South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 233 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 31 August 2003
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Harberton
Warm and sunny
14 miles
4 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Phillip Oakley
As Philip had managed to get the day off work to come on a Sunday ride with us, we took a route along Colston Road to the Totnes cycle path that has been Philip's favourite ride for many years. The cafe near Somerfield provided an enjoyable refreshment stop, boasting outdoor seating and excellent food. A brisk climb through the town brought us quickly to the lanes near Harberton, which in turn led us to the discovery of a brand new track descent.

Finding ourselves back in the Follaton area of Totnes (we didn't have a map) we followed the main road to Tigley and then negotiated the steep climb to Rattery, Pennywell Farm and home.
Friday 5 September 2003
19:00 - 20:40
Evening ride: River Dart Country Park
9 miles
6 Participants: Jake Chilcott, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Jamie Mason, Phillip Oakley, Gavin Pearson
Several riders didn't have lights so we decided to do a short but brisk ride that would get us home by dusk. The lower Hembury track brought us quickly to Galant Le Bower cross and the interesting track through the fields to River Dart Country Park. There was a slight delay on the final section while Michael waited in the woods for the rest of the group: unbeknown to him the particular track they had taken had been diverted since he had last ridden it, so they were actually waiting inside the park itself!
Sunday 7 September 2003
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Staverton
Threatening rain
13 miles
4 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Gavin Pearson
With the forecast rain apparently threatening from all directions at the start of the ride we planned a loop route that would never take us too far from Buckfastleigh. The ride was interesting nevertheless, taking us up Green Lane, left to Baddaford, down and up a cornfield track that we rarely use and then on to the Mother Hubbard tearooms at Landscove for refreshments in the garden.

By now the sky was showing signs of clearing, so we opted for the Staverton extension that took us down a couple of tracks and eventually brought us home along Colston Road.
Friday 12 September 2003
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Sigford
10 miles
4 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Phillip Oakley, Gavin Pearson
A short ride took us through Ashburton towards Sigford and then home on the lanes on the south side of the A38. Michael's expensive front light was absolutely superb - until the battery went flat. As Oliver said, it really does help if you charge it!
Saturday 13 September 2003
15:00 - 18:15
Afternoon ride: New Bridge
Warm and sunny
8 miles
4 Participants: Jake Chilcott, Ben Collins (II), Michael Jones, Jamie Mason
To accommodate some of our younger riders who could not make the scheduled rides, Michael arranged a special swimming ride for them to the river Dart near New Bridge, making the most of the hot weather.
Sunday 14 September 2003
10:15 - 16:15
Day ride: Mothecombe Beach
Hot and sunny
36 miles
3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley
Everyone voted to extend today's morning ride to a full day ride, and in view of the excellent weather, Mothecombe Beach or Salcombe seemed good choices. We put off the final decision until we had climbed Dean Hill, purchased a good lunch from the Plymco store at South Brent and continued to Kitterford Cross. The rich blue skies - and the long descent - finally swung the decision in favour of Mothecombe.

We were all a little sleepy this morning for various reasons, and the heat certainly made the ride a little harder. By 12.30, however, we were descending the final hill to the beach overlooking the Erme, and a few minutes later we had found a private, shady spot where we could watch the many other beach visitors as they juggled and played football in the distance.

One of the highlights of this ride is the ritual crossing of the Erme - impossible at high tide and only really enjoyable at low tide. Fortunately the tide was completely out today, so with bikes raised high and shoes removed we waded across the shallow waters to the far bank. Tao and Oliver, who hadn't fancied the prospect of getting wet to the waste, found the whole adventure much more fun than they had anticipated. With no map we just about remembered our way home, although the planned detour through Aveton Gifford, Avon Mill cafe and Totnes had to be replaced by California Cross garage and South Brent after some particularly unhelpful signs led us astray!
Friday 19 September 2003
19:00 - 20:45
Evening ride: Venford Reservoir
Fairly warm
2 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley
A long climb brought us to Venford Reservoir by dusk. Plans to try the track descent to Michelcombe had to be abandoned, however, owing to severe absence of light, so we just enjoyed a long chat in the midst of this moorland tranquillity and then returned home via Hembury Woods.
Sunday 21 September 2003
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Buckland-in-the-Moor
Sunny and warm
16 miles
3 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Gavin Pearson
Our planned cafe stop at the Round House, Buckland, had to be hastily rearranged to the ice cream van at New Bridge when we discovered that the former was now, finally, closed. While we were enjoying our refreshments on the verge, two families of cyclists arrived with various children accommodated in child seats and Rann trailers.
Friday 26 September 2003
19:00 - 20:45
Evening ride: Staverton
3 Participants: Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley, Gavin Pearson
We didn't attempt anything too strenuous for our final evening ride of the season - just a spin along Colston Road to Staverton and home through the lanes.
Sunday 28 September 2003
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Hamel Down
Warm & sunny
26 miles
3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Oliver Lindley
Everyone felt like making the last ride of our summer season into a full day moorland ride, so we rode to Ashburton and up the long climb of Auswell hill to Cold East Cross. Tao had recently discovered a new moorland track, from Bonehill rocks to Natsoworthy, and this morning he introduced the route to the club. The track was rideable all the way and took us through some superb scenery - it really was quite exciting to discover such a new excursion after so many years of Dartmoor cycling.

Widecombe was the planned lunch spot, and because we were making such good time we decided to ride Hamel Down before lunch. We enjoyed a short rest by the stream inside the gate before setting off up the gradual climb past the RAF memorial and then riding along the long ridge of Hamel Down for several miles. We hadn't ridden this route for a good few years so the whole experience was thoroughly enjoyable. After the breakneck descent at the end we settled into the Green cafe at Widecombe for a satisfactory meal.

We still had plenty of time so Tao suggested Dr Blackall's drive, ensuring that this was one of the most off-road and enjoyable rides we had organised for many months.
Page 233 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants