South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 18 December 2005
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride: Christmas Lunch, Ilsington
Sunny but cold
5 Participants: Osian Jarvis, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, Keir Purdie, Joe Venables
Osian was slower than usual on his first day ride, so our outward ride through Ashburton and Bickington was somewhat delayed. He picked up on the climb to Ilsington however, and we arrived at the hotel by 12.20, leaving us plenty of time to enjoy the pool, sauna, Jacuzzi and steam room before settling down for our three-course meal. Gavin lost some pool time because he had to fix a puncture!

The meal itself was generally good, as this year everyone could choose from a full lunchtime menu. Keir, of course, was the most difficult to please, so the staff had to offer him chicken instead of turkey! Afterwards there was coffee and mints in front of the huge open fire, during which time Joe learned that he had just beaten Keir to the 2004/2005 attendance trophy.

The ride home was mainly downhill and, consequently, chilly, but Osian had found new energy after his meal so we made it back to Buckfastleigh before dark.
Friday 23 December 2005
17:00 - 22:00
Social: Cinema Trip, King Kong

7 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Osian Jarvis, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
Everybody wanted a cinema trip tonight, and King Kong seemed to be the film of the moment. With the film running for more than three hours we needed to start the social at 5pm instead of 7, so we had a packed evening of top quality entertainment. As for the film - well, it boasted a very convincing monkey and was packed full of action sequences, but it couldn't help being based on a story that's a bit out of date. None of the youngsters liked the ending, but everyone enjoyed their evening out.
Wednesday 28 December 2005
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Christmas Special
Sunny but very cold
5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
On a freezing cold morning when gloves were essential to stay alive, Kane turned up with no gloves and had to share with Dennis! The lower Hembury track was frozen solid today and the youngsters took pleasure in riding through the ice-topped puddles.

Everyone got a free Christmas chocolate bar as we sat on the swings and forts in Holne Play Park admiring the views and watching beams of sunlight melting the frosty grass. Suddenly it seemed to get even colder, and a swift ride along the ridge road to Hembury fort didn't make us any warmer at all! Plans for a meander around the many tracks that criss-cross the wood were replaced with a speedy descent down the Slalom track and a dash for the almost tropical warmth of the Crofters clubroom.

The afternoon social included a showing of the Christmas edition of Doctor Who and a grand Lord of the Rings computer game challenge between Joe and Michael on the one side and Kane and Josh on the other. No prizes for guessing the winners!
Friday 30 December 2005
18:00 - 22:00
Social: Christmas Special

6 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
[Report to follow]
Monday 2 January 2006
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Denbury
22 miles
5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
With excellent weather encouraging us and several new bikes in the group we decided to ride to Fermoys for the first ride of 2006. We got as far as Staverton before Josh's new bike developed a problem with the bottom bracket that couldn't be fixed on the road. Josh was understandably disappointed that his new bike had failed after just a week, and sadly he had to wait to be collected by his father.

The rest of the group continued through Torbryan to Ipplepen where the garden centre was crowded with shoppers eager to buy up the hugely discounted Christmas gifts. After we had enjoyed some excellent refreshments Dennis and Kane were still ready for more, so we extended the ride by continuing on to Denbury and then investigating the prison there - a path through the grounds gave us all a good view of the layout of the complex which turned out to be much larger than any of us had imagined!

Our final route home took us through Woodland and Landscove. Many congratulations to both our younger riders who amazed us all with their high speed and enthusiasm! It looks like we'll be able to ride longer and farther on future rides!

As a reward we organised a social trip to Plymouth to watch the new Narnia film - and of course Josh was allowed to come!
Friday 6 January 2006
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Badminton

5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Badminton was the activity of choice this evening for most members, but the nearest free court was at Paignton. The youngsters enjoyed the long drive almost as much as the badminton!
Sunday 8 January 2006
10:15 - 12:00
Morning ride: Skerraton
4 miles
4 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones
Everyone started the ride with enthusiasm today despite the cold weather. We climbed Dean hill which warmed everyone up, and then the snowflakes started to fall. Even then the youngsters were keen to do an adventurous ride, so we changed direction and headed up the hill towards Gidleigh Bridge.

By the time we reached the top the snow was quite heavy and all the youngsters wanted to head for home once the group photo had been taken. The descent to Nurston made everyone even colder, so the warm Crofters clubroom was particularly welcome when we arrived.
Friday 13 January 2006
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
We'd been out a lot on recent socials, so this evening we enjoyed a cheaper social on the computer games.
Sunday 15 January 2006
10:15 - 12:45
Morning ride: Skerraton Down
Cloudy with rain later
6 miles
7 Participants: Donald Comer-Calder, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath (10, Buckfastleigh), Gavin Pearson, Joe Venables
New rider Zac said he did lots of cycling so we started our ride with a climb from Dean Prior towards Harbourneford. In fact Zac found it a bit tiring, so we switched direction and took the steep climb up to the Nurston road. We kept our eye on the clouds as the forecast was for rain starting between 12 and 1, but it seemed ok as we entered the rough track that leads up to Skerraton Down.

The first drops of rain began to fall as we rode and pushed our bikes up the rough slopes to the ridge, and by the time we had reached the top it was clear that the rain had come early and we were going to get wet. We proceeded down the hill with all speed, feeling somewhat relieved when we finally reached Cross Furzes. The final 2-mile descent of Wallaford Road was cold and wet, making everyone very glad of the Crofters clubroom and its warm refreshments.
Friday 20 January 2006
19:00 - 22:00
Social: The Great Tesco LanYop Party

5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Just in case you don't know what a Tesco LanYop party is: we visited Tesco at Lee Mill, bought some expensive yoghurt drinks called Yops, returned to the clubroom and played exciting multiplayer PC games on the network (LAN) while enjoying the drinks!
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