South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 130 of 408 (4072 items)
Sunday 18 June 1995
Day ride: Hamel Down
Warm and sunny
7 Participants: Richard Burge, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
We rode up the hill to Ilsington from the Bickington pick-up, then four decided to take the Pinchaford track to Haytor.

One of the youngsters found a crow with a broken leg by the side of the road. After some discussion Michael put it in his pannier and we all rode to Hound Tor where we hoped the ice cream van may be able to help. To our surprise there was a policeman there too and he took charge of the situation: he put the bird in an empty box that he got from the ice cream van, went immediately to his radio and was soon to be seen speeding towards Moretonhampstead. Lucky crow!

We continued our ride to Jay's Grave where fresh flowers were once again on display, then took the rough track to Natsworthy. The Safety Team were very impressed by the youngsters who waited three times for pedestrians without having to be prompted.

Numerous Skylarks sang and fluttered around while we had lunch by the stream, then we set about the climb of Hamel Down and the traversal of the fabulous track that runs along the top. Judging by the number of foals around the moor today, this must have been a good year for Dartmoor Ponies.

After drinks at the Green café in Widecombe we took the short route home via Widecombe Hill.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors]
Tuesday 20 June 1995
Evening ride (Junior): Skerraton Down
Dry and mainly sunny
20 Participants: Jenna Clegg, Luke Comerford, Elma Houghton (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Phillippa Houghton (Junior, Buckfastleigh), James Hudson, Ben Ireland, Ben Isaac (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Andrew Knott (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Austin Loder, Craig McCracken, Gavin Pearson, Ben Richardson (10, Buckfastleigh), Daniel Smith, Graham Smith, Maureen Taylor, Philip Taylor, Dale Turrell, Wendy Turrell, Martyn Voisey (11, Buckfastleigh)
Daniel's gran had suggested a route for us this evening, so with a record turnout for a junior evening ride we rode up to Dean Prior and then climbed the hill past Nurston Farm to Skerraton. Amazingly, nearly all the youngsters rode the entire hill.

There was great excitement as we left the lane and headed along the track to the open moor. Many of these youngsters had never done anything half as adventurous as this, and the tremendous views from Widecombe through Teignmouth to Paignton made it all seem like a fantastic dream.

Cloud began to obscure the sunshine on the top of the Down, but it disappeared as we descended the fabulous grassy hill to the ford near Cross Furzes. Here the youngsters played in the water - it apparently reminded some of them of Ben Ireland's recent birthday ride, as he lives nearby at Hayford.

We separated at Cross Furzes, with the Buckfastleigh juniors enjoying a two mile downhill ride home.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Friday 23 June 1995
19:00 - 21:45
Evening ride: Avon Dam
Perfect summer evening
20 Participants: Richard Burge, Allen Davies, Garry Davies, Pearl Davies, Phillip Davies, Julian Duquemin, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Roy Loder, Keir Manning, Janette Martin, Craig McCracken, Edward Millard, John Norman, Paul Oakley, Philip Stone, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Dale Turrell
Roy was going to be late so Dave waited for him while the rest of us headed up Dean Hill. By way of a change we took the right turn at the top to link across to the Nurston road, but this involved another climb and John wanted to know how many more hills there would be!

The answer was two actually, but eventually we reached Shipley Bridge and rode up the riverside road to the dam. The sun was setting as we settled on the grassy bank overlooking the reservoir. Everything was perfectly still, the air was warm and the sky was the most wonderful colour. This was a moment to savour, and nobody was in any hurry to leave.

As darkness fell we headed across the moor to the Abbots Way track and followed it over the top of the hill where the distant lights of the south Devon coast penetrated the summer haze. Roy got a puncture on the way back to Cross Furzes so we were a little later home than we had planned, but this had been a very special evening.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Sunday 25 June 1995
09:30 - 17:45
Day ride: Plym Valley Cycleway
Hot & sunny with cool breeze
52 miles
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Carrie Burgess, Allen Davies, Garry Davies, Pearl Davies, Phillip Davies, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Roy Loder, Paul Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
The five from Buckfastleigh arrived early at the Avonwick pick-up. We then met up with Martin and Carrie at the Woodpecker and followed the fast A38 to Plympton. We had arranged to meet the Davies family at the start of the cycleway, but in fact they were waiting for us in the Plym Bridge car park a little way along the path. We followed the cycle path for several miles until we reached the disused platform near Leighbeer tunnel before stopping for a well-earned lunch.

Fortunately a few members had brought lights so we were able to navigate the dark tunnel without crashing into each other or hitting the walls. When we emerged on the other side we were surprised to see that the usual barrier marking the end of the path had been removed and the path now continued all the way to Clearbrook! This offered us a much easier route to Meavy, so when we arrived at Burrator reservoir we had time to stop for ice-creams.

It was here that we met Miles and Lynn Webster from Bath with their 8-year-old son Max. They decided to join us on the newly-opened railway path to Princetown, winding its way around the many humps of the moor with a very gentle gradient. The path had been opened on a trial basis: it is longer than the road, but we all thoroughly enjoyed riding it, including Max who was able to ride all the way.

By the time we reached Princetown we were definitely in need of refreshments: the Bath group returned to their car and we bought food and drink from the local shop. The best value drink available was a five-litre container of chilled spring water, so Michael bought it and sold it to those who wanted it by the bottle.

It was getting late now so we returned at high speed through Two Bridges to Hexworthy. It was after we had reached the top of the hill that Ashley realised he had left his glasses at Huccaby Bridge, so we had to wait while he returned to fetch them.

We returned home past Venford reservoir, which was looking low today after the recent spell of dry weather, and Scorriton.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Friday 30 June 1995
Evening ride: Spitchwick
Very hot
7 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, John Hayes, Michael Jones, Craig McCracken, Phillip Oakley
We rode to Ashburton and then set about the long climb of Ausewell Hill. Today however we were plagued by annoying flies all the way up - and by Neil's complaints about them!

We rode to Buckland-in-the-Moor and then took the steep wooded descent to Spitchwick. Here the draw of the water on such a hot day was too much for Tao and Neil to resist, although Tao took a long time to pluck up enough courage to jump off the lower bank into the cool waters below. Meanwhile we met the Richardson family who chatted with us (Ben has been coming on our junior rides).

When everyone was dry and cool we returned home via Hembury.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Sunday 2 July 1995
14:15 - 16:00
Afternoon ride: Puper's Hill
6 Participants: Tao Burgess, Michael Jones, Austin Loder, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley
The weather looked rather threatening and not really ideal for a moorland ride, so we decided to do something a little shorter. We rode to Buckfast and then everyone except Paul took the track through Burchetts Wood, which was actually not too muddy today. Keir and Tao filled their water bottles from the Holy Brook at the end, and then Keir, being Keir, couldn’t resist a water fight and succeeded in getting Michael and two bikes very wet.

Keir, Paul and Tao went home the long way via Coombe and Cross Furzes while the rest returned via Oaklands Park.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Tuesday 4 July 1995
18:00 - 20:45
Evening ride (Junior): Parkfield
13 Participants: Luke Comerford, James Hudson, Ben Ireland, Michael Jones, Austin Loder, Sue Loder, Mischa Matthews (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Craig McCracken, Gavin Pearson, Ben Richardson, Daniel Smith, Graham Smith, Philip Taylor
Our evening started with a ride to Pridhamsleigh, although we lost Luke on the way who decided he needed to go home. We introduced the youngsters to the delights of the Pridhamsleigh track, but it was a bit overgrown in places and both Craig and Philip managed to fall into the stinging nettles - they seemed to have the idea they could suck the poison out but gave up when the pain showed no signs of abating.

We crossed the lane at Bulland and tried the left hand track for the first time. This led us across some fields and then up towards Parkfield by the side of a hedge that was littered with fox burrows. Graham got a puncture along the way and needed some help as he didn't have a pump.

Since everyone seemed to be enjoying the off-road riding we tried a third track, the one from Parkfield to Gullaford. Our resident bird-spotter Ben pointed out a kestrel flying overhead, just before Philip fell off his bike.

We returned home via Green Lane after an interesting and eventful ride.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Friday 7 July 1995
Evening ride: Cold East Cross
Fine and warm
12 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, Julian Duquemin, Richard Goss, Michael Jones, Ashley Loder, Austin Loder, Keir Manning, Craig McCracken, Paul Oakley, Philip Stone
This adventurous evening ride took us out to Ashburton along the old road and then through the back lanes and up the hill to Halshanger Cross. We then turned left for the climb to Cold East Cross, stopping for some water fun at the bridge on Rushlade Common.

We checked the map and caught sight of a new track shortcut to Buckland, so we had to try it. Once we were through the gate the track was easy and quite short, linking into a lane we had never used before. It wasn't long before we had ridden through Buckland and were watching Neil jumping into the river at Spitchwick again!

New Bridge was unusually busy with some kind of festival so we didn't waste any time climbing the hill to Hembury, although Richard Goss somehow got a lift up the hill. We took the usual track down through the woods, but Keir was evidently riding a little too boisterously as he got a puncture at the bottom and needed to get a lift home.

Congratulations to Craig who did especially well this evening.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Sunday 9 July 1995
09:30 - 18:05
Day ride: Lannacombe Beach
Sunny and hot
7 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Tao Burgess, John Hayes, Michael Jones, Phillip Oakley, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Michael was suffering from a bad cough so needed to lead today's ride in his car. Philip thought this was a great chance to take part in a longer ride, so he hopped in too.

Our route from the Totnes pick-up took us through Harbertonford, Moreleigh and Stokenham. We somehow missed the turning for Lannacombe Beach and had to double back, but in the end we reached it and spent an enjoyable hour and a quarter playing there and eating lunch. Eliot, Neil and Tao all managed to get wet.

We rode back to Torcross for drinks and chips from the take-away. During the subsequent beach fun Philip got his shirt filled with pebbles.

We returned home via Strete, buying some milk at a store and leaving Tao to finish off the surplus. Corkscrew Hill at Tuckenhay provided the usual steep track fun, and after riding through Totnes we got home just after 6pm - an energetic ride for some!

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Friday 14 July 1995
19:00 - 21:10
Evening ride: Landscove
Dry start, showers later
11 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Jeremy Ford, Stan Ford, Richard Goss, Andrew Guy, Llewellyn Holmes, Michael Jones, Austin Loder, Keir Manning, Craig McCracken
With Michael leading in the support car again we rode along Colston Road and were surprised to find Ben Widger at Hood Manor.

The ride continued over Staverton Bridge and along the riverside path, then veered up to Landscove where we spent some time in the play park. After circling around to Higher Penn Farm we took the woodland track down to the pheasant farm at Lower Combe, but this caused a few problems because Blob (Jeremy) got a puncture and Stan fell off.

We returned to Crofters for 9.10pm.

[This report never previously published - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]
Page 130 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants