 1pm that the group got going. Further delay was created when Mark's rear axle gave up the ghost. Jason considerately gave up his bike and walked with Mark's bike towards Carn Dearg, whilst the group stopped at a hotel up the road to arrange for a taxi - phoning up almost every taxi firm in Scotland for the time it took.

However, with considerable expertise and overcoming of daunting logistics, it was also arranged for a cro-moly replacement rear axle to be transported by various means from Perth to Carn Dearg. Thus, after a comparatively normal ride to Carn Dearg, that evening Mark's bike received a major overhaul, whilst Steve's mechanical "expertise" was applied to Jason's wheels, with undesired results. The night was spent with Andrew's "Gingerbread Man", his own modernised version of the book that had provided the entertainment on the hospital on Skye, as well as much laughter over the female warden beckoning Michael into her little shop.
Friday 26 August 1988
Evening ride: Holne
6 Participants: Nathan Arecco, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper
What with Michael being away and the mist getting lower by the minute, there was reason enough to make it a short ride. Taking the flattish route to Holne and back the group got back to Buckfastleigh as night fell.
Saturday 27 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 10 Carn Dearg to Ullapool

39 miles
14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
Another late start was caused by further repairs (on Friday night's repairs), and by the time Gairloch was reached further along the road, a cafe stop had inevitably begun. At 12.30 the group left into the wet and very windy weather. Michael, worried about catching a ferry, sent a group of Chris and Michael Hall, Philip and Andrew S ahead to catch the first ferry. All went fairly well along the road despite windy conditions, but it was not until the road began to go along the actual coast that the full force of the wind was felt, with it virtually stopping progress at times, and blowing people off course.

Passing Michael Hall, stopped by a puncture, it was both Darrel and Philip M's turn to experience the wind in more painful terms - the ....

[The remainder of this report is currently missing from our archives. Please let us know if you have a copy.]
Sunday 28 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 11 Ullapool to Achmelvich

14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
[The report for this ride is currently missing from our archives. Please let us know if you have a copy.]
Sunday 28 August 1988
Day ride: Mansands
5 Participants: Richard Burge, Mark Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Jenny Quick (Adult, Totnes), Eugene Tollemache (10, Totnes)
Having cycled from Buckfastleigh alone, Richard was pleased to be met by two new members and two not so new at the Marldon pick-up. As the QE2 was in Torbay the roads were very busy, so Man Sands was abandoned as a destination and nearby Elberry Cove was chosen instead.

Mark Lakeman directed us through to the cove via Cockington and the sea front. When lunch had been consumed (disturbed part-way through by the passing of Concorde) we returned to the Lakeman's for afternoon tea, eventually continuing homewards via Totnes once goodbyes and thankyous had been said.
Monday 29 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 12 Achmelvich to Carbisdale Castle

14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
[The report for this ride is currently missing from our archives. Please let us know if you have a copy.]
Tuesday 30 August 1988
Tour: Scotland
Day 13 Carbisdale Castle to Perth

14 Participants: Graham Beever, Andrew Brush, Darrel Gough, Chris Hall, Michael Hall, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Michael Jones, Philip Mills, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons, Jeremy Weston, Stephen Wilson
[The report for this ride is currently missing from our archives. Please let us know if you have a copy.]
Tuesday 30 August 1988
Evening ride: Pridhamsleigh
Dry / threatening
4 Participants: Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Paul Ledingham
The Family Hopper and young Paul Ledingham had reached only Pridhamsleigh when Toby damaged himself on his pedal.

He seems to change either his whole bike or some part of it every month, so maybe the problem is in getting used to the particular size and orientation of the various parts of his machine.
Page 40 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants