South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 170 of 408 (4072 items)
Friday 3 July 1998
Evening ride: Buckland-in-the-Moor

13 Participants: Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, David Lee Flay, Colin Ford, Michael Jones, Lee Jordan, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Phillip Oakley, Gavin Pearson, Tom Richards, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Ashburton, Ausewell Hill, Buckland-in-the-Moor, Spitchwick, Frisbee throwing. Home via Hembury Woods.]
Sunday 5 July 1998
14:15 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Denbury

11 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Butler, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Colin Ford, Luke Fursdon, Michael Jones, Austin Loder, Tom Richards, Edward Smith, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Michael went home to sort Ryan's broken mudguard, caught up with rest of group at Barkingdon Manor. Fermoy's by 3.40, left there at 4.20, home by 6.00. Paul did very well indeed.]
Friday 10 July 1998
Evening ride: Cross Furzes

8 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Jeremy Ford, Michael Jones, Lee Jordan, Paul Oakley, Gavin Pearson, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Buckfast Abbey, Cross Furzes, Home. Ian was not present for the whole evening.]
Sunday 12 July 1998
Day ride: Thurlestone Sands
Heavy rain
5 Participants: Richard Burge, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Michael Jones, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Michael, Julian and Budgie rode to Avonwick in pouring rain. Budgie rode on to Torquay. Ryan and Ian came straight home from the start. Lee joined the social later in the morning - he had forgotten it was a 9.30 start today.]
Tuesday 14 July 1998
18:00 - 20:50
Evening ride (Junior): Staverton

11 Participants: Seamus Cunningham, Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Colin Ford, Michael Jones, Lee Jordan, James Kilgour (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Claire Lash-Williams, Oliver Lash-Williams, Craig McCracken, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Colston Road, Staverton Island. Back via Abham and Caddaford. Home by 8.50.]
Friday 17 July 1998
Evening ride: Parkfield
9 Participants: Seamus Cunningham, Julian Duquemin, Colin Ford, Michael Jones, Lee Jordan, Rowan Middleton (Junior, Devon), Phillip Oakley, Edward Smith, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Pridhamsleigh, Five Lanes, Baddaford, Halsworthy, bridle path across corn field, Parkfield, track to lower road, track down field, Landscove, Fursdon, Abham, Wash, Green Lane, Buckfastleigh. Weather: dry.]
Sunday 19 July 1998
Day ride: Dartmeet

8 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Colin Ford, John Hayes, Michael Jones, Lee Jordan, David Robinson, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Scoriton. Saw Jo, Ben and Rory going to the local Junk Band. Michelcombe, Venford, excellent track descent to stream and stone bridge where we had lunch. The Stepping Stones to Dartmeet, then tea in Badgers Holt café which has at last mainly non-smoking areas. Charged up Dartmeet Hill, home by Dr Blackall's Drive and the Lower Hembury Track where Ryan got a puncture and mended it himself.]
Friday 24 July 1998
Evening ride: Spitchwick

7 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, Colin Ford, Michael Jones, Lee Jordan, Phillip Oakley, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Hembury Woods, Spitchwick, played with Frisbee for over half an hour, home via same route.]
Sunday 26 July 1998
Day ride: Mardon Down

5 Participants: Richard Burge, Colin Ford, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Ian Yolland
Report to be written from the following notes made at the time - please write a full report if you remember the details.

[Budgie ride.]
Sunday 26 July 1998
Tour: Somerset & North Devon Coast
Day 1 Home to Street YH
Cloudy with sunny spells
24 miles (▲ 150m ▼ 85m)
6 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ryan Edmondson, John Hayes, Michael Jones, Lee Jordan, James Lyne
We originally had eight booked for this tour, but Fergus had to cancel for some reason, leaving James to come without his friend, and then sadly Gavin also had to cancel his place just six days before the tour started - it would have been his first tour with us.

Most of us caught the 11.21 train from Newton Abbot to Taunton, arriving at 12.03. James was waiting for us there (he had travelled down on the train from Birmingham), so we set off by around 12.30.

We wanted to get out of Taunton for a peaceful lunch, so after negotiating the busy roads and roundabouts we took to the country lanes and found more than enough peace by the little suspension bridge at Ham near Creech St Michael. Some of our members couldn't resist sitting on the bridge to get a better view of the River Tone.

We rode on at a leisurely pace to Stoke St Gregory where we stopped for afternoon tea in the Willows and Wetland Centre. Next stop was Burrow Mump at Burrowbridge, which just had to be climbed of course. After running around the ruined church and admiring the views across the surrounding miles of flat Somerset Levels we watched a person flying a kite in the breeze.

Riding on along the main road to Othery we were grateful to re-join quiet lanes again down to Pathe, where we got our first close-up experience with the Somerset Levels in the form of swans on the Wookey Rhyne, one of the drainage waterways that criss-cross the Levels. There were willow trees everywhere as we proceeded through Aller and along Beer Drove, and the totally flat terrain was very much appreciated by all.

Street youth hostel is located on top of one of the few ridges of hills in the area, so we had to do a little climbing to get up to Ivythorn Hill and the woodland track from Cockrod, which gave us great views over the town of Street to Glastonbury Tor which is on our itinerary for tomorrow. A short ride along the woodland track then brought us to Street youth hostel, a wooden chalet in delightful grounds.

We spent an enjoyable evening cooking our food and playing frisbee on the open downs near the hostel. We a fabulous dorm on the top floor with our own wooden balcony.

(No notes have been found for today's ride, so this report was written from memory in 2021. Please let Michael know if you remember any other details from the ride)
Page 170 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants