South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 1 May 2016
10:15 - 15:15
Day ride: Broadridge Wood
Mainly dry, patchy light rain later
23 miles (▲ 375m ▼ 375m)
4 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers
Our first advertised ride to a Costa coffee shop attracted just four members on a cloudy but dry morning that threatened rain showers during the afternoon. After a coffee at Crofters we set off at 10.50 and rode through Ashburton to the Dolbeare flyover where we followed Gale Road past Goodstone. The route had been selected by Google maps and turned out to be generally very easy cycling and very scenic. We had hardly ever ridden this way before so it was fascinating to discover the country lanes and wealthy properties that were hidden so perfectly from everyday view in the Combe Park area.

We turned left at Metley Cross and were soon at Chercombe Bridge, the start of the footpath through Broadridge Woods. Seasoned members of our club will remember we have had frequent run-ins with the middle-aged gentleman at Chercombe House who seemed to resent the fact that a footpath went right through his driveway. He always seemed to see us as we were manoeuvring our bikes through the side gate and would try to tell us we weren’t allowed through with bikes even if we were walking, which was of course nonsense. If he caught us opening his main gate to make it easier to get the bikes through he would tell us to close it and go through the side gate one by one. WE were understandably apprehensive as approached the property, but nobody came out today: either out stealthy movements won the day or the gentleman in question has moved on.

The path through Broadridge Woods was interesting, running as it does alongside the River Lemon all the way into Newton Abbot. There were a number of styles and kissing gates that often required the bikes to be lifted over the top, but there was plenty to see including a weir and leat. We finally emerged in Baker’s Park, Newton Abbot, and continued along the cycle path into the centre of the town.

As it was lunchtime we felt that a restaurant might be better than Costa. We were right next to Asda but Lawrence said he didn’t fancy the café in there, so we went on to the main street. We had almost settled on Wimpey when Lawrence announced he was going to Asda after all. When we followed him however it turned out he was going to buy things in the supermarket, not the café, so the rest of us got food in the café and made the best of it.

We set off at 1.40 for the return journey. Lawrence had requested the main road route as he had not ridden that before, so we rode through Bradley estate and then on to Ashburton. Almost imperceptible drizzle in Newton turned to light rain by the time we reached Bickington and proper rain by Ashburton. We got home by 3.12 and confirmed with Neil that it was still pretty much dry in Newton, which suggests the Met Office rainfall maps which show significantly higher rainfall near Dartmoor than at Newton are indeed correct.
Friday 6 May 2016
19:00 - 21:10
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
Cloudy but dry
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Will Rogers
This was a surprisingly good ride with a lot of interesting conversation. We rode up the long hill to Cross Furzes, took the track past Hayford Hall to Lud Gate and then descended the track over the open moorland to Chalk Ford. We looked in vain for pigs and piglets but today there were none to be seen.

After taking the stony track to Scoriton we headed home for 9.10, rounding off the evening with some general knowledge, games and music quizzes until 10.30.
Sunday 15 May 2016
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Decided on the Day
Warm and sunny
8 miles (▲ 275m ▼ 275m)
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers
This must have been the warmest day of the year so far with temperatures up to 18 degrees. The three of us rode up Silver Street and then, after a vote, through Burchetts Wood. This is always a slightly risky route as there are several sections that can be quite boggy if there has been any recent rain. Today the boggy sections were out in force, much to John’s delight, but there were plenty of compensations including a multitude of bluebells and the delightful babbling of the Holy Brook.

We took the steep hill to Ridgey Cross and then paid an overdue visit to the Holne Café, where we were welcomed with an excellent selection of soups and freshly baked scones. After an extended stay we returned home through Hembury for around 2pm as John needed to get back reasonably early.
Friday 20 May 2016
19:00 - 22:30
Social: Badminton
Heavy rain all evening
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, Will Rogers
The rain started at 7pm as forecast so our decision to run a social this evening was definitely well informed. We played computer games for the first half of the evening, with Lawrence and Michael playing Lord of the Rings for the first time in ages. We then drove to Ashburton for an hour of badminton on two courts which proved to be great fun all round.

Returning to Crofters we played some exciting games of Modern Warfare 3 until the club closed at 10.30.
Sunday 22 May 2016
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: CTC Devon 85th Anniversary Ride to Chalk Ford
Sunny periods and occasional showers
10 miles (▲ 415m ▼ 415m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, Will Rogers
Today was the 85th anniversary of the Devon CTC group and was also the last ride Michael will be running before his spell in hospital, so it was really good to have so many of our keen riders out today. Ash was out for his first cycle ride with us in more than a year and was particularly keen to do some off-road riding, so we decided to head for Chalk Ford.

We rode up Wallaford Road to Cross Furzes at a brisk pace in glorious sunshine, then got a few light rain showers as we rode up the stony track to Lud Gate. The moor was a little boggy in places after recent rains, but the downhill to Chalk Ford was still great fun. At the top of the track on the other side the youngsters had a contest to see who could throw stones the furthest into the field and woods below - Ash won of course, but several others came close.

At Scoriton we turned left and took the short hill to Holne where everyone was happy to call in at the café for a variety of tasty refreshments that included soups, scones and cakes. It was really good to have everyone together again for this special ride.

Next stop was Hembury fort, and here we were rather shocked to discover that someone had chopped down all four trees that previously adorned the mound in the centre of the fort. The ancient trunks had been laid around the perimeter for some reason, but for us it just served as a permanent reminder of the act of desecration that had been committed here for some unknown reason. This was a sad day indeed.

Ash led the assault of the Slalom track, which of course was quite muddy today, and this hugely enjoyable ride was brought to a conclusion when we returned to Crofters for around 2pm. The fun continued until 5pm however with games of Lord of the Rings and Modern Warfare 3 at Crofters.
Friday 3 June 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Evening ride: Cancelled
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Michael was still away this evening, although on his way home, so this evening's ride had to be cancelled.
Sunday 5 June 2016
10:15 - 15:30
Morning ride: Converted to social
Sunny and warm
7 Participants: Tom Batten, Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Michael was back from his stay in hospital today so everyone was invited around for an extended social. We shared hot drinks, tasty food, great conversation and a mix of computer games in what turned out to be a very enjoyable day. Many thanks to all of you for your wonderful welcome home.
Friday 10 June 2016
19:00 - 22:15
Evening ride: Converted to social
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, Will Rogers
With Michael still recovering from his recent surgery the ride was converted to a computer games social this evening, with plenty of hot drinks and interesting conversation thrown into the mix.
Sunday 12 June 2016
10:15 - 14:15
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny spells and occasional showers
9 miles (▲ 295m ▼ 295m)
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Ash and John managed to rouse George and Lawrence on the way through the town, so we ended up with a very good turnout. There was the threat of rain showers so we headed out through Buckfast and followed the lanes up to Scoriton and Holne, with Michael following in the car as he was still recovering from his recent surgery.

At Holne everyone wanted a stop in the café so we spent an enjoyable time there eating soups and other snacks. When everyone had had their fill and the rain shower had passed over we returned via Hembury Woods where Lawrence and Ash took the Slalom track and the rest took the road.

There was the usual computer games social in the clubroom after the ride until around 5pm.
Friday 17 June 2016
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Staverton
Sunny and warm
11 miles (▲ 230m ▼ 230m)
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers
Gavin joined us this evening to lead a ride up Green Lane and down the track to Abham and Staverton. Michael, who was still recovering from his recent spell in hospital, supported the ride by car.

There was time for refreshments and games of Frisbee in Staverton Park as the sun began to set. We took the track past the tennis courts to the riverside path, then Gavin realised he had lost his phone in the park. Michael kindly went back to find it while Gavin led the group homewards via Colston road.
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