South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 19 June 2011
10:15 - 13:10
Morning ride: Staverton
Cloudy with sunny spells & light showers, 14°
5 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
Zac was having problems persuading his boss not to make him work on Sundays, but the rest of us rode along Colston Road to Staverton where we arrived at the station just as a steam train was passing through. We chased it along the riverside path to the foot crossing, arriving just before it.

By way of a change we crossed the gate (that was always locked on Sundays) and skimmed stones across the river from the beach on the far side of the island – Connor got quite good by the time we left. Nipping up through the woodland path we spent a little time playing on the swings in the park, then when we heard the whistle we raced back to the station in time to see the same train returning to the station on its way to Buckfastleigh. The vintage Milky Bar machine was working so we all exchanged our money for old pennies and bought tasty chocolate bars.

We returned along the usual route past Hole Farm and Abham for 1.10 and enjoyed an after-ride computer games social at Crofters until 3pm.
Friday 24 June 2011
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Converted to Social
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
With rain continuing all evening we changed the ride to a games social, and for the most part spent the evening on the PCs. Unbeknown to Michael three of the lads popped out to use the trampoline in the rain and ended up really quite wet, so perhaps we should have gone on the ride after all.
Sunday 26 June 2011
10:15 - 13:10
Morning ride: Holne
Hot and sunny, 24°
12 miles
5 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Today was a one-day heatwave, but Jack had to leave by 2pm so we contented ourselves with a ride through Buckfast and Michelcombe to Holne play park where we spent some time playing on the rope swing and slides. Ash annoyingly had another front puncture, caused by sharp rim tape.

Holne Community Shop and Tearooms was disappointingly still not open despite its previously advertised opening date in May, so we returned home via the track to River Dart Country Park and then along the old Ashburton road. Everyone was pleased to reach the relative coolness of Crofters, although many later went out to enjoy the trampoline.
Friday 1 July 2011
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Skerraton Down
Warm but cloudy
8 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Adam Wyeth
Callum O’Brien was back on his old bike today as his new one had a broken derailleur. He was slow for the first part of the climb past Nurston but then seemed to find some new gears and led the way up the track to the top of Skerraton Down – I think he surprised himself with his new turn of speed.

It was fabulous on Skerraton this evening – perfectly quiet and warm. We enjoyed the descent to Cross Furzes as always, although this evening the lads noticed some Year 9 pupils camping nearby, something we have never seen in this quite stretch of moorland.

We got home around 9.15 and the youngsters enjoyed some trampolining and Call of Duty 4 at Crofters.
Sunday 3 July 2011
10:15 - 16:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): Ayrmer Cove
Hot and sunny
15 miles
4 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
Today’s ride turned out to be especially good fun for everyone who took part. We parked the car on the road just beyond California Cross on a hot and sunny morning and rode the short distance through the lanes and down the hill to Aveton Gifford. We took the tidal road towards St Anne’s Chapel, entertained along the way by a man playing with his expensive radio-controlled speedboat on the river.

Ash was impressed with the luxury properties on the climb to St Anne’s, many of which had remote controlled gates and multiple garages. He imagined some might have underground garages full of luxury cars, rather like the game Test Drive that he plays frequently at the moment.

We bought some refreshments at the shop and sat down on the seat outside to eat them, then rode down the hill to the village of Ringmore. We had planned to take the bridleway down to the cove but ended up on the footpath instead which involved a style and a pleasant path across a field.

It was hot and sunny when we arrived at the beach. After eating lunch on the sand we explored the sea, trying to find our way out to one of the rocky islands: there were large patches of spooky-looking seaweed but we found a way that largely avoided that. The rocks underfoot were a bit sharp but we soon reached the island and then discovered a fabulous sheltered pool which kept the youngsters happy with endless dives.

Returning to the bikes we followed the bridleway back to Ringmore and then took the main road back to the car from St Anne’s Chapel. The lads really enjoyed today’s ride which was easily the best of the summer so far.
Friday 8 July 2011
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
Light drizzle
5 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
The dry forecast turned out to be incorrect this evening, so we arranged a shorter ride around Hembury. Once the few who had temporarily abandoned us at The Orchard had met up with us again at Buckfast and Callum O’B had been persuaded that Hembury wasn’t such a bad destination after all we rode along the lower Hembury track and then branched up to the right halfway along. This would normally have brought us out halfway up the main hill, but we struck out upwards partway along and came out right on the top corner – a bit scratched maybe, but nobody was missing!

We amused ourselves in the fort area by climbing trees and then rode down the Slalom track through the woods on the way home. There was the usual trampolining and computer games fun when we returned at 9.15.
Sunday 10 July 2011
10:15 - 15:10
Morning ride: Fermoy's Garden Centre
Sunny intervals
19 miles
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Brodie Scott
On a cloudy but dry morning we had a good turnout and, happily, everyone seemed up for a slightly longer ride today. We rode through Caddaford and arrived at Staverton Station just as a steam train pulled in. There were calls for fun in the park as we rode past, but Michael kept everyone focussed on the destination and was impressed when we arrived at Fermoy’s garden centre by 11.55.

Five ordered hot food, and as the sun was out now we tried one of the outside tables. This turned out to be a bit unstable however, and it soon got a bit chilly, so we moved inside to a large round table. After looking around both sections of the pet store we crossed the car park to check out the new falconry centre: the birds here were impressive, especially the Hedwig lookalike and the other large owls. Apparently anyone can fly a bird from the glove for £35 per hour!

We left around 1.25 and headed back to Broadhempston via Denbury. After playing in Broadhempston Play Park for fifteen minutes we headed home via Green Lane, arriving back at 3.10 for a trampolining and Call of Duty social until 4.30.
Friday 15 July 2011
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Converted to Social
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The forecast this evening was for occasional spells of light rain, and since it was dark, gloomy and drizzling at seven o’clock it didn’t take us long to decide on running a social instead of a ride. We spent an enjoyable evening on Modern Warfare 2, Halo and trampolining.
Sunday 17 July 2011
10:15 - 12:40
Morning ride: South Brent
Sunny with showers
5 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones
The unsettled weather continued today with a forecast of showers, so we settled on a morning-only ride in the Dean direction. Callum O’B was for some reason unhappy about the hills or the direction or something, and after waiting for him halfway up he then decided to go home, leaving the rest of us to continue to South Brent.

We bought a pack of ten delicious doughnuts from Plymco to share, rode along the riverside path and then, after some debate, decided to ride up through Lutton to Bloody Pool. Everyone was quite fast now so we rode it easily and got home for 12.40, getting soaked by a nasty shower as we came into Buckfastleigh. As usual there was a social after the ride that involved Modern Warfare 2 and trampolining.
Friday 22 July 2011
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Ashburton
Sunny & warm
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The afternoon rain gave way to a wonderful sunny evening so we organised a varied ride to Ashburton that took in Pridhamsleigh, the railway path, the park path, the main street, South Dartmoor school and the Terrace Walk where a new kissing gate had been installed since our last visit that made it much easier for us. The views were superb here this evening, so Michael was frustrated that he had forgotten his camera.

From here we took the shortcut track from Headborough Farm towards The Lanterns that turned out to be not so muddy this evening, then returned home for 9pm. Congratulations to Callum O’B who rode terrifically tonight, making up for last week!
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