South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Friday 18 July 2014
Social: Pizza Hut

5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers
It was George's birthday yesterday so John kindly treated the younsters to some pizza at the newly-refurbished Pizza Hut near Plymouth's Barbican. Entertainment for the evening was provided by Neil's car, a Nissan Micra, which required a complicated and illogical series of actions simply to open the boot let alone start it - Michael had to ring Neil for help!
Sunday 20 July 2014
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Dartington
Sunny with occasional showers
4 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, John Rogers
As Lawrence was running late again we started by discussing our proposed summer tour. It was agreed that to attract the maximum number of riders we would shorten the trip to just one or two nights away and make it more local.

Lawrence suggested a destination this morning so we rode briskly out along Colston Road and down the cycle path to Dartington. We stopped for refreshments in the Venus café only to find the now Lawrence didn't want to buy anything. Callum bought chips for a change and John, trying to be healthy, baulked at the price of his orange juice.

A shower dampened things down on our way to Staverton but cleared up in time for some frisbee fun in the park. Callum is moving to Newcastle within the next 10 days so we made the most of our final ride home with him through Caddaford. Hopefully he will be able to join us for our summer tour.
Friday 25 July 2014
Evening ride: Hembury
Very hot and sunny
3 Participants: Ashley Challis (17, Ashburton), Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
Our plan to reintroduce summer evening rides on a trial basis did not work out too well when some who had said they would be here failed to arrive. Callum arrived for his final event with us in jeans and was not surprisingly complaining of the oppressive heat. We also had new rider Ashley Challis who preferred cycling to computer games, so we planned a short ride through Hembury that would enable to him to return home before dark.

Things didn't work out quite as planned in that Callum found the heat so unbearable that he had to go home before we even reached Hembury, so Michael and Ashley continued along the lower Hembury track where the usual summer camp was in full swing. He's a good cyclist so we hope he will be back again for Sunday's ride.

I'm sure everyone in the club would like to wish Callum the very best for his future when he moves to Newcastle on Monday. We very much hope he will be able to join us on tours and weekend rides from time to time.
Sunday 27 July 2014
10:15 - 14:40
Morning ride: Dartington
Sunny and warm
13 miles
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ashley Challis, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, Will Rogers, Ewan Suttie (12, Ashburton)
Everyone seemed to be here for Callum’s leaving cake fest except Callum himself, so everyone ate the cakes anyway – thinking of Callum with every mouthful of course.
After a scintillating display of brotherly love between Will and George which resulted in the spilling of a good deal of orange juice, we set off along Colston Road to give new member Ewan a good chance of completing his first ride. We needn’t have worried however as he kept up admirably. The main problem was Lawrence who managed to pick up a slow puncture.

After drinks at Dartington we returned to Staverton park for some Frisbee practice and then headed back via Abham. Sadly Lawrence’s slow puncture turned into a fast one when he tried pumping it, so we had to effect repairs before continuing home via Caddaford.

Callum had already read about the cakes and was now waiting eagerly at Crofters for us to return. So he got free cake (and everyone else got more too), and free noodles and a free drink and a photo on the trampoline, all coupled with some great final games of Modern Warfare 3 with seven people playing simultaneously. Finally it was time to go and we all wished Callum and his family the very best for their move to Newcastle.
Friday 1 August 2014
18:30 - 22:30
Social: Cinema Trip

5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Tonight we enjoyed the film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at Vue cinemas, Plymouth.
Sunday 3 August 2014
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: River Dart Counry Park
Sunny and warm
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We set off at a brisk pace up Hembury hill with the idea of visiting Spitchwick, but by the time we got to Gallant le Bower the majority preferred Holne Café to what would have been a very crowded Spitchwick Common. John had to leave us here for a 12.30 luncheon appointment at Ashbuton.

The café surpassed its own high standards today with extremely generous portions of soup and toasties for very reasonable prices, so we'll definitely be returning again soon.

For the return journey we took the woodland track through Holne Woods (well Ash took the road as he had his road bike) and rode through a very busy River Dart park before taking the B-road back to Buckfastleigh.
Friday 8 August 2014
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Badminton and Games

4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We had the Ashmoor sports hall to ourselves this evening so we spread out onto two courts. Dillan and George both played well and showed improvement from the last time we played.
Sunday 10 August 2014
10:15 - 15:40
Day ride: Ipplepen
Sunny but breezy
19 miles
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Alastair Shapland
The heavy overnight rain had stopped by 9am but there were still strong winds and occasional showers when the ride began so we decided to run a local day ride in preference to the planned car-assisted trip to The Camel Trail in Cornwall. The youngsters were keen to get the miles up in preparation for our tour next week so we set off up Green Lane with the idea of going to Fermoys garden centre at Ipplepen. A friendly dog at the traveller encampment on the track to Well Cottages insisted on following us for over a mile before we finally managed to leave it behind.

The youngsters were still wanting the longer ride at Staverton so we pressed on up the final hills to Ipplepen and arrived at the garden centre by around 12.15. We took our time enjoying hot food and drinks at the café and then looking at the many inhabitants of the pet store.

It was 1.40 when we finally set off for home, returning via Denbury and Broadhempston. The short time we spent in Broadhempston Play Park was notable mainly for Dillan’s not-so-clever throw of our rocket, which missed George and ended up in a nearby garden that was patrolled by aggressive-sounding dogs. The owner kindly returned home from the pub to retrieve it for us.

Michael was amazed that the youngsters not only coped well with the final hills to Buckfastleigh but were still full of energy by the time we reached Crofters! Congratulations to everyone who took part: this was your longest ride with the club so far. You are now properly prepared for the tour next week and some more longer rides in September.
Friday 15 August 2014
19:00 - 22:20
Social: Pizza Hut

5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, Alastair Shapland
We got some great value food at Plymouth's Crownhill Pizza Hut this evening, with everyone getting pizza, dessert and unlimited drinks for £8.
Sunday 17 August 2014
Morning ride: Landscove
Heavy showers with some sunny spells
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Alastair Shapland
Our ride to Landscove started with sunny spells but quickly turned to a long, heavy shower by the time we reached Baddaford. We found some substantial trees for shelter but it wasn't long before the rain was coming through, so there was nothing for it but to head up the hill and then down across the fields towards the café, getting quite wet along the way.

As we walked into the café, dripping wet, some other customers thought it would be amusing to ask if it was raining outside. They then tried to make out they had been out in it as well, but of course that meant the walk from their car to the café!

As soon as we had sat down for refreshments the sun came out, but it didn't stop us enjoying an extended cake and drinks stop. We eventually headed back via Green Lane where Ash met us for the final journey home just as another shower started up. Everyone got free cake at Crofters, however, to celebrate Michael's birthday, which helped make this an enjoyable day overall.
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Events Index Gallery Participants