South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 299 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 1 May 2009
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Cross Furzes
Light drizzle and mist turning heavy
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Tom Pearson
We planned a ride to Chalk Ford this evening, but as we climbed the hill towards Cross Furzes the slight mist and light drizzle at the bottom turned to thick mist and heavy drizzle by the time we reached the top. Tom's solution to the problem was to simply ride back down the hill again to home, so that is what we did.
Sunday 3 May 2009
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Converted to Social

2 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones
Zac had told us he was coming today, but as he didn't arrive we decided to run at games social at Crofters.
Friday 8 May 2009
19:00 - 20:55
Evening ride: Dartington
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Tom Pearson
Our ride today took us out towards Staverton, probably via Green Lane, and homewards along Colston Road where we stopped for some photos.
Sunday 10 May 2009
10:15 - 12:35
Morning ride: Holne
Mainly sunny
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
We rode up Silver Street to Burchetts Wood, then took the track through the woods. When we joined the road again at Mill Leat we took the steep hill up to Ridgey Cross, rode down past Shuttaford and then returned home along the lower Hembury Woods track - downhill all the way.

During the afternoon we arranged a special social to see the new Star Trek movie at Plymouth.
Friday 15 May 2009
19:00 - 20:30
Evening ride: Rattery
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Tom Pearson
We took the back lane to Dean, climbed Dean Hill and then crossed Dry Bridge to Rattery. Tom was a bit tired so we returned home via Pennywell.
Sunday 17 May 2009
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Converted to Social
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
The rain started by 10am, so we decided to change the ride to a badminton social. We played at Ashmoor between 11.00 and 12.00 and finished with some computer games at Crofters.
Friday 22 May 2009
19:00 - 21:03
Evening ride: Hembury
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Tom Pearson, Matt Porter (12, Buckfastleigh)
Our route this evening took us up the lower Hembury track and then up the hill to Humphrey's Cross on the main Hembury road. The youngsters played in the tree for a while. We then rode into Hembury and had some fun on the fort before taking the Slalom track down through the woods and home.

New member Matt was a bit slow today on his BMX but he loved the ride and plans to join us again.
Sunday 24 May 2009
10:15 - 15:15
Day ride (Car-assisted): Fingle Bridge
Bright and sunny
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Matt Porter
It was a bright sunny day and we were all hopeful of a great ride. Matt Porter joined us for his first Sunday ride and his second ever ride with us. Zac came along making four so we were able to do the car-assisted ride to Fingle that we had been hoping to do for weeks.

We took the car to Steps Bridge, unloaded the bikes and then set off through the delightful Cod Wood at 11.20. Bluebells spread out from the track as far as the eye could see. Matthew needed his crank tightening and his seat post clamping, but we still got to Fingle Bridge for around 12.20.

We ate our packed lunch in a picturesque setting by the river, then rode for fifteen minutes along the Fisherman’s path before returning to Fingle for drinks at the café. Neither the flapjacks nor the drinks were particularly tasty, tasting rather like the cheapest supermarket own brands.

We spent some time skimming stones, then some tried wading across the river but it turned out to be very cold and stony. We rode back along the riverside tracks to the car, leaving at 2.45 and reaching home by 3.15. Matt did really well on his first day ride and everyone had a fabulous day out.
Friday 29 May 2009
19:00 - 20:45
Evening ride: Staverton
Sunny and warm
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Tom Pearson
Our ride this evening took us along Colston Road, down to Charlie’s Cross and along the track short-cut to Hole Farm. We returned via Abham.
Sunday 31 May 2009
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride (Car-assisted): Haldon Forest Park
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
When Ryan arrived we decided to go to Haldon Forest Park by car and arrived there later than planned at 11.40 after being delayed by a traffic jam caused by an accident.

As we had limited time we went straight for the Red Track - the most demanding of the available routes - and found this to be excellent fun. We particularly enjoyed the shady sections as it was a very hot day. On previous visits we had seen a particularly dangerous Black section that involved a blind jump onto a wooden track below: today we were pleased to see that it had been closed off and dismantled.

There was a new café in the car park which seemed to have replaced the mobile pancake van that we had enjoyed on previous visits. As there were no pancakes in the café we enjoyed drinks and ice creams, then we headed home as we were all quite tired.
Page 299 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants