South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 22 January 2006
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Totnes Longmarsh
Sunny periods, cold start
16 miles
8 Participants: Donald Comer-Calder, Kane Edwards, Henry Gunter, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Jill Hockmuth, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
For Zac's second ride we decided to go for a slightly easier destination. We rode along Colston road, then took the cycle path from Dartington to Totnes, pausing only to look at the weir that was today much tamer than it had been on our last visit. Arriving in Totnes for mid-day we headed up the main street and settled in the Barrel House cafe at the top of town for an order of 6 luxury hot chocolates. The young man making the drinks took considerable time to get them just right, then brought them proudly on a tray, complete with flakes. Unfortunately Zac and Dennis decided to squabble over one of the drinks and ended up emptying its contents all over the table and themselves! Michael and Jill felt a bit like being in charge of a bunch of chimps as a replacement drink was generously prepared "on the house".

The weather was excellent today and the youngsters had done well to get to Totnes. Their reward was a ride to steamer quay and then along the riverside at Longmarsh. We've never ridden here before, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

We needed to head for home, but Zac was slowing down as we rode along the main road to Littlehempston. We paused for fun at Littlehempston Bridge, then continued on through Staverton, finally reaching Buckfastleigh at around 3.45. It had been a long ride, but the youngsters had thoroughly enjoyed their outing.
Friday 27 January 2006
19:00 - 21:30
Social: Games Evening

5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Computer games were the centre of attention once again this evening, with Lord of the Rings definitely attracting most interest.
Sunday 29 January 2006
10:15 - 15:30
Day ride: Broadridge Woods
Sunny, cold start
22 miles
7 Participants: Tao Burgess, Donald Comer-Calder, Nick Comer-Calder, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
It's been a long time since we ventured into Broadridge Woods near Newton Abbot, but today everyone wanted to go that little bit further than usual - and the weather was perfect! Nick and Donald had to be back for lunch so they headed back for Ashburton once we had passed Woodland. The rest of us continued through warm country lanes to Chercombe Bridge and then joined the path through the woods towards Bradley. The youngsters couldn't resist stopping to explore some old lime kilns lurking behind the trees.

We avoided Newton by taking the lane out to East Ogwell. From there Tao led us on an interesting shortcut to Two Mile Oak - Dennis wasn't too impressed with all the climbs as he was rather hungry, but he felt much better after we had eaten lunch at Fermoys. Everyone was on top form for the final journey home through Broadhempston and Staverton, but the youngsters did feel a little tired when they settled down for their refreshments at Crofters!
Friday 3 February 2006
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Another quiet evening of computer games and DVDs kept everyone happily entertained.
Sunday 5 February 2006
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Holne
10 miles
11 Participants: Donald Comer-Calder, Nick Comer-Calder, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Hugo Hunt (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Unknown Rider 1, Lukas Unknown (Junior, Devon), Tom Unknown (Junior, Devon), Joe Venables, Oscar Wiessler (Junior, Devon)
Today was the day after Donald's ninth birthday, and by way of celebration he had invited four of his friends to join him on a special club cycle ride to Holne. Two parents helped to run the ride, but Michael had to run the support vehicle as he was still recovering from a virus. Dennis, being Dennis, just had to make sure the support vehicle was needed by overtaking Joe and then going over his handlebars - he was OK once he had been patched up.

Some of the new youngsters had cycled before so they had no difficulty with the ride along the lower Hembury Woods track. Even Tom and Lukas, who were relatively inexperienced, did remarkably well and didn't complain at all about the big hill up to Holne! The best part of the ride was the downhill woodland track into River Dart Adventures which offered plenty of opportunity for fun and adventure. A short ride along the old Ashburton road then brought us back to Dart Bridge, from where the birthday brigade returned to Donald's house at Buckfast for a birthday lunch and the rest of us returned to Crofters for an afternoon social - which included selecting and buying a few exceptional fireworks for our social next Friday evening!
Friday 10 February 2006
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
The usual fun evening of computer game battles kept everyone happy for hours.
Sunday 12 February 2006
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: North Huish
Sunny and warm
15 miles
5 Participants: Donald Comer-Calder, Nick Comer-Calder, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Looking for a more adventurous ride today we set off up Dean Hill towards South Brent. Nick was encouraged by Michael's comment that Plymco at South Brent offered pastries as part of their Cuisine de France range. When we arrived, however, we discovered that the range had been discontinued over two years ago! As Nick said, at least the thought of the pastries had made the last 10 minutes of the ride much more enjoyable!

Riding through Avonwick we took the lane route to North Huish and then the long steep descent past Manor Farm to a delightful bridge at the bottom over the river Avon. The weather was perfect this morning and everything looked wonderful in the morning sunshine. Those without mudguards had collected excellent mud streaks on the way down the hill.

On the ride home via Diptford and Rattery, Joe tried the touring bike that Josh was riding and decided that it really was ridiculously easy compared with a mountain bike.
Friday 17 February 2006
19:00 - 21:30
Social: The Great Tesco Chocolate Pudding Social

4 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones
Following the popularity of our last visit to Tesco a few weeks ago, demand was high for a repeat visit. Kane wasn't so enthusiastic at first, but he warmed to the idea when he spotted huge racks of discounted chocolate puddings! The youngsters really enjoyed their trip out, and enjoyed eating the puddings even more!
Sunday 19 February 2006
10:15 - 11:15
Morning ride: Bilberryhill
Cloudy, rain later
3 miles
6 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Gavin Pearson
The morning weather forecast suggested continuous rain by 11am, so Michael arranged a short excursion through Buckfast, confident that rain would be falling within minutes. Well eleven o'clock came and went and there was still no sign of rain, so we extended the route a little by taking the track through the woods near the cricket pitch, getting back to Crofters by about 11.30. The rain didn't come until nearly 1pm, but perhaps it was better to be sure of staying dry than to risk a total soaking!
Friday 24 February 2006
19:00 - 21:45
Social: Cinema Trip, Chicken Little

5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Tonight's cinema trip was arranged at the specific request of the younger riders. The film was at Vue cinema, Plymouth, and provided an entertaining night out for everyone.
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