South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 29 of 408 (4072 items)
Tuesday 1 September 1987
Evening ride: Eden Farm
5 Participants: Guy Colston, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
Post-tour exhaustion gave rise to a shortened ride through some 'new' lanes near Harbourneford.
Sunday 6 September 1987
Afternoon ride: Henroost Mines
4 Participants: Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Graham Moates
Heavy rain did not deter the Hopper family from arriving at the start, although Crofters proved too tempting only five minutes into their ride.
Friday 11 September 1987
Evening ride: Staverton
14 Participants: Simon Barnes, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Jeremy Ford, Paul Hamlyn-White, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, Neil Welles
Some of the youngsters were completely lost when we took the Caddaford lane towards Landscove, and even more so as the blundered back along Colston road in the inky blackness. Young Toby found a rather dangerous ditch to the side of the lane, but fortunately was not hurt.
Sunday 13 September 1987
Day ride: South Pool
12 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Deslandes, Paul Hamlyn-White, Simon Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Brett Jamieson, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Simon Nicholls (12, Devon), Andrew Simmons, Mark Williams
This special ride saw five members riding with sponsorship in aid of the Four Corners bike ride appeal, raising a total of nearly £50 between them. There was plenty of action along the way, with Michael breaking a quick release skewer just out of Totnes. The youngsters managed to get as far as Moreleigh before he obtained assistance and rejoined the group, and a decision was then made to head for Slapton Sands and Torcross (for obvious reasons).

Return was via Tuckenhay but not before Brett had been placed on the beach in front of an approaching wave and released with just insufficient time to get away - he was not at all pleased!
Tuesday 15 September 1987
Evening ride: Holne
7 Participants: Dawn Brewster, Matthew Hamlyn-White (10, Buckfastleigh), Paul Hamlyn-White, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Kevin Presland, Andrew Simmons
An interesting ride along the track through Hembury in the near-darkness was punctuated by Michael's rear deflation - in his new puncture-proof tyre.
Sunday 20 September 1987
Day ride: Grimspound
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Simon Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Andrew Plumb (15, Devon), Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
With the Bellever weekend postponed by the warden until October, the usual gang were able to give Andrew a thorough introduction to traditional club activities, such as speeding down to Jay's Grave track and riding up and down the stream near Natsworthy. Some of the most notable events were Richard's bottom bracket noises, which so concerned him that he decided to strip it down near Hound Tor. A stone proved an inadequate substitute for a hammer, so he borrow the real thing from the ice-cream van! It was all to no avail, however, as the noises continued unabated, so Richard went home and left the rest of the group to enjoy the delights of the Hamel Down track and refreshments at Widecombe.
Friday 25 September 1987
Evening ride: Scorriton
Clear / cool
17 Participants: Simon Barnes, Graham Burge, Richard Burge, Jeremy Ford, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Catherine Hopper, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Julian Juste, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, Neil Welles, Jeremy Weston
Our last official evening ride of the season was celebrated with hot refreshments kindly provided by Julian's parents in Scorriton - most welcome after the lamp-lit ride through the icy darkness of Hembury Woods.
Sunday 27 September 1987
Day ride: Fingle Bridge
8 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Deslandes, Paul Hamlyn-White, Philip Humphreys, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Andrew Plumb
Tea and cakes at the Primrose were followed by an excursion through some interesting lanes near Moretonhampstead, which led us up some rather steep hills to the top of the famous Fingle track. A hair-raising descent and an equally hilly ascent brought us to the Hunters' Path, from where the glorious heather and spectacular views were enjoyed over lunch.

The next destination was the wonderful tea-room at Chagford, at which Andrew had last year found himself paying for three cream teas after ordering only one! In order to verify that this was in fact just an unusual mistake, we tried again today, only to find a menu which offered just two items: cream teas at £1.25 or cream teas at £2.25! Extensive negotiations eventually yielded an agreement to provide fruit juice and cakes as separate items, subject to a minimum charge of 70p per head, but he could not say exactly what it would cost. And when the two ordered cream teas arrived with six scones we challenged again, only to discover that he thought we had ordered three! When the time came to pay, he presented us with a bill for £5.95 and then failed to reproduce his calculations when asked for a breakdown! Cyclists beware!

Return via Jay's Grave was relatively uneventful.
Sunday 4 October 1987
Afternoon ride: Dartington
16 Participants: Noel Armstrong (13, Bovey Tracey), Richard Burge, Paul Deslandes, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Paul Hamlyn-White, Simon Hopper, Steve Hughes, Philip Humphreys, Gary Johnson, Glen Johnson (Junior, Newton Abbot), Michael Jones, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons, Mark Williams
The Buckfastleigh to Totnes Raft Race gave rise to more confusion along the nearby roads than it does in the river Dart. It was almost impossible to count our cyclists at the Totnes pick-up as the madding crowds dashed hither and thither in their attempts to catch a glimpse of the action below the bridge.

Today was a special occasion in another way for Torbay Section's Dawn Brewster, as she found out when we reached the Gallery restaurant at Dartington Hall. There, in all its glory, was a huge birthday cake kindly provided by the Presland household. Sadly, however, its life was short.

Leaving Torbay Section at Dartington Church we returned via Staverton Bridge and the lanes through Bumpston Cross, choosing (as always) to ignore the 'Road Closed' sign. On this occasion however it turned out to be well and truly closed as the gas board were working on a huge trench which stretched right across the lane! Had they not agreed to assist us by stopping their JCB we would have been forced to retrace our tracks. Needless to say they were highly amused at the sight of us struggling across the gap.

We returned via the Caddaford track, from where Richard and Mark escorted new rider Noel part-way home.
Friday 9 October 1987
Social: Games Evening (Crofters)

7 Participants: Richard Burge, Gary Johnson, Michael Jones, Jason Morris, Mark Morris, Luke Rake, Andrew Simmons
Michael's new computer graphics package, BBC computer Grand Prix game and Table Tennis kept everyone amused this evening.
Page 29 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants