South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 7 June 1987
Afternoon ride: Dartmeet
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Morris, Malcolm Sheldon
Having done their stint at the Torbay Fair Michael, Philip and Brett sped back to Buckfastleigh (by car) to join the club ride through Michelcombe to Venford. The high spot of the afternoon (apart from the visit to Combestone Tor) was the cafe at Dartmeet, which was new to us. The peacocks which strutted around the premises added a touch of elegance to the place, but the refreshments themselves were only of average quality.

Return via Dartmeet hill all but killed young Malcolm, but he seemed to have enjoyed his day and promised to come again.
Tuesday 9 June 1987
Evening ride: Lambsdown
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Gary Duquemin, Julian Duquemin, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
In the wake of our previous disastrous attempt at the moorland crossing between Gidley Bridge and Cross Furzes we were pleased on this occasion to navigate ourselves quickly and efficiently along the correct route, admiring the panoramic views as we went. There really is nothing to beat the feeling of exhilaration received as one surges freely down the open moorland fields, dodging sheep and cattle along the way.
Sunday 14 June 1987
Day ride: Plym Valley
13 Participants: Chris Blight, Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Gareth Lee, Warren Masters, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Malcolm Sheldon, Andrew Simmons
The original plan for this ride had included the use of a train from Totnes to Plymouth, the extra time gained allowing us to return via Princetown. A subsequent phonecall to BR however revealed that there were no suitable trains available, so we were prepared to change the destination as the youngsters rolled up to the start.

After making a courtesy visit to the Avonwick pick-up a unanimous decision was made to go for the original destination via the A38, making a return through Cornwood and Ivybridge. We don't normally choose to ride on dual carriageways, but everyone took advantage of the opportunity for a faster sprint and thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the morning sunshine.

When we finally reached the start of the cycle path (a BMX park was responsible for the delay) food was beginning to dominate the conversation. A delightful grassy glade, about a quarter of the way up the valley, made an excellent dining area, providing remote peace and woodland tranquility as added extras. Wildlife abounded here - the whole scene could easily have been taken from a storybook picture.

We followed the old railway track for several scenic miles, crossing three viaducts and blundering through a pitch-black tunnel along the way (this latter activity giving plenty of scope for amusement). The youngsters still showed no signs of wilting, so Richard and Michael decided to risk the originally-planned moorland return.

This route got off to a bad start when the last stretch of track to Clearbrook turned out to be cut off nearly at the end, and two punctures and a collision were collected during the backtracking. Nevertheless we soon braved the hills through Wigford Down and Meavy and even had the time (and energy) to divert past Burrator reservoir, which always seems to have a magnetic attraction.

But then began the hard work. The road to Princetown proved to be little short of a four mile climb, and quite a steep one at that. As if that wasn't bad enough, the thunder clouds that seemed to have been hovering over the moor throughout the day now deprived us of our sunshine so that when we finally arrived at the Fox Tor cafe we were more than ready to enjoy its warmth and other delights. Some of the lads queued up outside the gents toilets - for the hot air driers!

This stop saved the day for many of us, the return route through Hexworthy feeling relatively easy despite its occasional climbs. When the sunshine returned at Scorriton everyone felt pleased to have completed the Section's hardest ever ride. But there were more rewards to come - a full tea at Crofters was all that was needed to complete one of our most adventurous rides of the year.
Friday 19 June 1987
Evening ride: Spitchwick
10 Participants: Richard Burge, Gary Duquemin, Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Paul Hamlyn-White (13, Buckfastleigh), Simon Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
Some of the group took the Shuttaford track through Hembury Woods by way of a change, but he main event of the evening was the swim at the destination, when Andrew took Luke's shoe across the pool and later had to swim back to fetch it.
Sunday 21 June 1987
Day ride: Blackingstone Rock
11 Participants: Chris Blight, Richard Burge, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Brett Jamieson, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Gareth Lee, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, John Stuart
Exeter A Section decided to join South Dartmoor Section for this joint ride, but sadly the meeting didn't take place as planned because the Sections went to the rock on different Sundays! Evidently the geographical location of the Sections in Devon does not aid their intercommunications.

The ride turned out to be another favourite with the members. No doubt the Primrose café helped to get the day off to a good start, but the water frolics at North Bovey's ford and the ice-cream stop at Hound Tor rounded off proceedings nicely.
Tuesday 23 June 1987
Evening ride: Staverton Bridge
11 Participants: Wayne Bolton, Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Catherine Hopper (10, Buckfastleigh), Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper (7, Buckfastleigh), Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, John Stuart
The four under-elevens coped well with this leisurely spin through the local countryside.
Sunday 28 June 1987
Day ride (With Torbay CTC): Fernworthy
Drizzle / sun
13 Participants: Chris Blight, Richard Burge, Julie Collings (14, Devon), Simon Hopper, Brett Jamieson, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Gareth Lee, Graham Moates, Martin Olney, Vicky Sanders, Andrew Simmons, John Stuart
The Bovey bypass contractors' efforts to prevent us from accessing the old railway path to Lustleigh became more desperate with each passing week. The past seven days had seen the appearance of a new 'Keep Out' sign, several strategically-placed mounds of rubble and a sheer-sided rectangular chasm situated centrally in the track! We expect to lose a few cadets on the assault course during our next visit.

It was as Michael left the Primrose cafe that he noticed the absence of his expensive GoreTex rainjacket, left temptingly at the Bovey Tracey car park. A phone call to Andrew Billington revealed that the coat had vanished, so there was little else to do except continune up the hill (somewhat belatedly) towards our destination.

In the event the reservoir proved a little out of reach if two cafe stops were to be included, so we contented ourselves with a Widecombe return, leaving the Torbay members at Cold East Cross.
Friday 3 July 1987
Evening ride: Dartington
10 Participants: Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Paul Hamlyn-White, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Morris, Andrew Simmons
A pleasant summer's evening started with the ascent of Bigadon hill. The ritual throwing of chippings halfway up resulted in Gary chipping a front tooth. He compounded this injury on the descent towards the A385 when he assaulted a travellers' truck with his head. Damage to both seemed slight so we continued into Totnes by way of a twisted route through Dartington.

At Brutus Bridge Michael decided to drag Gary off to have his head examined professionally while the rest of us followed the track upstream to the Dart. We took the loop past Dartington Hall and Michael rejoined us at Huxham's Cross for the return journey to Buckfastleigh.
Sunday 5 July 1987
Afternoon ride: Littlehempston
9 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Catherine Hopper, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Luke Rake
Hot, very hot. We set off along Colston Road with the intention of making Littlehempston. This evaporated by Staverton Bridge, where the bunch arrived to find Luke already in the river. We pressed on into the village and made our way to the weir, a bathing spot to rival Spitchwick. For a pleasant half hour nearly everyone (except Michael and Richard H) got at least their feet wet.

Strenuous cycling seemed inappropriate so we returned via Barkingdon Manor and Green Lane.
Tuesday 7 July 1987
Evening ride: Lud Gate
5 Participants: Austin Daykin (Adult, Devon), Richard Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones
A fine evening started with the steady climb up Wallaford Road to Cross Furzes, then out along the road / track to Lud Gate. We took the moorland track to Chalk Ford, Gary finding some bog on the way, and then the stony country road to Scoriton. A bank of cloud had formed but came to nothing, and in the cool of the evening we descended to Buckfastleigh past Hawson Court.
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