South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 234 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 3 October 2003
19:00 - 22:00
Social: AGM

2 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones
A number of plans were agreed for the coming season that should boost the Section's membership, including a revision of the Junior Training Programme, publication of new information packs, heavy advertising of the Section in as many locations as possible, later starts for Sunday rides (for the benefit of those youngsters who don't like getting up early on Sundays) and new parental consent forms. Changes commence 5 October, and all changes should have been rolled out within 2 weeks.
Sunday 5 October 2003
11:00 - 15:00
Morning ride: Dartington
Sunny with a slight chill in the air
16 miles
4 Participants: Tao Burgess, Will Burgess, Michael Jones, David Robinson
Our new season of 11am morning rides was given a special send off this morning by David Robinson, attending his first ride in several years. Will also deserves mention for getting up before 6am so that he could cycle back from his friend's house to be on the ride.

We chose a leisurely ride (for David's benefit) along Colston Road to the Cider Press Centre at Dartington. The queue for Cranks restaurant was rather large so we visited Muffins outdoor cafe for some delicious drinks and refreshments in the morning sunshine. The cycle path to Totnes was delightful this morning, affording David new insights into the activities of the Buckfastleigh to Totnes steam railway. Our return route was through Littlehempston and Staverton.
Friday 10 October 2003
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Games Evening

3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson
A combination of games, videos, hot chocolate drinks and relaxed conversation yielded and enjoyable, informal social evening.
Sunday 12 October 2003
11:00 - 13:35
Morning ride: Landscove
Cloudy but dry
12 miles
5 Participants: Jake Chilcott, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Jamie Mason, Gavin Pearson
Jamie wanted to test his new bike, so we chose a route that included as much off-road as we could find. From Green Lane we took the track towards Abham electricity station, then climbed behind the station to include the downhill track to Hole Farm. Staverton offered the usual riverside path, but our plans then went somewhat astray as the youngsters couldn't resist the temptation to skim stones on the fast-flowing river.

When the fun was finally over we decided to miss out Beaston track and head for the cafe at Landscove. Our faint hope that it might have been open was dashed on arrival, so we made the most of Michael's mobile chocolate shop and headed back via Green Lane. Perhaps Fermoys cafe at Ipplepen - open all year round - would be a good destination for next week's ride!
Friday 17 October 2003
18:30 - 22:30
Social: Cinema Trip

9 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Will Burgess, Jake Chilcott, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Jamie Mason, Sean Nicholson, Gavin Pearson
This evening's cinema trip proved so popular that two cars were required to provide transport to Plymouth. The film - Finding Nemo - was excellent and kept everyone thoroughly entertained from beginning to end.
Sunday 19 October 2003
11:00 - 14:05
Morning ride: Dartington
Cold but dry
12 miles
10 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Will Burgess, Jason Dart (11, Buckfastleigh), Kane Edwards (11, Buckfastleigh), Josh Ham, Michael Jones, James Manning, Keir Manning, Ben Parker
New riders Jason and Kane helped to swell numbers to the largest since June - and it was really good to see Keir, James and Ben return to club riding after a long break. Once Jason learned that high gears are good for going fast, he made good progress along Colston Road, but after climbing the hill to Dartington Kane needed a rest to recover from a stomach pain. This seemed like a cue for a cafe stop, so we dropped down to the Cider Press Centre and, in a repeat of the 5 October ride, transferred from the long queue in Cranks restaurant to the much shorter queue for the outdoor Muffins cafe around the corner.

Suitably refreshed from numerous cakes, hot chocolates and toasted cheese sandwiches we set off once more for Staverton Bridge, where the steam train arrived moments afterwards packed with late-season tourists. There was just time for a short detour along the riverside path, but then we really needed to head straight for home via Abham. Jason discovered the sharpness of the corner bear Caddaford farm but the hedge lightened his landing so he came out smiling.

Everyone had enjoyed the ride very much, but there was more fun during the afternoon games social as four youngsters passed their puncture repair test and received JTP certificates.
Friday 24 October 2003
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Games Evening

8 Participants: Jake Chilcott, Ben Collins (II), Kane Edwards, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Connor Macleod (9, Buckfastleigh), Sean Nicholson, Ben Parker
A relatively quiet evening of computer games kept everyone happy.
Sunday 26 October 2003
11:00 - 13:40
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny, cold at times
12 miles
11 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Will Burgess, Kane Edwards, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, James Manning, Ben Parker, Gavin Pearson, David Robinson
The end of British Summer Time left no excuses for anyone to be either late or tired on this perfect autumnal morning. We had only reached Buckfast when Josh's bike needed its wheel bearings tightened, but there were no further problems and we were soon enjoying refreshments and Aerobie contests in the play park at Holne. Louis thought it would be a good idea to soak his head in the stream, but soon began to pay the price as the cold air took its toll.

The ride continued along the woodland track to River Dart Country Park, offering plenty of fun for our newer riders and helping them towards their first certificates. The final road section from Ashburton to Buckfastleigh left plenty of time for an afternoon games social at Crofters.
Friday 31 October 2003
19:00 - 22:15
Social: Badminton

6 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Will Burgess, Kane Edwards, Michael Jones, Connor Macleod
Our first badminton session of the new season had to include some very basic training for Kane and Connor, who found it difficult to hit the shuttle let alone serve with it! The other four players enjoyed some entertaining games.
Sunday 2 November 2003
11:00 - 15:00
Morning ride: Fermoys
Sunny, cold at times
19 miles
9 Participants: Louis Burgess, Tao Burgess, Jake Chilcott, Kane Edwards, Josh Ham, Michael Jones, James Manning, Jamie Mason, Ashley Myhill (15, Buckfastleigh)
New rider Ashley performed incredibly well on what turned out to be a very long first ride. We took the flattest, most direct route to Fermoys to maximise our chances of reaching a destination that many members had been asking to visit for several weeks. Ultimately, reaching it did not prove a problem, and the availability of half-priced roast meals for the children meant that everyone was thoroughly rested and recharged before we started on the journey home.

Louis and James had the most difficulty with the last few miles, mainly because they had pushed themselves to come on the ride even though they were suffering from colds. Nevertheless we got everyone home by a reasonable time.
Page 234 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants