South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 1 May 2015
19:00 - 21:15
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
Gloomy but mainly dry
7 miles
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers
A shorter ride seemed appropriate on this rather dismal evening, so we rode through Buckfast to Hembury and then climbed the main hill at a super-fast pace. Near the top Michael remembered that he had seen a deer in the woods here many years ago, so he told Dillan and they both looked around in the vain hope that one might miraculously appear. Within seconds a young deer jumped out from the trees up to the right, saw us and stood motionless for several minutes before wandering off. The chances of this happening were so remote that it felt like Michael’s words had somehow conjured up a deer out of thin air!

We rode past the fort and through to the deep glade at the top of the woods, then took a track that we have only explored a few times that took us down through the middle of the woods to the riverside path. The birdsong and encroaching new leaves from the trees made the gloomy weather feel much less oppressive as we returned home.
Sunday 3 May 2015
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Holne
Mainly dry with occasional sunny spells
9 miles
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers, Will Rogers
With showers forecast for the morning and rain for the afternoon we set off up Wallaford Road with a plan only to make up a route as we went along. It was still dry after a brisk climb to Cross Furzes, so we headed through Combe to Holne with the idea of possibly going to Venford or Ashburton. Stopping outside the café we had just decided not to stop there when a rain shower began, so we did the sensible thing and spent an enjoyable half an hour sampling the cream of carrot soup and other tasty refreshments. Dillan seemed reluctant to break into his notes – we think he is saving up for something – but in the end he bought a toasted teacake.

The sun was shining again as we left, but as it was nearly 1pm we were now forced us to head more directly home via Hembury Woods so as to avoid the later rain. Only Lawrence rode the ‘Slalom’ track through the woods, although everyone rode around the fort. The rain began as we reached Buckfastleigh, almost exactly as we had planned.
Friday 8 May 2015
19:00 - 22:15
Evening ride: Converted to Social
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
Another unpleasant evening encouraged us to change the ride to a Pizza Hut social at Plymouth, which Dillan enjoyed immensely of course.
Sunday 10 May 2015
10:15 - 15:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): Haldon Forest Park
Cloudy with occasional spots of drizzle
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
Our planned weekend to Bellever YH had to be cancelled since many of our members are revising for exams. With just Dillan and Michael out today, Dillan was able to select whatever ride he wanted, which turned out to be a thorough exploration of the blue and red tracks at Haldon Forest Park.

We got back to the car by 1pm and finished the day with an all-day breakfast fry-up at the Route 5 restaurant on Haldon and a visit to Tesco at Newton Abbot.
Friday 15 May 2015
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Rattery
Sunny spells
12 miles
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
We decided to start our ride with an examination of the new Dry Bridge near Rattery, replaced during the course of the past six months and now almost ready to open. It all looked very impressive, although our estimate of cost at £500k turned out to be wildly out when we checked online later - it actually cost £1.6m!

From here we invented a new evening ride, taking us along the cycle route through Rattery and then down what seemed like a very long descent to Huxham's Cross. We returned along Colston Road as darkness fell.
Sunday 17 May 2015
10:15 - 16:10
Day ride: 30th Anniversary Ride, Dartmoor Letterboxing
Sunny periods
20 miles
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Stan Ford, Michael Jones, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Stan Ford joined us for our 30th anniversary ride to Dartmoor, and we received several good wishes from ex-members who were unable to be with us. Stan’s trusty Raleigh Randonneur suffered a broken chain on the first climb up the shortcut near Peartree, but Michael got his hands oily to ensure we could proceed up Ausewell Hill with the minimum delay.

We took the unsigned path across Welstor Common to Buckland Beacon, a fire beacon still used to celebrate royal events, and after hauling the bikes over the stile Michael took the group to the pair of granite slabs that together form the Ten Commandments Stones. Most of the group had never seen them before, and in Stan’s case that was not for want of searching. The stones, which were inscribed in 1928, have become somewhat eroded over the years so you really have to know where they are to be sure of finding them.

When we had finished taking in the breath-taking views across Southern Dartmoor Dillan found one letterbox and Will found the other. The boxes don’t seem to contain ink pads and stamps these days, but we left our comments in the books using the pens provided and continued on our way.

Will was ravenously hungry for some reason, so after taking the path down to Cold East Cross we decided against looking for more letterboxes at Bonehill Rocks, instead proceeding down the steep descent to Widecombe. Here we were in for a surprise: the famous Green Café had been gutted and completely refurbished inside by new owners. The old kitchen and serving area was gone, replaced with a new eating area complete with old fireplace; there was a brand new kitchen and serving area on the car-park side; the cloakrooms had been completely rebuilt; and new tables and chairs both inside and out completed the conversion to a café that finally seems appropriate for such a popular tourist village. We enjoyed a range of tasty food from the excellent menu and gave the new proprietor full marks for what must have been a very expensive enterprise.

Next stop was the ice-cream hut in the village which boasted very generous helpings of delicious ice cream topped with clotted cream for just £2.50. Refreshed for the return journey we headed onwards via Ponsworthy at a good speed, diverting through Leusdon in the hope of seeing our favourite white ducks. We were not disappointed: they seemed to have brand new fox-proof quarters next to their refurbished pond, so hopefully they will survive until Christmas at least!

We returned home via Hembury for around 4.10 after a very enjoyable ride. For those who couldn’t make the ride we will be running a 30th anniversary get-together at Christmas.
Friday 22 May 2015
19:00 - 20:00
Evening ride: Cross Furzes
Mainly sunny
5 miles
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
With Dillan feeling unwell we organised a short ride along Duckspond Road to Cross Furzes. The extra time after the ride was wisely used to plan a first version of our summer tour, which may be to Scotland this year.
Sunday 24 May 2015
10:15 - 17:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): The Camel Trail
Cloudy with occasional drizzle
24 miles
3 Participants: Tao Burgess, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
Dillan overslept this morning and woke up just as Tao and Michael were leaving in the car. We had soon collected him, loaded his bike and headed off to Bodmin through cloud and light drizzle. Heavier rain this side of Bodmin gave us some cause for concern, but once we had parked up by the Trail conditions were nearly dry.

We had planned an early stop at the Boscarne café, so it was somewhat fortuitous that Tao got his puncture just outside. He forecast the fastest repair we had ever seen, but when his tight tyre beading broke one of his plastic tyre levers the repair time got extended to about 12 minutes.

After an enjoyable café stop we set off with good speed through Wadebridge, passing countless families on hire bikes. We were looking out for dogs in hired dog trailers, but on the outward journey the intended occupant of the only trailer we saw was sensibly running along behind getting some exercise.

As we approached Padstow we ran into drizzle that was more like light rain. The narrow streets were heaving with visitors, no doubt due in part to the bank holiday weekend. Michael wanted a cheese and onion pasty, but the assistant in the only pasty shop without a queue managed to drop the only pasty she had, so he decided to join Tao and Dillan in trying Rick Stein's fish and chips.

Tao's scampi and chips were apparently the best he had ever tasted. Dillan's chips were good although apparently not as good as John's from Buckfastleigh. Michael wanted fish, but all the fish was cooked in beef dripping so he had the vegetarian option which was halloumi - very tasty, but not quite the fish he had hoped for.

We headed back with great speed, the rain stopping once again as we neared Wadebridge. On the final section to Bodmin we were finally rewarded with the sight of a trailer with two dogs in residence, although the large one seemed to be leaving little room for the small one. Tao embarrassed himself as we passed a lake with some rather loud sea birds: he made a joke about seagull noises but was told in no uncertain terms by two passing youngsters that they were actually geese!

This had been a busy and interesting day that proves just how much fun cycling can be even when the weather isn’t 100% ideal.
Friday 29 May 2015
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Staverton
Sunny and warm
11 miles
3 Participants: Tom Batten, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
New rider Tom had a great bike but had never really used it much, so Staverton seemed like a suitably challenging first-ride destination for him. He seemed surprised that he kept up with us all the way along Colston Road as he had never ridden that far before.

Glorious sunshine turned to a fabulous sunset as we rode beside the River Dart at Staverton and picked our way across to the island for stone skimming. Most of the good skimming stones had already been cast into the river but we managed to find a few small ones that were just about adequate.

Tom was keen to explore the intriguing swamp path to the park, but we needed to get back before 9.30 so that would have to wait for another day. At first Tom was feeling so tired that he walked the hills past Hole Farm, but then he realised he wouldn't actually die if he got out of breath and pushed himself courageously to ride the last few hills back to Buckfastleigh. He seemed to very much enjoy his first excursion and we hope to see him again soon.
Sunday 31 May 2015
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Converted to Social
Occasional light rain
2 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
A damp start and damp forecast prompted Dillan to request a badminton social, so we booked a court at Ashmoor for 11.30. Dillan pushed himself to his limits during the session and ended up getting as much exercise as if he had cycled.
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Events Index Gallery Participants