South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 109 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 11 August 1993
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 7 Applecross to Torridon
Mainly dry
34 miles (▲ 500m ▼ 520m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Arthur Caulfield, Ben Collins, Nick Green, Paul Hardman, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Anthony Long, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Zachary Slatter, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Robert Walker, Dan Whittle, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
Wednesday was altogether easier, taking us around the new coastal road from Applecross to Shieldaig, and then on to Torridon. We passed some deserted houses along the way that made us realise just how harsh the climate can be in these parts. Matthew Pryer had a problem with his Shimano freehub in that it freewheeled in both directions: he went on ahead with Paul and managed to get to the hostel just before us.
Thursday 12 August 1993
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 8 Torridon to Carn Dearg
Mainly dry with sunny intervals
32 miles (▲ 320m ▼ 320m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Arthur Caulfield, Ben Collins, Nick Green, Paul Hardman, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Anthony Long, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Zachary Slatter, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Robert Walker, Dan Whittle, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
Thursday took us through the nature reserve to Loch Maree, where a number of foolhardy individuals tried to swim in the icy waters. By the time we reached Gairloch we had investigated an HEP station, a rope bridge and a swing overhanging a river - Jonathan Burgess got ever-so-slightly wet!
Friday 13 August 1993
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 9 Carn Dearg to Ullapool
Wet start, then dry but windy
42 miles (▲ 835m ▼ 820m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Arthur Caulfield, Ben Collins, Nick Green, Paul Hardman, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Anthony Long, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Zachary Slatter, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Robert Walker, Dan Whittle, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
On Friday morning it was raining again, but things soon brightened up for our push to Ullapool. We decided to take the short cut over the hill to the privately-run ferry, even though they had told us by telephone that we might arrive too late for all of us to get across. Did they leave some of us on the beach overnight? Of course not, but we had to pay £4 each to get across in two loads!
Saturday 14 August 1993
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 10 Ullapool to Achmelvich
Damp start, sunny later
34 miles (▲ 665m ▼ 665m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Arthur Caulfield, Ben Collins, Nick Green, Paul Hardman, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Anthony Long, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Zachary Slatter, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Robert Walker, Dan Whittle, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
Saturday's ride from Ullapool to Lochinver was marked by occasional drizzle and dull skies, but the scenery was remote and beautiful. Achmelvich hostel is situated beside quiet silver-sand beaches, and the evening was definitely the best of the whole tour - you'll just have to see the video to understand.
Sunday 15 August 1993
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 11 Achmelvich to Carbisdale Castle
Dry, with a tailwind
48 miles (▲ 445m ▼ 395m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Arthur Caulfield, Ben Collins, Nick Green, Paul Hardman, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Anthony Long, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Zachary Slatter, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Robert Walker, Dan Whittle, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
On Sunday we rode from the west coast to the east coast, ably assisted by a tailwind. We arrived at Carbisdale so early that there was time for some to take rides on motorised buggies - £6 for fifteen minutes around a dirt track!

Carbisdale Castle hostel is definitely the largest and most spectacular in Scotland. It boasts 230 beds, towers, halls lined with statues and valuable works of art, secret passages and numerous grand rooms including a library. We didn't notice any ghosts on this occasion, even though some of us slept in the Spook Room!
Monday 16 August 1993
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 12 Carbisdale Castle to Edinburgh
41 miles (▲ 470m ▼ 520m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Arthur Caulfield, Ben Collins, Nick Green, Paul Hardman, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Anthony Long, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Zachary Slatter, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Robert Walker, Dan Whittle, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
Michael expected a headwind for Monday's ride (there had been one on every previous tour) so we left very early to be sure of catching the only train from Inverness. In the event the air was calm and the ride was relatively easy. We arrived in time to buy pizzas and do some souvenir shopping, and then set about the task of loading bikes into the guard's van. This was a tricky operation: the train is only supposed to take ten bikes, but the station manager had promised that he would try to fit all the bikes onto the train. Fortunately we got them all on.

Edinburgh was alive with the Edinburgh Festival, but we were only interested in getting to the hostel. Being an inner city hostel there were electronic security gates and closed circuit television cameras at the entrance. And this was the only hostel where our milk and bread had not been reserved!
Tuesday 17 August 1993
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 13 Edinburgh to Home
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Jonathan Burgess, Arthur Caulfield, Ben Collins, Nick Green, Paul Hardman, Michael Jones, Rufus Kahler, Anthony Long, Matthew Muir, Matthew Pryer, Zachary Slatter, Paul Smith, Richard Sudworth, Robert Walker, Dan Whittle, Lukas Wooller, Tristan Wooller
On Tuesday morning we rode back to Edinburgh station and assigned groups of three, four and five to another five train services - it was a bit tiring running between the twenty different platforms at Waverly station. The last laugh of the tour was had by Michael, Neil and Robert who saw Daniel (from Cheddar) buy a huge bottle of coke for the journey home and then drop it between our waiting train and the platform. No matter how much he pleaded with the station staff they wouldn't let him go down to get it, so he just had to buy another one!

We had a lot of fun on this tour despite some unfortunate weather during the first few days. We're all looking forward to next year's trip to Norfolk, Suffolk and the Fens - will you be joining us?
Friday 20 August 1993
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Staverton
Warm and balmy
8 Participants: Neil Ault, Richard Burge, Jeremy Ford, Matthew Jeffery, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Phillip Oakley, Philip Stone
After riding up Green Lane we decided to take the track to Staverton, and found the scenery spoilt by some 'travellers' who had settled in the lane with their ramshackle vans. We continued to Staverton and returned via Colston.
Sunday 22 August 1993
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
Cloudy but dry, cool
12 Participants: Helen Adams (19, Devon), Richard Adams, Richard Burge, Michael Jones, Keir Manning, Paul Oakley, Philip Stone, Bob Taylor, Eliot Thomas-Wright, Bill Tuft, Robert Walker, Tom Widger
This was an excellent ride, taking in the best of the moorland scenery. It was a little cold when we sat down by the reservoir for lunch, so we didn't stay long.

At Green Combe, the road climbs to a junction with the main road and then doubles back to the left, opening up the possibility of a short cut across a stretch of moorland. Robert decided to try it, but he ran into some boggy ground in the middle and was still picking his way through as the rest of us sailed past on the road.

Return was via the long descent from Shapley Common to Widecombe. We tried the Green cafe (after Dave Robinson's recommendation), but when we still hadn't been served twelve minutes after sitting down we decided to move across to the Wayside cafe.
Friday 27 August 1993
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Hembury Woods
6 Participants: Peter Bonnet, Michael Jones, Paul Oakley, Philip Stone, John Stuart, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Hembury Woods was selected again - for some reason the younger riders seem to like the track descent from the fort which they have named 'The Slalom'. John Stuart wasn't sure about it, but gave it a good try.
Page 109 of 408 (4072 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants