South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 49 of 408 (4072 items)
Wednesday 10 May 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Fleet Mill
6 Participants: Dave Humphreys, Philip Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Stephen Larkin, Philip Roberts, David Robinson
This was the Marldon Track Event, with members exploring every lane and track they could find on a circular route through Totnes. It was certainly good practice for the Rough Stuff event.

After some pothole-ridden lanes to Blagdon there was the delightful Glazegate Lane track from Barton Pines to Longcombe. Then there was the track through Fleet Mill to Totnes, and finally a steep and gritty finale to Berry Pomeroy. The ending of the ride was marred somewhat when Philip, who was at the front and should have known better, failed to wait at a turn-off. The adult leaders were thus separated from the youngsters, and the two groups had to make their own ways home.
Friday 12 May 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Landscove
14 Participants: Andrew Dalgleish, Chris Giles, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Dominic Hoile (13, Devon), Catherine Hopper, Simon Hopper, Michael Jones, Marcus Kudliskis (10, Buckfastleigh), Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth
There was nothing especially different about this evening's route - Colston Road, Staverton Bridge and the riverside path were all delightful as usual. The difference came when Paul's new derailleur fell apart on Staverton Green. It was a Charger, the same make that had let Luke Hatherly down on three occasions. Fortunately Paul's mother was able to collect him.

The return was through Landscove, with Simon taking some down the track from Five Lanes.
Saturday 13 May 1989
Weekend ride: Steps Bridge Youth Hostel
Day 1
14 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Martyn Williams
Two punctures in the Buckfastleigh group delayed the Chudleigh Bridge meeting by half an hour. As there was still plenty of time before supper we wandered slowly up the Teign Valley road, pausing for fresh fruit and carrots at the nursery near Crocombe Bridge.

Paul's new new-derailleur held up well, allowing us to reach the hostel by 6.05 and in plenty of time to settle into our two dormitories. The one in the main hostel building was cosy but lacked proper ventilation - the annexe was definitely not short of that particular commodity! The meal was delicious and filling, and it proved necessary to work off the surplus energy with a lengthy walk along the riverside nature trail.
Sunday 14 May 1989
Weekend ride: Steps Bridge Youth Hostel
Day 2
14 Participants: Richard Burge, Paul Hamlyn-White, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Philip Humphreys, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Mark Moxham, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Martyn Williams
Sunday dawned bright, but became dull by the time we left at ten, delayed by Martyn needing to replace his brake yoke cable. Through the woods on the north side of Steps Bridge and then along the forestry track to Fingle Bridge. Michael's tyre exploded as he pumped it up. He rang for motorised assistance while we went on, agreeing to meet beyond Chagford.

We struggled up Hunters Path, to be rewarded by the superb descent below castle Drogo and a double puncture for Shane. The repair was inadequate, and Michael reappeared while it was being fixed again. The pressing demand for a lunch stop meant a rather hurried break in a grotty spot just outside Chagford. Then onto the B3212, south past Challacombe Down, and a welcome tea at the Wayside at Widecombe. We then went our separate ways at Cold East Cross.
Wednesday 17 May 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Combe Fishacre
8 Participants: Steven Hills, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Stephen Larkin, Shane Powell, Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson

Another perfect evening brought another energetic ride from Marldon, this time outward through Combe Fishacre and back towards the Newhouse Barton lane along two new tracks. All along this part of the ride we found ourselves crossing what looked like the workings for a new main road, carved straight across the rural scenery. Detained for a while at Lillisford farm by a herd of cows we discovered from the farmer's wife that the workings had in fact been made by the gas board. When the new main had been laid all the land would be reinstated.

There were lots of "traak-ters" to be seen along the second part of the ride, which took us through Ipplepen, Torbryan and the track route to Denbury along which we were escorted by the local horse. Return was via Two-mile Oak and Stoneycombe.
Friday 19 May 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Haytor
Sunny / warm
16 Participants: Hazel Brown (Adult, South Knighton), Andrew Dalgleish, Chris Giles, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Paul Hedges, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Catherine Hopper, Simon Hopper, Toby Hopper, Marcus Kudliskis, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth

Not to be outdone by Marldon starters, Buckfastleigh embarked on one of its longest evening rides today, riding all the way past Haytor. Views to the coast were distinctly hazy after the day's heat. Tantalising fragrances lured us onwards and temperature inversions added plenty of interest. Perhaps the most interesting sight was a hot air balloon behind Ashburton which rose into the air from a nearby farm as we watched with envy.

There was plenty of wildlife as well: in addition to the many foals frisking across the moor we were fortunate enough to see a badger at medium range near Cold East Cross as it scurried along beside a stone wall and into the woods. This was a lifetime first for many of the group!
Sunday 21 May 1989
Day ride: Rough Stuff Event
Hot / sunny
18 Participants: Nick Buchanan, Richard Burge, David Cutts, Andrew Dalgleish, Michael Giles, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Luke Hatherly, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Tim Lane (12, Totnes), Ian Luke, Andrew Simmons, Ken Twydell, Martyn Williams
It was clear that the day was going to be hot and sunny. When everyone had arrived at the Bovey Tracey pick-up, we learnt what was in store for us: a trip to Lustleigh for elevenses, and back to the Rough Stuff start by the road from Bovey to Liverton.

Most went along the railway line to Lustleigh but Nick and Richard (one afraid of jolting his bike, the other of jolting his stomach) chose the road and were well into their tea by the time the others arrived. A debate followed on whether hot tea or ice drinks were better for cooling down, while others ate toast and jam or just jam. A certain person decided the Primrose drinks were not large enough and went 'over the road'. An easy ride took us to the starting point and everyone took to the shade of the forest for lunch where we met the other participants, dodging low flying frisbees between mouthfuls.

Some with the competitive spirit pinned numbers to themselves, while others just went the course for the fun. Each was given a route description, the marshallers were despatched and everyone set off. The course was mainly over lanes and rough tracks and covered about five miles. At the end tea and cakes were heaven sent while the marks for style and expertise were counted. A deserving Philip Humphreys was proclaimed King of the Rough Stuff. One or two had missed a section or two of the course, one, by name of Luke Hatherly, failed to make the first marshal and made up his own route. He must have wondered when the A38 dual carriageway was going to turn into a green lane. He must have wondered where the fords and woodland tracks were as the suburbs of Exeter passed by. Anyway, while everyone was getting lost themselves looking for him, Luke was having to make a deal with British Rail to get him back to Totnes without money. This was a strange end to the day, but after finding all was well we went home having had a fun day out with something to remember from it.
Wednesday 24 May 1989
Evening ride (Paignton): Combe-in-Teignhead
8 Participants: Steven Hills, Philip Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Stephen Larkin, Matthew Paine, Philip Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson
This long ride took participants through Cockington, Barton and Combe-in-Teignhead, with a return route via Kingskerswell. Stephen's puncture problem guaranteed a late return, but everyone was able to telephone home.
Friday 26 May 1989
Evening ride (Buckfastleigh): Dartington
13 Participants: Hazel Brown, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Mark Hedges, Paul Hedges, Martin Hills, Steven Hills, Michael Jones, Rohan Kilty, Marcus Kudliskis, Shane Powell, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth

We finally discovered the location of the new organic Penneywell Fñarm this evening when we stumbled upon it at the top of the hill towards Rattery. There were numerous specimens of pigs, sheep, goats and chickens strutting around - an ideal spot for the many schoolchildren who visit the farm every month.

Continuing towards Week we ran into trouble when young Mark Hedges came off on some loose gravel. Rohan was unable to avoid the obstructions and came off as well. Both boys had only superficial grazes, but they didn't look or feel too happy for a while. Steven took the rest of the group home via Dartington and Colston Road while Michael escorted the lads personally to Totnes hospital for a checkup. They were soon home and feeling a little brighter.
Sunday 28 May 1989
Day ride: Plym Valley Cycleway
22 Participants: Erica Brown (15, South Knighton), Hazel Brown, Richard Burge, Dayle Guy, Paul Hamlyn-White, Steven Hills, Richard Hopper, Simon Hopper, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Ian Luke, Shane Powell, Philip Roberts, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Andrew Simmons, Gary Taylor, Steven Taylor, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday (Adult, Paignton), Martyn Williams
This is always one of our hardest rides of the year, and always one of our most enjoyable. We were somewhat surprised, therefore, to find two new members at the pick-up. We needn't have worried, however, as they coped admirably with the tough terrain.

The Buckfastleigh contingent were entertained on the way to Avonwick by Simon Hopper. He had decided to try a fixed wheel on his Gemini cycle, the main disadvantage of which is the need to continue pedalling quite quickly at all times, even when descending a hill. He seemed happy with the new gear despite our jokes.

The length of the ride dictated that we use the A38 as far as Plympton, a fast option in view of the tailwind that accompanied us. We were soon inspecting the steam engines at the start of the cycleway, and twenty minutes later were enjoying a well-earned lunch in a delightful glade about a mile up the track. Ken reckoned it was the best lunch spot yet, and no-one disagreed. The whole area was surrounded by tranquillity and wooded slopes, with the river wending its way far below us.

Pursuing the track after lunch we passed numerous cyclists, out for the afternoon from Plymouth. The viaducts offered further spectacular scenery, and then there was the tunnel, pitch black in the middle and about ¼ mile long. If you happened to have a dynamo you were in a spot of trouble: the light wasn't bright enough unless you cycled quickly, but you couldn't cycle quickly across the rough surface because you couldn't see. It is not necessary to describe the fun that our younger members had from the tunnel.

Andrew found himself in deep trouble when his fooling around, which is often in bad taste anyway, went badly wrong. He pushed Michael towards a muddy ditch, but one of the pieces of wood in the middle turned out to be unsupported. A hasty apology saved him from indefinite suspension from Section activities!

A number of enthusiastic members paid no attention to instructions to wait at the road junction, choosing instead to press on along the track. It took them just ten minutes to reach the barbed wire fence and turn back again.

Climbing the hill from Goodameavy Gary discovered a broken rear axle - the second time on his current bike. It was unrideable, so he had to push it on to Yelverton and ring for help. The rest of the group sailed down to Meavy and up to Burrator, where the air was heavily scented by the profusion of blooms which lined the roads. The area was very crowded, however, so we were glad to set off up the hill towards Princetown and the open moor.

The Foxtor cafe provided welcome refreshments, although the service did not seem up to the usual standard. The youngsters were made to feel as though they were causing trouble when the gentleman brought the wrong order, and when someone suggested paying separately he nearly blew his top! They did pretty well out of us despite their frustration - Michael had two Knicker Bocker Glorys, many others had chips!

We finally departed at about 5.30pm, returning home via Two Bridges, Hexworthy and Combestone Tor. The Paignton brigade got home rather late at 8.45pm, but at least they had enjoyed the ride.
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Events Index Gallery Participants