South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 95 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 24 April 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Cancelled
2 Participants: Richard Hopper, Sebastian Lessware
Seb went to Staverton to meet up with Richard, but Richard didn't go because there was nobody else at the Buckfastleigh start. So Seb enjoyed a short solo ride.
Friday 24 April 1992
Tour: Somerset & North Devon Coast
Day 5 Lynton to Barnstaple
Heavy rain
18 miles (▲ 415m ▼ 550m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Sam Cannon, Arthur Caulfield, Jonathon Crabtree, Ian Gibbs, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Sebastian Lessware, Anthony Lowne, Nicholas Lowne, David Platt, William Raffety, Zachary Slatter, Bruno Taylor, Roger Whalley, Dan Whittle, Tom Widger
There was no escape from the rain this morning. We had to reach Barnstaple by lunch time, otherwise we would miss our trains. Just as we were preparing to leave, Nick and Anthony got a telephone call from their father saying he would collect them from the hostel! Some people get all the luck!

After tidying the dorms and watching the oldies depart in their cars we set off in the torrential rain. Sam was still in pain as we began the long climb up to Blackmoor Gate, and at one point it looked as though a taxi would again be required. He persevered however, with a lot of help from Seb, and eventually caught up with the rest of us at Blackmoor. Michael allowed the group to give the Parracombe drop a miss today, but Ian and Jono took the short-cut and reckoned it was a lot less windy, vindicating Michael's assessment very nicely.

We used the hand-drier in the toilets at Blackmoor to warm ourselves a little, then Michael got an accurate handle on the distance to Barnstaple and gave a running countdown all the way. It was mainly downhill apart from one hairpin climb, which happened to coincide with a particularly nasty downpour. Jono and Roger had their panniers taken by passing parents at the top, just to make things a little easier.

The rain stopped gradually, and the sun was out as we rode into Barnstaple. Ian was driven off in one car, Dan in another and Roger and Jono in yet another. The remaining ten of us bought lunch and managed to get all our bikes on the first train to Exeter.

Now, after 151.5 miles in five days, the tour was nearing its conclusion. There will be other tours, of course, but this particular group will never ride together again.
Sunday 26 April 1992
Day ride: Bowden
Showery start, sunny later
8 Participants: Daniel Broadbent, Harry Hall, Richard Hopper, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
Confusion reigned supreme this morning when Michael was late at the Buckfastleigh start (yes, later than usual Seb). Richard Hopper was a little late as well, thought Michael had gone and went on to Totnes. Michael and Neil found the start deserted and decided to travel to Totnes by car. When they arrived they found Richard trying to ring Michael to see where he was. Michael promised not to be late again.

We took the easy route to Slapton Sands, making excellent speed. A shower caught us as we got to Torcross, so we treated ourselves to pizza and chips in the Sea Breeze restaurant, a very comfortable establishment. Dan had the nerve to ask if he could eat his sandwiches inside, and seemed surprised when he received a firm refusal from the proprietor.

We completed lunch on the now-sunny beach, throwing in more than a pinch of tomfoolery to round of the meal. Michael, remembering a treacle tart he had purchased from the Inn a year or two ago, decided to try another today and found it far less appetising than he had expected. Just before we left some of the youngsters decided to inspect the tank (a relic from the second world war now permanently on display near the beach) and left Michael to do battle with the officious bloke who told them to get off.

The steeply-sloping fields above the track from Slapton to Strete were swarming with wild rabbits this afternoon. At first glance they were invisible, but if you watched closely for a while you noticed little white bobtails almost everywhere. We returned via Forces Cross - where the cafe appeared totally deserted - and Corkscrew Hill.
Friday 1 May 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Hembury Tracks
7 Participants: Neil Ault, Clive Buckland, Julian Duquemin, Andrew Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Michael Jones
We wanted to get back reasonably early tonight, so we rode up through Hembury Woods (passing several squirrels along the way) and down the track from below Galant le Bower to the Country Park. From here, Martin and Clive chose to take the track back through Hembury whilst the rest of us returned to Crofters for refreshments via Ashburton.
Sunday 3 May 1992
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Stert Barton
Sunny & calm
9 Participants: Thain Hatherly, Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Ben Widger
Richard and Toby were out on their Tandem today to make the most of this perfect afternoon. Our route took us up Dean hill, into South Brent, through Avonwick and Diptford to Stert Barton. Here the hilly lanes were lined with hedgerows alive with a huge variety of flowers and other vegetation. There were several ups and downs to tackle, but the whole ride was a delight.

Returning to the main road we continued homewards via Tigley and the Cobberton road. Buckfastleigh starters concluded the ride with live computer entertainment at Crofters.
Sunday 10 May 1992
Day ride: Grimspound
Mainly dry
17 Participants: Richard Adams (17, Devon), Matthew Bentley, Richard Goss (13, Buckfastleigh), Dayle Guy, Thain Hatherly, Martin Hills, Richard Hopper, Dave Humphreys, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Mark Moxham, Paul Oakley, Philip Robinson, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Ben Widger, Tom Widger
We took the B-road from Bovey to Manaton and enjoyed lunch in the sun at the junction above Heatree Cross. Just for a change we decided to try the steep track to Heathercombe. After a lot of climbing, which took us past a secluded adventure centre, we reached the top and sat down for a well-earned rest. As the conversation died down, the sound of running water could be heard emanating from Richard Hopper's selected seat! Richard was quick to point out that it was nothing to do with him: he just happened to be sitting on a disguised drain cover!

We left the tarmac here and set off across a stretch of open moorland that was completely new to all of us. It was difficult to follow the 1:50 000 map across the barren terrain. At one point Michael sent the main group off in one direction, then changed his mind and took the remainder in another, more boggy direction which in fact proved to be the correct route. The main group either didn't look back or simply chose to continue regardless, and didn't even have the sense to come back or wait when they reached a cross-paths. Instead they selected a route at random to see where it would lead and hurtled off across the moor.

The path took them all the way to Canna Park while Michael and the others spent over an hour scouring the moor in search of the missing cyclists. They finally arrived by road with Dave Humphreys: he had just happened to be lost as well, having set off from Paignton more than an hour late, and had bumped into the youngsters around the first corner. Dave was quickly given the blame for the whole situation, but we were pleased to see him so it didn't really matter.

We returned home via Widecombe and Leusdon, feeling grateful that the forecast rain hadn't materialised.
Friday 15 May 1992
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Buckland Beacon
Dry but cold
7 Participants: Neil Ault, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Matthew HW wanted to go to Buckland Beacon, so that's where we went. We were rewarded with excellent views of a hot air balloon, and very cold extremities. A quick vote directed us to return by a similar route with all possible speed, to play games by the fire at Crofters.
Sunday 17 May 1992
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Bantham Sands
Sunny & windy
17 Participants: Richard Adams, Richard Goss, Dayle Guy, Luke Hatherly, Thain Hatherly, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Paul Oakley, Bob Taylor, Mrs Taylor (Adult, Paignton), Eliot Thomas-Wright, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker
This ride broke all recent records by attracting two women - the Ladies Taylor and Walker to be precise. The sand at Bantham is exceedingly fine, and managed to get absolutely everywhere with the assistance of a persistent wind. Eating lunch in a semi-permanent sandstorm meant that there was rather more sand in our sandwiches than we would have liked! We were thoroughly entertained for the entire half hour by a gentleman who was flying an enormous kite further down the beach: every so often the wind would take a firm grip on the kite and lift the owner more than a metre into the air.

On the return we stopped at the Sorley Tunnel Centre, a farm owned by one of Michael's relations, where the excellent, modern cafe offered a good range of food at bargain prices. Buckfastleigh starters managed to scrape home before 6pm.
Friday 22 May 1992
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Landscove
7 Participants: Neil Ault, Julian Duquemin, Dayle Guy, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
This was a re-run of one of our favourite evening rides, taking us along Colston Road to the riverside track at Staverton. We noticed that the meadow at the Staverton end of the track had been fenced off since our last visit, presumably to deter people from taking the short cut across the centre. We returned via Landscove, arriving home at 9pm.
Sunday 24 May 1992
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Holcombe Burnell
20 Participants: Richard Adams, Daniel Broadbent, Tom Current, Julian Duquemin, Richard Goss, Andrew Guy, Dayle Guy, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Richard Hopper, Dave Humphreys, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Philip Robinson, Bob Taylor, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Ben Widger
James Allason, a new member from Paignton, met us at Chudleigh Bridge today to suss us out: he was suitably impressed and vowed to bring his bike next week.

This really was an excellent turnout. After riding up the Teign Valley, Richard Hopper turned off to lead the senior ride to Laurence Castle, but he had no followers today - which virtually sealed the fate of senior rides! We continued along the B-road, climbed to Longdown and were just about to turn left for the destination when Julian and Martin decided to go to Exeter instead: apparently Julian had never ridden all the way to Exeter before, and now that he was this close he wasn't going to miss the opportunity!

We followed the road past the church, then took the farm track down to the woods. Here we enjoyed a peaceful lunch time in the dappled sunlight, pursuing various discussions about the relative merits of Red Dwarf (which Michael hated) and Fawlty Towers (which Michael liked).

The way out was hampered by several stiles and some overgrown undergrowth - we so wished that Ken had been out on his tandem to enjoy these obstacles. Scratched and stung we finally found the main road. Bob and the rest of the Paignton contingent thought rain was in the air and headed home, but the rest of us took the climb to Bridford and the reservoirs. Trenchford was surprisingly low for the time of year.

We were aiming for Bovey, but a cafe sign at the entrance to Beadon Farm caught our attention. The onset of a heavy shower settled the matter, so we quickly moved in to occupy all four tables. Other customers were turned away before we realised that several of the members didn't want to buy anything! Michael sent them outside in disgrace while he awaited his glass of fresh farmhouse milk with eager anticipation. What eventually arrived was a glass of double cream, which he forced down with as much dignity as he could muster.

Catastrophe struck as we descended the steep hill to Bovey: Daniel hit a wet patch in the road, lost control and grazed his arm rather severely. The hospital was conveniently close (sited at the bottom of the hill for just such eventualities no doubt) so no time was wasted in dressing the affected area. He managed to cycle home without too much difficulty after stopping off at Buckfastleigh for a drink and a rest.
Page 95 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants