South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 4 May 2014
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Sunny and quite warm with light cloud
12 miles
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Jack Easterbrook, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Five started out from Buckfastleigh but by the time we reached Shipley Bridge we were seven: Ash had been late and had picked up Will on the way in his car. Just for once the presence of a support car was helpful as George needed a boost to get up the hills.

Once ice-creams had been consumed and Ash had demonstrated some of his flips we headed up the riverside access road, pausing at a popular picnic spot so that George could wade across to an inviting-looking rock. Unfortunately the rock slabs under the water were green and very slippery, so he didn't even make it to the first staging rock before getting a thorough wetting. Fortunatley Jack had a spare pair of shorts to lend him.

We had a chocolate break on the grassy bank overlooking the dam, then set off along the moorland path towards the Abbots Way bridleway. One or two patches were a bit boggy after the recent rains, but everyone got through eventually. A short climb brought us to some spectacular views across South Devon, then the real fun began with the moorland descent to Cross Furzes.

Ash always loves this ride, but today he somehow managed to cut his left shin on a pedal. He wanted to get it sorted at the hospital so sped off as fast as he could go to reach the car in Buckfastleigh. Unfortunately he then got a blow-out on some rough rocks, so cycling was now out of the question. He walked up to Cross Furzes and got a lift from there with a relative while the rest of us returned to Buckfastleigh for a games social after what had turned out to be a very enjoyable and eventful ride.
Sunday 11 May 2014
10:15 - 13:45
Morning ride: Landscove
Sunny spells with occasional showers
11 miles
3 Participants: Jack Easterbrook, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
The forecast showers were absent at the start of the ride so we set off up Green Lane with a view to calling in to the Hillside garden centre café if conditions deteriorated. As we neared Landscove Callum was feeling a little ill so we called in to the café first and enjoyed excellent cakes while the sun shone outside!

We were heading in the Staverton direction when Michael noticed an interesting footpath heading off to the left. The others agreed it looked fun so we set off on a bit of an adventure to see where it went. The woodland offered some shelter from our first shower of the morning, then after passing a footpath sign located right in the centre of a field and negotiating some nettles on an overgrown section we finally came out on the lane near Sparkwell.

Everyone had enjoyed that, so when we found another track to explore just around the next corner everyone was up for it. Some large puddles in the lower reaches provided a few challenges, then on the climb while taking shelter from a heavy shower under an ancient tree we noticed the hedgerow was riddled with animal burrows of all sizes.

When we finally emerged near Kingston Callum had a puncture, but now the sun was out so fixing it was no great hardship. We soon found our bearings, descended to Staverton and then returned via Hole Farm and Caddaford.
Sunday 18 May 2014
10:15 - 13:45
Morning ride: Dartington
Warm and sunny
12 miles
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards (12, Buckfastleigh), Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers
New member Dillan said he hadn't ridden a bike for two years before today, so the effort he put into all the hill climbs along Colston Road certainly impressed us. Once he had figured out how to use the gears we made good speed and had time to take the cycle path down to the Cider Press centre where three of our team ordered bacon baps for some reason unknown to Michael.

We returned home via Staverton Bridge and Hole Farm. George enjoyed the ride so much that he decided to seriously consider booking up for the summer tour!
Sunday 25 May 2014
10:15 - 14:40
Morning ride: Holne
Mainly dry with sunny spells and showers
10 miles
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
Lawrence was late - again - but after a few brake adjustments we eventually set off through Buckfast to Scoriton, where our favourite dog Leo seemed very pleased to see us. We took the scenic route through Michelcombe and soon found ourselves at the Holne café again where various cakes, scones and soups were well received.

George wanted to show Dillan the fort so we returned via Hembury Woods, meeting Ash at Gallant Le Bower who had yet another excuse for being late. Dillan found that he liked the off-road riding through the woods, but only Ash and Lawrence braved the muddy slalom today.
Sunday 8 June 2014
10:15 - 14:15
Morning ride: South Brent Island
Mainly dry with sunny spells
11 miles
3 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones
Lawrence was late again so it was after 10.50 when we finally set off up Dean hill. Dillan's bike proved far from easy to ride up the hill so Lawrence kindly offered to swap bikes - suddenly Dillan was leading the climb.

We called in at South Brent co-op to buy some tasty refreshments. The two lads almost bought a big tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream until they realised there were no spoons available - and Lawrence would not tolerate any skin to ice-cream contact whatsoever! We then wandered down to the island for the first time in the club's history, discovering a grassy recreation space surrounded by two strands of the Avon river.

After enjoying our little feast Lawrence and Dillan spent some time crossing the river using the rocks as stepping stones. Lawrence was just showing how easy it was to jump across, even on one foot, when he discovered that it wasn't so easy after all and ended up with his feet in the river.

With Lawrence no longer able to feel his feet we decided to finish our tour of South Brent with a ride along the riverside track and then returned through Harbourneford. Now Lawrence was regretting his offer of letting Dillan use his bike 4 minutes for every minute he rode his own bike: he kept to his word but made sure Dillan kept moving by waving a stinging nettleafter him as he climbed the hill.
Sunday 15 June 2014
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: Belford Mill
Turning hot & sunny
11 miles
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
We took the old road to Ashburton and then the path through the park where we were surprised to see a new BMX park was under construction - the fences and warning signs hadn't managed to stop some youngsters trying it out.

Back lanes took us past the uniqely-shaped Belford Mill and then began the fun descent through Whiddon Scrubs wood. Lawrence couldn’t resist doing some jumps by the river Ashburn, then George tried some too. Everyone was loving the off-road so we detoured to include the Terrace Walk path, offering magnificent views over the unspoiled valley we had just traversed.

George and Dillan had a desire for pasties from the Spar, although George's £2.70 medium pasty seemed better value than Dillan's £3.50 large one. We ate our refreshments in the park and returned via Dart Bridge in what was now quite a hot afternoon.
Sunday 22 June 2014
10:15 - 17:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): Hunters' Path
Sunny and very warm
15 miles
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Arthur Hocking (14, Newton Abbot), Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
Lawrence’s late arrival at 10.30 when we were all loaded up and ready to leave meant we had to use three cars to get us to Steps Bridge with our bikes. We eventually started riding along the flat woodland track through Dunsford Wood at around 11.45. A short section of road then brought us to another rougher track along the river Teign from Clifford Bridge.

Despite the many people milling around the delightful Fingle Bridge, queues in the restaurant were virtually nil so we were able to order our drinks and food really quickly. The food was all up to the usual excellent standards, except perhaps the carrot soup which was a bit bland.

At 1.30 we set off on the loop, climbing the path through the woods to the Hunter’s Path. George found the climb tough in the afternoon heat but felt better when he emerged at the top. The views across the Teign valley were spectacular and the paths offered a great deal of enjoyable cycling.

We returned to Fingle via the lower Fisherman’s path along the riverside. This was a good deal rougher than the high oath and involved a few sets of steps cut into the bank, but everyone helped share the load and Michael ended up being very impressed with the younger riders for doing so well. Dillan, who was on the club bike for the first time this week, showed a huge improvement in his speed.

After refilling out water bottles at the restaurant we headed back along the riverside path to the cars at Steps Bridge, concluding an excellent ride. New rider Arthur did very well and seemed keen to return next week for another adventure.
Sunday 29 June 2014
10:15 - 15:30
Morning ride: Totnes Cycle Path
Sunny and warm, turning showery
16 miles
8 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers, Alastair Shapland
In view of the fine weather we decided on an extended morning ride, heading out along Colston road to Dartington and then on to Totnes via the cycle path. The first shower of the day began as we neared Totnes station so we headed straight for the Morrisons cafe, popular with our group because it offers some of the best value refreshments we have found anywhere. There was a twenty minute wait for hot food but that didn’t stop several ordering bacon rolls and chips.

Plans to visit Long Marsh were abandoned in view of the now unsettled weather, so when a dry patch came along we headed up Totnes main street and down past the castle. Unfortunately this was exactly the moment that the heaviest shower came along. Michael was in the support car today as he was a little unwell, and he received many envious looks from those stuck out in the rain.

The rain stopped after fifteen minutes or so and it stayed dry and sunny for the remainder of our journey. We returned via Staverton, help up briefly by a passing steam train.
Sunday 6 July 2014
Morning ride: Chalk Ford
Sunny start, showers later
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
After a rather late start we headed up Wallaford Road to Cross Furzes so that George could try out his new bike and Dillan could get some training in for the forthcoming summer tour. Both lads rode all the way up (to John and Michael’s surprise) but when they were given a choice of off-road to Chalk Ford or lanes to Holne café they unanimously decided that both should be included in the ride!

John didn’t like the stony track to Lud Gate very much but everyone enjoyed the moorland descent to Chalk Ford – the deer were clearly visible in the deer park opposite. Sadly there were no piglets this year in the field on the other side of the ford, and to add further disappointment Leo (the dog) was not waiting to greet us at Scoriton!

We rode briskly up the hill to Holne as the first real showers began to come along, but the really heavy showers came while we were in the café enjoying hot snacks.

We returned via Hembury hill, meeting Ash for the last fifteen minutes of the ride home.
Sunday 13 July 2014
Morning ride: Hembury Woods
Dry with sunny spells
3 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Arthur Hocking, Michael Jones
Lawrence and Arthur didn't feel like riding too far today, so when Lawrence told Arthur about all the off-road fun to be had in Hembury Woods he was keen to investigate. We rode up the lower Hembury track first, which today was so overgrown in parts that we couldn't avoid getting scratched from time to time.

We found the same problem in the 'moat' around Hembury fort, although here the main offender was bracken. It was so bad that we decided to give it a miss today and cut across the grass, although Lawrence still had to join the moat path at the lower end in his attempt to emulate Ash's jump: sadly the results were unremarkable, and all Lawrence got to show for his efforts were some scratches on his leg!

Arthur really enjoyed the descent of the steep, twisty 'slalom' track through the woods, and got even more entertainment when Lawrence overshot the path and ended up in a holly bush - he blamed his brakes but independent tests suggested they were working fine. All that was bruised was his pride however, and he seemed much happier on the final stretch of track when his front brake had been adjusted.
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Events Index Gallery Participants