South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 20 June 2010
10:15 - 12:55
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Hot & sunny
12 miles
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones
Ryan rang early to say he was coming but then had to cancel just before the ride started because he had hurt his arm on a door at home. He did hope to join us later but unfortunately that didn’t happen, so just the four of us set off for the Avon Dam.

We were honoured to have Hallam on the ride. He had been given a choice of cycle ride or horse ride and he had chosen the cycle ride, partly because he had never been to the Avon Dam before.

It was already quite warm as we rode up Dean Hill and on to Bloody Pool. Here Hallam’s Mum passed with a horse box and Ash had a long chat with a bloke who was setting up his radio controlled aeroplane – the grass was apparently too long for take-off so he was just doing some maintenance on it where he would be well away from his neighbours.

We continued on to Shipley Bridge where we bought ice-creams and sat in the sun to eat them. Ash pointed out an interesting-looking beetle, Michael got involved and started talking about it and Callum promptly squished it.

The path to the dam was delightful today with rhododendrons out in full bloom. The reservoir itself was not quite full but very close – surprising in view of the recent spell of dry weather. The Teign Valley Pedal Pushers caught up with us at the dam: they had planned to go back to Shipley but decided to follow us when we suggested the moorland route to Buckfastleigh. Michael was not amused when one of the women in the group tried to poach Ashley for their fast group! We left them behind after a short time but I think they enjoyed the detour.

We left the reservoir at 12.20 so we expected to get home by 1.10. In fact we got back at 12.55 which was pretty good going. This had been a very good ride that everyone had really enjoyed.
Friday 25 June 2010
19:00 - 21:10
Evening ride: Baddaford Tracks
Sunny and warm
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Michael took everyone on a Tracks Special this evening. After climbing Green Lane and riding down to Baddaford we took the track to Lower Combe that we rarely use and then pushed up through the woodland track to Penn Farm. From there we took the track down across the fields to Landscove at Ryan’s request: it’s now a Riverford field. Zac got a puncture so everyone played in the school playing fields while the puncture was repaired.

Unfortunately things did not go quite to plan. There were actually two holes, and since Zac did not have a spare tube they had to be repaired. Michael then got Zac to pump the tyre, but as he removed the pump a sudden load hissing sound confirmed that he had somehow managed to break the valve! As we had no spare tubes Michael rang Zac’s Mum, but she was unable to collect him and didn’t like the idea of him walking. So we ended up riding back while Zac walked with us until he was close enough for Michael to come back with the car to collect him – from the end of Old Totnes Road.

When we were finally all back at Crofters at 9.40 we rounded off a rather disappointing evening with some Call of Duty rather than the planned Lord of the Rings.
Friday 2 July 2010
19:00 - 21:05
Evening ride: Hembury Woods
Warm with sunny periods
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones
The start of this evening ride was delayed until 7.30 because Ash had some punctures to fix, and since the lads were tired after sports day we agreed on an easy ride to the tracks in Hembury Woods. We didn't see anybody else in the woods at all as we sped along the rugged paths and tracks. Michael managed to drop a huge stone in the river whilst Ash and Callum were searching for skimming stones and they didn't really manage to get their revenge.
Sunday 4 July 2010
10:15 - 13:10
Morning ride: Venford Reservoir
Grey and windy
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones
The plan this morning was to take the track to Dartmeet but by the time we got to Venford reservoir showers were threatening so we contented ourselves with riding the track that circles the reservoir. The water level was strikingly low today and we were able to walk on areas of rocky grassland that are usually submerged.

We returned via the lower Hembury Woods track, by which time conditions were distinctly damp.
Friday 9 July 2010
19:00 - 21:05
Evening ride: Parkfield Track
Hot, sunny & humid
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
We took the old road to Ashburton, climbed Chuley hill and then took the track to the left that starts just past Parkfield. The track has two sections: the first part was a bit rough but offered great views across the surrounding hills in the glorious evening sunshine. The second section, running through woodland at a lower level, was infested with many swarms of flies but included some great jumps for the mountain bikers.

We pressed on to Landscove and played with the Frisbee in the school playing fields - Ryan almost lost it when it landed on top of a tall hedge but fortunately it fell down through the bushes so we could reach it. Conditions were very humid so from there we headed straight home via Green Lane.
Sunday 18 July 2010
10:15 - 16:00
Day ride: Redlake Tramway
Dry & cloudy with sunny spells later
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our initial destination was Ugborough Beacon and everyone seemed happy about that. We rode up Dean Hill and through South Brent, getting to Golf Links Road at Wrangaton by 11.30. As usual the strict dress code in operation at the golf course provided some amusement (no t-shirts and all shirts must be tucked into trousers) but we didn't hang around long enough to risk getting struck by a golf ball. The youngsters needed a rest halfway up the Beacon, and we stopped again near the rocks at the top for a short lunch while admiring the extensive views across South Devon.

After riding a short distance into the moor it was 12.50 and Michael presented the options for the second part of the ride: either take the track decent to Owley and head home via South Brent, or take the adventurous option along the Redlake Tramway, emerging eventually at Cross Furzes. Hallam was a little anxious because he had arranged for his father John to collect him at 3.30 and had been instructed to ring if he was going to be later. The mobile number to ring had been written in large numerals on his lunch box, but every time he rang he got a strange and increasingly-annoyed person answering. Everyone wanted the adventurous option however so we decided we should go for it and would hopefully get back by 3.30 anyway.

The track was not especially rough so we made good progress. Despite the mainly grey skies Callum quickly ran out of water (as usual) and was trying to take everyone else's - Michael made him promise to bring two bottles in future, but he still did a fair amount of whinging.

Eventually we neared the point where Michael knew we needed to strike out across open moorland to join the Abbots Way track near the Avon. He got to what he felt sure was the right spot but couldn't see the gully that he had expected in the featureless moorland, so we pressed on a little until we caught sight of Redlake spoil heap itself. This confirmed our location, so after a short backtrack we left the track and waded through the long grass past some of the ruins of old mine workings. Hallam was convinced Michael was lost, but quickly we reached the top near Petres Cross and headed down across the hills to the clapper bridge over the Avon, now bathed in bright sunshine.

A small side-stream was clean enough to quench the thirst of the few who were desperate. Soon we had traversed the rough section of the Abbot's Way and came up behind the Avon Dam, looking magnificent in the afternoon sunshine. Everyone enjoyed our familiar downhill to Cross Furzes, although Callum went a little too fast and took a tumble on the soft grass. It was 3.58 when we finally reached Buckfastleigh: John had been waiting, and when he saw the number written on the lunchbox he said "I dictated the number to Steph and she wrote it on the box: I don't know whether I dictated it wrong, but that's not my number!” So Hallam was forgiven and everyone felt pleased to have taken part in one of our most adventurous rides of the year.
Sunday 25 July 2010
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Holne
Dry with sunny spells
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Michael's attempt to arrange another full-day summer ride were not met with much enthusiasm from the members today who all seemed to want to be back by 1pm. We rode out through Buckfast and then took the interesting track through Burchett’s Wood. This track always used to be very muddy at all times of the year, but Hallam recently told Michael it had received loads of wood chippings and we were pleasantly surprised to find today that, despite recent rain, it was nowhere near as muddy as we had expected.

Continuing through Scoriton and Michelcombe we were soon in Holne Play Park enjoying the swings and Michael's chocolate box. There was some debate about whether to visit the cafe, but in the end we decided to return home via the popular Slalom track through Hembury Woods. Ashley couldn't resist having some fun with the jump near the bottom.
Friday 30 July 2010
19:00 - 20:55
Evening ride: Belford Mill
Cloudy with some drizzle
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Ryan was out this evening and once again he managed to persuade us to do his favourite ride - out to Ashburton, through the back lanes to the wedge-shaped Belford Mill and then down the woodland track back to Ashburton. We stopped halfway down the track by the felled tree so the youngsters could eat refreshments and enjoy the jumps.
Sunday 1 August 2010
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Chalk Ford
Cloudy with light rain later
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Ryan was still suffering from knee pains after his recent activity week, so once again we found ourselves limiting the ride length. We climbed Wallaford road to Cross Furzes in record time today and quickly reached the open moor at Lud Gate. Everyone enjoyed the downhill to Chalk Ford, but we were particularly looking forward to seeing what had happened to the piglets that we saw nearby a few weeks ago. Sure enough they were there, with their mother, and they were definitely much larger and fatter, but this time there were only three!

Michael gave the usual speed warnings before the descent of the stony track to Scoriton, but evidently Zac didn't heed them as he had collected a pinch puncture by the time he reached the bottom at 12.10. Zac didn't have a spare tube or repair kit and neither, it turned out, did anyone else. Even Michael had neglected to refill his puncture kit with new patches. Fortunately Ryan's house was nearby, and after an abortive trip to get a spare tube which turned out to have a valve that wouldn't fit the rim he returned with a puncture kit which allowed Michael to effect repairs.

In view of the light rain that was now falling on us we headed straight for home, getting back by around 1pm.
Friday 6 August 2010
19:00 - 21:22
Evening ride: Spitchwick
Mainly sunny
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
Tonight seemed like a good night to visit Spitchwick, and there were certainly no arguments from the lads as it is always a popular destination. We got there for around 8pm and found absolutely nobody there. Everyone went into the cool evening waters of the Dart but only the three youngsters went all the way in, having a great time splashing around. A couple of groups of visitors came along while we were in there, including a couple with a young lad who just had to go paddling when he saw us in the water.

In view of the rapidly fading light we had to return along the same route as our outward journey, via Hembury Woods.
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