South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 69 of 109 (1087 items)
Sunday 5 December 2010
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Hembury Woods
Sunny but cold
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, Matt Porter
Callum started the ride by complaining about the cold weather - apparently 4 degrees was too cold for cycling! By the time we got to Buckfast he was feeling better, and the warmth of the lower Hembury track put an end to all his complaints. The track really did look delightful this morning, with dappled sunlight highlighting the fallen autumn leaves.

Our plans to ride to River Dart Country Park were abandoned in favour of the Hembury Woods tracks by popular request. We took the left turn at the top which brought us to a choice of wooded glades. For a change we took the middle path which brought us to a fun, leaf-covered downhill track that brought us eventually to the river. Jack, as always, took the path very cautiously, trying to avoid the hidden stones and potholes that lived under the leaves. We concluded an excellent morning ride with the riverside track back to the car park.
Sunday 12 December 2010
10:15 - 14:50
Day ride: Fermoy's Winter Special
Cold, sunny spells later
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Everyone was up for our Fermoy’s Special today, although by the time Jack arrived late and Michael was even later there was no chance of an early start. We took the lanes through Staverton and Ambrook to Ipplepen, arriving at Fermoy’s at around 12.15. We all treated ourselves to luxury hot chocolates and cakes in the well-stocked cafe, then browsed through the Christmas goods and the pet stores.

We set off for home at around 1.20 on what was now a warm and sunny afternoon. Riding towards Denbury, Callum ended up sprawled across the road after rounding a bend that evidently had an icy covering: the look of surprise on his face suggested he had never encountered ice before!
Sunday 19 December 2010
10:15 - 17:00
Day ride (Car-assisted): Christmas Lunch, Ilsington
Dry, but very cold (below zero)
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Matt Porter
A second fall of snow on Friday night had sadly left conditions too treacherous and cold for moorland cycling, and since Zac was still recovering from a foot injury we decided to use Michael's car for transport to this year's Christmas Lunch ride. Michael's new all-season tyres made light work of the snow and we arrived at the hotel at 11.50, giving us plenty of time to enjoy the indoor pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. The lads somehow managed to touch an alarm button on the wall near the Jacuzzi whilst running around the pool - the alarm only rang in the hotel, so we were blissfully unaware of the problem until staff came running out to us.

We had the Library room all to ourselves for the meal as usual, and we certainly couldn't fault the presentation or the prices. Michael was a bit disappointed with his vegetarian option but everyone else seemed happy with the food. Callum came off worst in the inevitable snowball fights after the meal when he got hit square on the ear by a flyer from Ashley.

The journey home was slow but incident-free and left us with an hour and a half for computer games at Crofters, rounding off a very special day.
Sunday 9 January 2011
10:15 - 12:55
Morning ride: Chalk Ford
Sunny but cold
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell
Ryan was on a mission today: he wanted to take a set of scenic moorland photos for his GCSE Photography project, using an old-fashioned film camera, and Chalk Ford was the destination he had in mind. Zac rang as we were about to leave and finally caught up with us half way up the hill to Cross Furzes.

We had to negotiate some icy patches on the lane to Lud Gate, but once we came out onto the open moor it was clear that the weather we perfect for photography. While Ryan snapped away the rest of us negotiated the larger than usual stream that had flooded the path, then we all enjoyed the downhill track to Chalk Ford.

There were two large pigs in the field, and we couldn't help wondering if they might be the piglets we saw there last year. The downhill track to Scoriton was as stony as usual, but we took our time as were in no hurry to end this perfect min-winter ride.
Sunday 30 January 2011
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: River Dart Country Park
Sunny but cold
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott
With the temperature barely above freezing at the start of the ride we rode through Buckfast in search of suntraps and found one on the lower Hembury track where the bright winter sunshine warmed the sheltered woodland air. Michael seemed to spend quite a bit of time trying to pump his tyres - his pump didn't seem to work properly after Zac used it last week!

From Gallant Le Bower we took the woodland track descent to River Dart Country Park, where unsurprisingly there were no campers to be seen at all.
Sunday 20 February 2011
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Dartington
Misty start, sunny later
7 Participants: Connor Beasley (14, Buckfastleigh), Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien (13, Buckfastleigh), Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott
We were very pleased to welcome our two new members, Callum and Connor on a dull but dry morning. The plan was to run a fairly easy morning ride that included a few fun tracks, and after toying with the idea of Landscove we eventually settled on Colston Road, a popular route for new riders. We may good progress to the Dartington cycle path, but then Michael's planned route through Staverton hit some resistance from our regular members who quite rightly pointed out that we went there quite recently. After some discussion we decided to take the Rattery road home, stopping at the footpath on the left for some Frisbee and rocket fun.

When our new riders were fully rested we continued up the long climb to Rattery sawmills - it has to be said that Callum was very relieved to finally reach the top! Compensation came in the form of the downhill from Pennywell Farm, made all the more enjoyable by the appearance of the winter sun. Congratulations to both our newcomers, who performed really well on a harder-than-planned ride. We'll keep it easier for Callum's next ride.
Sunday 6 March 2011
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Hembury Tracks
Cloudy but dry
9 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Gavin Pearson, Brodie Scott
Spring is coming, and our members are turning out in ever greater numbers. Eight of us set off on a chilly morning for a detailed exploration of Hembury Woods. Callum O'B, out for only his second ride, was feeling the pain from a recent leg injury by the time we had ridden through Buckfast, so we abandoned plans for a detour through Michelcombe and set about tackling the main hill through Hembury.

From the top we took the path through to the fort, where Ashley was particularly disappointed to find that logs had been placed strategically to prevent cyclists riding down the steep slope. Our devious route took us through to one of the glades at the far end of the woods, where chocolate was enjoyed by the hungry ones and Ashley and Gavin vied to see who could throw the rocket the farthest (Gavin one by a few metres).

On the rough descent to the river Conner B, who had not done an off-road ride with us before, could be heard shouting "I . .don't .. want .. to ... die .. yet ..", so he was clearly enjoying the fun. Callum F's fun came to an abrupt halt however when he picked up a pinch puncture on a particularly rocky section of the track. A spare tube ensured a speedy repair, and we concluded our ride with the riverside track back to the car park, where Zac finally met up with us at 12.30.
Sunday 13 March 2011
10:15 - 13:35
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Sunny and clear
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott
Perfect spring weather and a fast group pointed us quickly in the direction of the Avon Dam, one of our favourite destinations. The ascent of Dean hill was delayed by frequent stops for conversation, so it was past 12.30 when we finally reached Shipley Bridge.

We stopped by the Avon for a chocolate break during which Zac decided to undertake a few ill-advised adjustments to his bike. Unfortunately one of these adjustments resulted in a broken valve, and as he had no spare tube he had to return to the car park to wait for transport home.

There was much to see on the moor today, with wildlife everywhere and a magnificent reflection off the surface of the reservoir: Connor, our newest rider, didn't miss any of it. The track behind the reservoir led us up the hill to the magnificent view across South Devon, and then we set about enjoying the fabulous downhill back to Cross Furzes. Ash took a tumble along the way but the ground was soft so there was no harm done. When everyone had climbed the old tree near the ford we took the long downhill back to Buckfastleigh for a well-earned games social. A car was despatched to collect Zac, who re-joined the group shortly after 2pm.
Sunday 20 March 2011
10:15 - 13:20
Morning ride: Landscove Tracks
Sunny and clear
7 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott, Louis Unknown
Having ridden up Green Lane and partway along the track towards Riverford Connor discovered what he described as the best attraction of the ride so far - a very long rope swing dangling from an overhanging tree branch. There were more to come however: the riverside track from Staverton station was followed by the catwalk path up to the park, where Frisbee and rocket fun were punctuated with chocolate snacks.

From Staverton village we took the lane to Landscove, pausing along the way to oil a few squeaking chains. Callum needed encouragement to push himself up the climb towards Penn, and since he was very thirsty Michael found that waving a water bottle at him from the top of the hill helped him find energy he didn't know he had! The downhill woodland track to Lower Combe made the climb all worthwhile, concluding a very enjoyable spring morning ride.
Sunday 27 March 2011
10:15 - 13:40
Morning ride: Spitchwick
Sunny & warm
8 Participants: Connor Beasley, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, Brodie Scott, Adam Wyeth (15, Buckfastleigh)
The clocks went forward last night, but even those who had forgotten managed to get to the ride on time with a bit of rushing around. We were very pleased that Adam had finally kept his promise and joined one of our rides.

Callum O'Brien was complaining of feeling ill on the steep climb through Hembury Woods but he felt better on the way down the other side to New Bridge. Callum F couldn't resist the temptation to spend some of his money on an ice cream, but the rest of us waited until we found a quiet area on Spitchwick common and then tucked in to the chocolate box.

Everyone had fun here by the river, some exploring the rocks and island whilst others played Frisbee or just lay in the sunshine for a chat. Callum O'Brien found out it was a mistake to splash Jack with a rock: he was chased without mercy!

The second big climb of the morning was the hill to Buckland, but everyone coped well with it. Today it was Connor who first discovered the words "My Dear" on the clock face, although nobody seemed able to read the word "Mother" just below it. A short climb brought us to the top of Ausewell hill from where we enjoyed an excellent downhill back to Ashburton and home.
Page 69 of 109 (1087 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants