South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 6 May 2007
14:15 - 17:00
Afternoon ride: Holne
Mainly dry
6 Participants: Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jordan Knight, Zac McGrath
Jordan was sporting a new bike at the start of today's ride - a touring bike! Actually it was Michael's spare bike, but Jordan was thrilled with its performance and fully intended to blast past the mountain bikes on every stretch of road.

When Michael had persuaded Olly to overcome his tiredness we pressed on through Scoriton and Michelcombe and spent at least 20 minutes in the play park, doing our best to organise a Frisbee contest. We finally got it going, and declared Olly and Sam the joint winners, but there were at least three occasions when long sticks had to be obtained to retrieve Frisbees from the high branches of bramble-covered trees!

There's a new cafe at Holne, and today for the first time we checked it out. It's not quite as classy as the Old Forge used to be, but the prices seemed very reasonable and Michael said the ice creams were excellent!

We thoroughly enjoyed the rough track descent through Holne woods to River Dart Adventures - the leading riders enjoyed it a little too much and forgot to stop at the junction, thereby missing the final fun section of the track. We concluded an enjoyable ride with a shortcut through River Dart Adventures and the old road to Buckfastleigh.
Friday 11 May 2007
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Belford Mill
6 Participants: Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones, Scott Mount
Sam got his wish tonight as we returned to Belford Mill near Ashburton. As we passed Ashburton Park we noticed that, for once, it was deserted, so we spent a good fifteen minutes doing jumps on the BMX ramps and, in Olly's case, enjoying the swings.

The woodland track from Belford Mill was a bit muddy after the earlier rain, but everyone really enjoyed it and had no regrets about taking Sam's advice. We returned to Buckfastleigh via Tuckers and the railway track, making sure we got back in time for certain youngsters to enjoy a game!
Sunday 13 May 2007
10:15 - 15:00
Day ride: Converted to Social
Torrential rain
4 Participants: Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Dennis Ham, Michael Jones
Sadly our 2007 Dartmoor Letterbox Special had to be called off in view of the torrential rain that persisted all morning. This was the day the official Ten Tors event was cancelled and all the participants airlifted off the moor, so we didn't feel too bad for staying at Crofters for computer games!
Friday 18 May 2007
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Landscove School
7 Participants: Olly Acland, Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones, Jordan Knight, Freddie Tyler
The climb up Green Lane was made more complicated by a succession of tractors heading down with enormous trailers of grass - we had to keep dashing for passing places to avoid being squashed!

Michael brought the group to the promised downhill track, from Baddaford to Landscove, and they all thoroughly enjoyed the descents through several fields, taking care of course to avoid the rows of grass that the farmer was preparing for collection! Jordan got quite cross with the farmer when he got chased to the gateway at the bottom of the field.

Our route then took us into Landscove. Sam, Olly and Fred are all ex-pupils of Landscove primary school, and when they saw the playing field opposite the school they just couldn't resist the temptation to rediscover the pleasures of playing football there. Michael had some difficulty dragging them all away at 8.30, and when Sam then got some derailleur trouble there was no option but to take the shortest route home, back to Green Lane.
Sunday 20 May 2007
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: Steam Train Special
2 Participants: Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our planned ride to the Avon Dam - the most enjoyable and popular ride we ever run - was attended today by just Zac and Michael despite some near perfect weather conditions. Olly's birthday and GCSE revision were the chief causes of the desertion.

Zac loves the Avon Dam too, but as there were only two of us he decided to switch the ride, taking us along Colston Road to the riverside path at Staverton. We ventured into Staverton station and were greeted by the station master as Zac tried to get a milky bar from an antique chocolate vending machine. Zac asked more and more questions and the station master seemed very willing to answer them all. We ended up with Zac pulling some disused levers in the signal box and getting a full commentary on the signal and gate procedures as the 12.20 pulled into the station. Every action by the station master had to be logged in the special book in the signal box to ensure the highest standards of safety.
Friday 25 May 2007
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Hembury Fort
2 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones
We're not quite sure what happened to everyone else tonight, but Ashley thoroughly enjoyed his first exploration of Hembury Fort and his tenth ride along his favourite downhill track - the Slalom. He overcame his dislike of the Hembury Hill climb by getting a percentage readout from Michael every five minutes!
Sunday 27 May 2007
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride (Car-assisted): Converted to Social
2 Participants: Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
A forecast of torrential rain all day persuaded us to postpone the planned car-assisted day ride to Padstow and the Camel Trail to a date in July. The Acland family decided to do other things with the day but Zac spent the day at Crofters enjoying Doctor Who videos.
Friday 1 June 2007
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Skerraton Down
4 Participants: Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones
After some debate we settled on Avon Dam as a perfect destination on this warm sunny evening, but progress up Dean hill turned out to be so painfully slow that we had to switch to Skerraton Down - again! Ashley and Alex were talking, and Sam was recovering from a cold, but they all promised to do better next time!

On the way to the top of the open moorland Ashley and Alex ignored Michael's advice, took their own route through the gorse and ended up in a cul-de-sac of prickly bushes with no obvious way forward - Sam said it served them right.

Views from the top to Buckfastleigh and the rest of South Devon were stunning as usual, although there was little time to enjoy them on the downhill to Cross Furzes.
Sunday 3 June 2007
14:15 - 17:00
Afternoon ride: Chalk Ford
Dry but threatening
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Michael decided that, after Friday's ride, Ashley needed some training in the art of hill-climbing. What better hill than Wallaford Road, all the way to Cross Furzes? We called in at Crofters so Ashley could add too much squash to his water bottle, then he set about the climb with determination and ended up amazing himself and everyone else by climbing the hill swiftly and without complaint! He promised never to worry about hills again.

Once we reached the open moor at Lud Gate Zac and Ashley spent some time damming up a stream before we set off down the hill to Chalk Ford. There were plenty of deer in the park but they were all well away from the gate, so we continued on down the stony track to Scoriton before heading home for a well-deserved social at Crofters.
Friday 8 June 2007
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Staverton
7 Participants: Charles Acland, Sam Acland, Ash Freeman, Alex Harrigan, Michael Jones, Tom Pearson (10, Buckfastleigh), Freddie Tyler
New rider Tom Pearson, 10, demonstrated to everyone that he's a natural cyclist by completing this evening's ride effortlessly. We had to wait part-way along Colston Road when Alex rang up to say he'd forgotten the ride and wanted to come. He soon joined us and we continued to Dartington, with Tom telling us that every other house belonged to a member of his family!

Some other youngsters from Buckfastleigh happened to be at Staverton recreation ground while we played Frisbee there in the evening sunshine. We headed home along our usual route past Riverford with Tom assuring us he would be back again next week. This had been his longest ride ever.
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