South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 14 December 2014
10:15 - 17:10
Day ride: Christmas Lunch Ride, Ilsington
6 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Various factors conspired together to discourage us from cycling to Ilsington this morning - rain at the start, forecast heavy showers, some people going by car anyway and Dillan having no coat to name a few. So we spent the first part of the morning on a coffee-break social at Crofters - computer games for the boys and big-TV Hobbit movies for John - then headed up to Ilsington by car, collecting Will from Ashmoor on the way.

The most disappointing thing about this year's Christmas Lunch ride was the fact that the hotel pool was out of action: it was being completely refurbished at huge cost and would not be complete until February. When we heard there would be a new Hydropool included in the refit we immediately planned a return visit in February, but for today we had to content ourselves with just a very enjoyable meal in our usual private room, The Library.

When everyone had eaten well on turkey, fish and puddings we had a nice chat by the open fire in the lounge before heading back over the moor past Haytor, following Ash who had come on his motorbike.
Sunday 11 January 2015
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: Holne
Chilly (7°) but sunny
10 miles
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Calling in at John's house on the way out yielded the additional attendance of George and Will, who had been planning to stay in bed! It was a great day for a ride however, so they were grateful to us for the encouragement as we enjoyed the delightful lanes through Scoriton. We couldn't help but stop to admire some pigs at Littlecombe that were waiting by their gate for attention.

The café at Holne provided the usual high quality refreshments, including a number of items that contained bacon (if only the pigs had known our group's culinary desires). Plans for a return via River Dart Country Park were vetoed by the younger members when weather conditions deteriorated, so we returned via the Hembury Woods tracks as usual.
Sunday 25 January 2015
10:15 - 15:15
Morning ride: Totnes Cyclepath
Cold; sun by mid-morning
15 miles
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We set off rather late at 11am with a Totnes café in mind as destination. Everyone was really fast today and we soon warmed up as we rode along Colston Road to Dartington. We headed straight on along the cycle path, stopping at the weir for photos in the now perfect sunny weather.

Dillan particularly enjoyed the next section of path, meandering through the riverside trees. Morrisons café offered us a warm refreshment stop with excellent value hot food, then we rode up the main street so that the youngsters could buy some blue gloop from the Spar (the sweet shop was unfortunately closed for some reason).

After considering alternative return routes we opted for the fast and direct route, along Barracks Hill to Dartington and then up the path. For a change we took the main road from Charlie's Cross all the way to Buckfastleigh, and suddenly the youngsters realised that using the fast routes for the first and last parts of a ride would mean we could actually visit more distant destinations! They vowed to try some longer rides as soon as possible.
Sunday 1 February 2015
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Venford Reservoir
Sunny and cold
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
Exceptional weather conditions call for exceptional club rides. Last night's light snowfall - the first real snow of the season - was quickly melting in Buckfastleigh, but the roads were still too treacherous for cycling so we made the most of the morning by using the car to search for thicker snow. We found it at Venford reservoir and spent the rest of the morning enjoying snowball fights.

It was Lawrence's idea to build two "forts" for a massive battle. It took over an hour to roll up enough snow blocks to make walls of a suitable size, but everyone was very satisfied with the results and the battle rounds that ensued were the highlight of the day. The rules were simple: if you were hit by a snowball you were out of the round, and the last team standing were the winners. I have to report that Lawrence and Michael's team won all three main rounds, but everyone had a great deal of fun.
Sunday 8 February 2015
10:15 - 16:45
Day ride: Bovey Tracey
Sunny but chilly
24 miles
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
Our youngsters have been asking for longer more adventurous rides in recent weeks and today’s superb winter weather provided the ideal opportunity to get started. Bovey Tracey’s Brookside Tearooms was selected as an enticing initial destination for the ride. After a rather late 10.55 start we rode around Ashburton and through Bickington at a good pace before taking the lanes from Blackpool to Bovey, arriving around 12.30 in glorious sunshine. The café was packed with bookings for Sunday Lunch but we were allocated sofa seats and enjoyed some tasty refreshments at very reasonable prices.

Haytor Rocks was selected as our next destination. Dillan felt a little ill for the first part of the climb, and it didn’t help that one of his brake springs had become detached from the brake earlier in the day, leaving the other side rubbing constantly on the rim. He recovered for the final sections however and we were soon buying hot dogs and drinks from the van in the Haytor car park.

Having worked hard to get here our youngsters were determined to climb the rock. As we neared the base of the tor there were, surprisingly, patches of snow lying in shaded areas, left over from last weekend’s falls, so there were a few brief snowball fights. The whole area was swarming with visitors today so progress up the rock was slow, but the view from the top was spectacular when we finally arrived.

We finally left at 3.45 and headed back along the speedy route through Cold East Cross, stopping for more snow fun on the way down towards Ashburton as temperatures began to drop. This had been a superb ride that will hopefully lead to many more adventurous rides whenever the weather conditions are favourable.
Sunday 1 March 2015
10:15 - 14:05
Morning ride: Michelcombe
Breezy but dry and sunny
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
With a forecast of rain soon after 2pm we wanted to make good use of the morning, so started with a brisk ride up to Cross Furzes. There was little enthusiasm for the open moor after the recent rain, so we dropped down to Combe, rode through Michelcombe to Holne and then actually rode past the café for once, determined to reach Ashburton. Michael seemed to get very excited when he found a BT telephone cabinet marked 3/1 at the top end of the village: this was apparently a sub-cabinet to Poundsgate Cabinet 3 at the top of Holne Chase!

The track through Holne Woods was easy and fun, leading us eventually through River Dart Country Park and on to Ashburton where everyone wanted to buy Rowe's pasties from the Spar. As we were eating them on the old railway track we bumped into Tao, out for a ride on his own to Stover. We told him he needed to go the other way if he wanted to avoid the rain, but he was keen to proceed whatever the weather.

Dillan led the return to Buckfastleigh faster than we have ever seen him ride, bringing us back to Crofters by 2.05. The rain started at 2.25 so it really was pretty good timing.
Sunday 8 March 2015
14:00 - 17:30
Afternoon ride: Spitchwick
Turning sunny and warm
11 miles
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We had planned a Morning Ride today, but when everyone arrived at 10.15 the light rain encouraged everyone to spend the morning on a games and homework social, postponing the cycling to the afternoon.

When we set off for Hembury the rain had vanished and there were sunny spells at times. Everyone rode up the Lower Hembury Track, including John who now has off-road tyres that make the task much easier. Climbing the hill to Humphrey's Cross however Lawrence discovered an unwelcome split in his shorts, behind his thigh, and decided at once that he needed to go straight home before his favourite shorts were ruined beyond repair. No amount of persuasion would change his mind, so the rest of us continued towards New Bridge.

After refreshments at the ice cream van we took the steep track through the woods to Spitchwick and then spent a very enjoyable forty minutes playing Frisbee and other games on the nearly-deserted common in brilliant spring sunshine. Clearly this is the best time of year to visit, when the tourists are at home.

As it was getting late we returned via Holne Chase rather than Buckland-in-the-Moor, with everyone agreeing that Afternoon Rides could be a good idea from time to time.
Sunday 15 March 2015
10:15 - 14:45
Morning ride: North Huish
Dry but cold (7°) and grey
15 miles
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We gave the weather a little chance to warm up with coffee at Crofters before setting off for Dean Hill at 11.15, narrowly keeping ahead of a bunch of elderly cyclists out for a spin. Dillan's sprained wrist (a school injury) and the chilly conditions prompted us to decide against the possible Ugborough Beacon ride today so we headed down to Avonwick, passing one of the elderly contingent answering a call of nature right beside the road!

Taking the road towards North Huish we discovered a brand new play park, constructed last summer by Avonwick parents at a cost of £30k. George and Dillan tested each piece of equipment methodically and gave the whole park their unanimous seal of approval.

Dillan and George really are much faster these days, so the long climb to North Huish didn't even slow them down today. Once they had checked the village out, establishing that the only public building was a church that was no longer used, we proceeded down the long steep hill to the bridge over the River Avon near Manor House. The lack of sunshine detracted only a little from the natural beauty of the area, and the youngsters enjoyed skimming stones and doing gymnastics on the bridge.

Our return route through Diptford to Rattery took us alongside the brand new Coombeshead Solar Farm near Shorter Cross. It will generate 7.86MW of power when it is connected to the National Grid this month, enough to power 3350 households.

After ringing through to Ashley to get him to put some Rowe's Pasties in the oven we proceeded at good speed through Rattery and Pennywell Farm, successfully negotiating the visitors to the Buckfastleigh Races along the way.
Sunday 22 March 2015
10:15 - 14:55
Morning ride: Landscove Tracks
Sunny, but chilly start
12 miles
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
The air was chilly at the start despite the sunshine, so Lawrence collected his fleece on the way past his house. By the time we reached Ashburton, however, it had been stowed away in Michael’s pannier, and it really was turning into a glorious day as everyone rode up Chuley Hill.

The Parkfield track – new to most of our members - got a rating of 4/10 today from our youngsters as the lower section was a bit muddy in places and, as Lawrence put it, there were no decent jumps. Everyone preferred it to the road however, so they then elected to ride the second track of the morning, Beaston, even though in this direction it was slightly uphill all the way. The lake that used to plague the middle has long since been drained, but today there were many swarms of annoying little flies that seemed to be spread along the whole length of the track.

When Lawrence had decided not to raid Michael’s chocolate box when we were so close to the café, and Michael had freed his clogged mudguard, we rode up to Memory Cross and then into Landscove where the youngsters tested the equipment and had fun with a tennis ball.

Today was our first visit to the Hill House Nursery Tea Room since it reopened for the new season in March. The cakes were just as tasty and enormous as they were last year, and the gardens offered plenty of opportunity for stick fights and other amusements. Lawrence is always wary of this place since he accidentally wandered into the pond as a toddler!

There was a unanimous vote for a third and final track on the way home which involved another climb to Higher Penn and then a fun descent through a field and a section of woodland. On the way home we had a chat with retired Buckfastleigh doctor Peter Edwards who was rolling the verge outside his home at Beara.
Sunday 5 April 2015
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Quantocks & North Devon Coast
Day 1 Home to Minehead Youth Hostel
Sunny and warm
26 miles (▲ 755m ▼ 675m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers

On Day 1 we will be taking train or car from Buckfastleigh to Taunton and then cycling towards West Bagborough. We'll then climb up onto the Quantock Hills and ride all the way along the ridge where there are some excellent off-road tracks.

Eventually you will return to the coast at the attractive fishing village of Watchet where we will stop for refreshments, then you'll ride past the impressive Dunster Castle to the excellent hostel at Minehead.
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Events Index Gallery Participants