South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Friday 28 April 2006
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Avon Dam
12 miles
3 Participants: Michael Jones, Ben Parker, Joe Venables
Our familiar excursion to the Avon Dam via Dean Prior and Shipley Bridge was particularly enjoyable on this sunny evening. Everything was still and quiet by the dam, and the only sound that broke the silence near the top of the Abbots Way was our first cuckoo of the season!

It was almost dark for the final descent to Cross Furzes, but we didn't need lights until we hit the downhill to Buckfastleigh.
Sunday 30 April 2006
10:15 - 18:00
Day ride (Car-assisted): Devon DA 75th Anniversary
Sunny spells
32 miles
3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Today we were joining the Devon DA's 75th anniversary get-together at Starcross. Since the event wasn't going to finish until 4pm we used car assistance as far as Gappah, then rode up to the new Haldon Forest Park at Buller's Hill to explore some of the new cycle tracks that have been laid out there. We were amazed at how much had changed since we last visited the site - there are now food and toilet facilities, and literally hundreds of cyclists milling around! We tried the red track, designed for more experienced cyclists, and found it challenging but very enjoyable. Tao couldn't resist trying the descent of a steep wooden ramp in the nearby black run - equalling the success of the fearless youngsters who had been riding it all day, but not quite matching their 2 seconds of airtime!

We headed back to the road and then proceeded with all speed to Starcross, where the British Legion village hall had been set up especially for our event. More than 120 cyclists from the various sections of the Devon DA arrived by 2.45, and after a short speech from our president Ken Strong we devoured the sandwiches, cream scones and birthday cake that had been generously organised by Mike Bowden of Exeter section. There was just time for a group photo before we said our goodbyes and headed back along the coast path from Dawlish Warren to Dawlish.

Joe kept us entertained yet again by forgetting to remove his left foot from his SPD pedals before stopping - he fell embarrassingly to the ground on three separate occasions, even knocking Tao to the ground on the final occasion! After negotiating the final climb from Ashcombe we enjoyed the final descent to Gappah, just managing to get home by 6pm.
Friday 5 May 2006
19:00 - 21:40
Evening ride: Spitchwick
12 miles
4 Participants: Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Ben Parker, Joe Venables
Dennis was the next rider to use Michael’s below average bike this evening, and also gave us the reason for Josh’s absence from cycling; a sore arm! Joe showed off his spanky new lights, which were very cheap considering their value. With four of us present we set off for Spitchwick along the road to Ashburton before turning left and up the hill towards Buckland in the moor. Ben consistently complained that Dennis was being given the biased treatment from Michael - offering him a chocolate egg if he rode all the way - but stopped his whining when we got to the top of the hill which leads down to Spitchwick.

Michael gave advanced warning of the tight corners down this steep decline, but Ben seemed to ignore these, first skidding off into some leaves and then going straight on at one of the corners! Fortunately he wasn’t injured and we were soon riding through the relaxed surroundings of Spitchwick and on to New Bridge.

After playing with the Frisbees for a few minutes Dennis asked whether we could do the slalom in Hembury Woods en route to Buckfast. His question was answered when after a couple of hills we were riding past the fort which lies at the top of the woods. It was now practically dark and Michael advised both Ben and Joe to only take the slalom track if they felt confident. They did, but while Michael and Dennis took the easier route out of the woods, Ben struggled to see where he was going - his light was pointing straight ahead, not at the ground! Fortunately he was behind Joe whose new front light was beaming and giving a clear indication of what lied ahead.

[Contributed by Ben Parker]
Sunday 7 May 2006
10:15 - 14:10
Morning ride: Dr Blackall's Drive
Sunny and warm
18 miles
5 Participants: Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
The weather was perfect for cycling so we decided on an adventurous ride to Dartmoor that wouldn't push Dennis too hard. After riding through Hembury we stopped at New Bridge for ice creams and hot soup, then tackled the long but scenic climb through Leusdon. We noticed that the Leusdon Lodge hotel that for many years provided an excellent venue for our Christmas Lunch rides is now a private house, so the magnificent views afforded from the dining room can now only be enjoyed by a select few!

Matt had to get home for lunch, but the rest of us pressed on to the top of Poundsgate hill to begin the exciting return along Doctor Blackall's drive. Everyone was so keen to enjoy the ride that nobody stopped to enjoy the main viewpoint over the river Dart - except Michael of course. But everyone loved the final fast descent to the New Bridge track - Dennis reckoned it made this his best ride ever! We returned home the quick way via Hembury so that Joe and Michael could pay a visit to Big Peaks for some bike repairs during the afternoon.
Wednesday 10 May 2006
18:00 - 20:15
Evening ride (Junior): Staverton
Sunny and warm
10 miles
10 Participants: Glen Fulford (9, Buckfastleigh), Sarah Fulford (11, Buckfastleigh), Dennis Ham, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Amie Jardine (10, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Sylvan O'Rowan (10, Buckfastleigh), Joe Venables, Megan Venables
Our first junior ride of the season got off to an excellent start with 10 riders heading out along Colston road. Things went well until Michael's left pedal worked lose and refused to allow itself to be screwed back into the crank! With the damage already done to the threads he rode on with the pedal becoming more angled with every turn of the wheels.

Everyone made good progress, so when we got to Staverton we had time for our customary visit to the island for stone skimming - a new skill for some of the youngsters that will no doubt come in useful to them one day! While returning home past Riverford Michael's pedal came out altogether, so he was forced to limp home with just one pedal - much to the amusement of the rest of the group
Friday 12 May 2006
19:00 - 21:40
Evening ride: Holne
Dry and sunny
11 miles
5 Participants: Kane Edwards, Glen Fulford, Michael Jones, Ben Parker, Joe Venables
Nine-year-old Glen proved just how capable and enthusiastic he is by transferring to Fridays for his second ride with us and performing as well as everyone else! The fun started with a ride through Burchett’s Wood, which turned out to be just as muddy in places as it always has been despite the recent dry weather. We temporarily mislaid Kane at Michelcombe when he stopped without warning to chat with a friend, then rode up to Holne Play Park to introduce Glen to the delights of Frisbee throwing.

It was only when we were approaching Hembury Woods that Michael noticed that Glen wasn't wearing his helmet. He thought he had left it at a junction near Gallant Le Bower, but Michael detected a certain amount of uncertainty, so as we were running fairly late he decided to go back later for it in the car. Meanwhile we concluded the ride with a dark descent through some of Hembury's interesting tracks.

When Michael and Joe went back later to find the helmet, it wasn't at the junction at all! They eventually found it back at Holne Play Park!!
Sunday 14 May 2006
10:15 - 15:15
Day ride: Tuckenhay
Sunny and warm
28 miles
2 Participants: Jack Greep, Michael Jones
Jack made a welcome return to club riding after a break of nearly two years, but proved that he had lost none of his skills by riding a full day ride with no trouble at all! We followed Colston Road to Dartington, then took the cycle path alongside the river Dart to Totnes. We made such good time that we could afford to stop in a cafe for refreshments in the morning sunshine before pressing on to the Ashprington cycle path, offering spectacular views of the river Dart. We stopped for lunch by the stepping stones near Bow Bridge, entertained by a family of ducklings that got separated from their mother. Jack seemed pleased with his home-made pasta and tuna!

The climb up corkscrew hill was challenging to the say the least, but Jack was still powering up the hills all the way to the Dartmouth road. The ride back across the rolling South Hams hills was fast and enjoyable, but just after Diptford Jack learned that it's best to ride slowly when the lane if covered with freshly-deposited cow droppings - especially when you don't have mudguards!

We continued home at a fast pace via Rattery, arriving back at Buckfastleigh by around 3.15.
Wednesday 17 May 2006
18:00 - 20:15
Evening ride (Junior): Converted to Social
Heavy rain
4 Participants: Glen Fulford, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Joe Venables
Our second junior ride was called off because of the bad weather, but a computer games social kept everyone positively occupied for the evening.
Friday 19 May 2006
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Converted to Social
Heavy rain
4 Participants: Dennis Ham, Michael Jones, Ben Parker, Joe Venables
Further heavy rain forced us to cancel our second ride this week. Everybody wanted to go to Pizza Hut at Plymouth instead, so we all enjoyed a very tasty meal while the rain continued throughout the evening.
Sunday 21 May 2006
10:15 - 10:45
Morning ride: Buckfast
3 miles
3 Participants: Dennis Ham, Josh Ham, Michael Jones
Josh seemed keen to do a ride today regardless of the weather, but when we actually reached the start he decided that a short ride through Buckfast would probably be quite sufficient!
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