South Dartmoor CTC Album


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Sunday 25 April 2010
10:15 - 13:40
Morning ride: Dartington
Mainly dry with Sunny periods
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Matt Porter
The forecast this morning was for occasional showers, and one hit just as the youngsters arrived at 10.15. They had to be dragged off the computers when the rain stopped at 10.35, but then we had no more rain for the rest of the morning.

We rode out along Colston Road with Ryan and Ash playing with sticks again along the way. After climbing the cycle path up to Huxham’s Cross the majority wanted a café, so we rode down the path to the Cider Press Centre and stopped in the new Venus café. Michael took a look at the huge slices of coffee cake in the display cabinet marked at £2.20, decided they were way too expensive and chose what he thought would be much cheaper alternatives for him and Ash – a shortcake slice and a tiny cupcake. When he checked the bill at the end he discovered he had been charged £2.20 for the shortcake and £2 for the cupcake! He was not happy and vowed to check the prices of even the smallest items next time.

Everyone’s favourite sweet shop had moved again, but we soon found it so we could pick up some affordable treats. The sun shone brightly as we rode back through Staverton, so we visited the railway station and found an adorable four-legged friend who seemed rather camera shy. At Caddaford we heard a steam train heading back to Buckfastleigh and tried racing it back to the bridge, but it was long gone by the time we got there – slow, but clearly a race-winning speed.
Sunday 2 May 2010
10:15 - 12:40
Morning ride: Hembury
Cold & cloudy
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Callum was unable to join us today as he had recently cut his leg on some barbed wire. The rain had pretty much stopped by 10.25 but it was very cold, so we did a short ride up the road through Hembury Woods. From the top we rode to the glade and took one of the middle tracks down through the woods, bringing us eventually to the riverside track. Along the way we stopped a few times for some interesting discussions which helped everyone appreciate the differences between the main political parties.

We returned home as soon as we reached the road and ran a social at Crofters until 3.30.
Sunday 9 May 2010
10:15 - 12:45
Morning ride: Lutton
Cold (12°) & cloudy
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Our ride today was the back road from Duckspond to Dean Hill, then up to Bloody Pool and down the late through Lutton. Hallam was a little over-enthusiastic and had to be slowed down when some horses appeared round a bend. To be honest this was not a particularly interesting lane to ride until we reached the bottom part near South Brent, but there we stopped on the delightful Lydia Bridge for some photos before heading along the riverside path to the Island. We stopped again in a glade by the river for chocolate refreshments, and Ash and Zac entertained us by picking their way across the stones in the river, eventually reaching the other side.

From Brent we headed straight home the shortest way via Harbourneford, getting back amazingly by 12.45. The group is fast enough now to try some more adventurous rides when the weather is good, so let’s hope for a good summer.
Sunday 23 May 2010
10:15 - 14:25
Morning ride: Fermoy's Garden Centre, Ipplepen
Hot (26°)& sunny
19 miles
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Everyone was up for a Stage 1 longer ride today, so we decided to go to Fermoys at Ipplepen. It took us a while to find the sunscreen lotion so we didn’t leave until 10.34. We rode up the hill past Caddaford, through Staverton and along the flat route through Ambrook. After climbing the hill past Torbryan we rode into the woodland at Orley Common to try out the tracks.

Zac had never ridden to Fermoys with us so it was a new experience for him. We ate our food outside in the garden: Zac splashed out on a children’s roast dinner, and Ash and Michael had very large and tasty fruit scones with strawberry jam that Ash said he would be having again one day.

After looking around the well-stocked pet store we left at around 1.15 and headed home via Two-Mile Oak, Denbury and Broadhempston. It was uncomfortably hot by now so we were very glad to get home at 2.25 and to savour iced drinks in the cool of the Crofters clubroom.

Everyone did amazingly well today so we are definitely on track for a summer of great cycle rides.
Friday 28 May 2010
19:00 - 21:05
Evening ride: Hembury
Mainly dry & sunny
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Matt Porter
The youngsters somehow managed to persuade Michael to run a shorter ride than he had planned, so we set off up the Lower Hembury Woods track. Matt noticed the big tree halfway along that he had climbed once before, so we had to stop again for him to climb it again.

At the end of the track we rode up to Humphreys Cross, along to Hembury Fort and then down the slalom track to the car park. We also rode the last bit of woodland track that continues from the car park side, and finally to pad out the ride a little we took the track through the woods to the Hapstead road, returning home by 9.05.

As usual there was a short social after the ride until 10pm which included trampoline and computer games.
Sunday 30 May 2010
10:15 - 17:50
Day ride: Burrator Reservoir
Sunny with cloudy spells
30 miles
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
There was strong demand for an adventurous car-assisted ride today, and when Michael had vetoed Haldon Forest we eventually settled on the Plym Valley cycleway, although Michael insisted on extending it to the reservoir at Burrator.

We finally got away at 10.40 and parked the car at Plympton B&Q. Callum had never ridden this cycle path before, so he found it all very interesting. The Plym Valley Railway had made great progress in re-laying track towards Plym Bridge since we last visited: trees had been taken down and the foundations for a new platform at the Plym Bridge end were being erected. We had a chat with two volunteers who were pleased to tell us all about it. The line will reach a final length of 1.5 miles when completed – he didn’t think the length was very important as hundreds came when they start up their first train.

Once again telescopes were set up so that the public could watch the Peregrine Falcon chicks on their nests in the distant cliffs. When we had seen the chicks for ourselves we set off along the path at a good pace – perhaps a little too fast for Callum’s liking – led by Zac and Ashley. At the far end we climbed the path up to the road at Clearbrook and discovered that Ash had a puncture. Callum was just about to put the new tube back into the wheel when Michael asked him whether he had checked it for thorns. He said he already had, but reluctantly allowed Michael to check again. Michael found a HUGE thorn in there, and everyone laughed at how Callum could possibly have thought it was thorn-free!

It was now around 1pm so we headed on through Meavy and up the hill to Burrator. Ash was moaning a little that his brakes were binding, but everyone was suddenly happy when they saw the ice cream van. We had no packed lunches so we bought some crisps to go with our chocolate and then finished off with chocolate ice creams that were really very tasty. None of the youngsters had been to Burrator before and they all liked it there very much.

Our original plan was to return to the cars the way we had come, but now Michael was talking about the option of riding on home via Princetown. In fact there was considerable interest in this idea, so once Michael had checked that Gavin could take him to Plympton later to collect his car we set off up the hill at 2.20. Here we saw the Devonport Leat where the water appeared to be flowing uphill. Built in the 1790s by skilled engineers this used to supply fresh water from the high ground of Dartmoor to Devoport Dockyards in Plymouth, but now it just flows into Burrator reservoir.

Everyone powered up the hill to Princetown at amazing speed, allaying Michael’s concerns that the ride extension may prove too much for some. We looked in Lord’s Tearooms but it was very hot in there and smelled strongly of overcooked vegetables – and the prices were rather high. Instead we visited our old favourite, the Foxtor Café, now under new management. This turned out to be really good, offering us a range of scones, sausage sandwiches and cakes.

As we left the café at 4.18 there were a few drips descending from an almost cloudless sky, but these quickly vanished as we sped along the road to Two Bridges and on to Hexworthy. We stopped to admire the view from Combestone Tor (and to have a rest after the steep climb) and then sped home via Venford. It had taken us just an hour and a half to get home from Princetown, so congratulations to everyone on an excellent summer ride.
Friday 4 June 2010
19:00 - 21:43
Evening ride: Spitchwick
Hot & sunny
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones
As it was so hot and sunny today we were looking for somewhere cool for our ride, and it didn’t take many seconds to come up with Spitchwick as the ideal destination. We rode up Holne Road and Hembury Hill. Ryan wanted to try the path from Holne to New Bridge, but Michael took us on the shorter path from Chasegate to New Bridge which Ryan hadn’t done for a very long time. The light was incredible as we crossed the style into the top field, and everyone loved the downhill path through the field.

Spitchwick was fairly quiet this evening but we rode to the far end where there was nobody at all. The air was still very warm so everyone was keen to get in the water. Ash went in first, then the rest followed, and we spent a very enjoyable 25 minutes there having a great time.

We finally left around 8.50, and since it was so late we abandoned the idea of Buckland, returning instead along the riverside path and then by road again to Buckfastleigh. We got home at 9.43, our longest evening ride for ages – and everyone loved it, with absolutely no regrets about missing game time after the ride. They still got ten minutes on the computer however before they had to leave at 10.
Sunday 6 June 2010
10:15 - 16:10
Day ride: Bow Bridge
Sunny and warm with cloudy spells
30 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Hallam Iles, Michael Jones
With five of us out we couldn’t do a car-assisted ride, so Michael selected Ashprington as destination which he expected to be around 20 miles in all – he didn’t want to go too far since Ryan had missed the last two harder rides.

We set off at a fast pace along Colston Road and along the cycle path to Totnes, so fast in fact that Michael could see us reaching Ashprington and getting home again by 2.30! As usual everyone had brought too much clothing, so Michael’s pannier got filled to capacity.

Unfortunately the good pace didn’t last. At Totnes weir we had a short chocolate break and then when we were about to leave Callum discovered that he had a puncture. What Michael didn’t realise at the time was that Callum had ridden around on it while it was flat, just to make sure! Michael had to fix the tube as nobody had a spare for the small Trek bike, and while he was doing that Zac rang to see if he could arrange to join the ride late. It would apparently depend on what his Mum said when she returned from Totnes. Meanwhile Callum did his usual trick of checking the tyre for thorns and not finding the small thorn that was there. Even when that had been removed however the tyres was still deflating slowly, but Michael decided to pump it for now and move forward with the ride.

As usual nobody had brought much lunch, and several had not brought any money, so we called in to Morrisons to get some sandwiches and then pressed on to the Ashprington path, stopping on the bench with the great view over the river Dart at around 1pm. Zac rang just before we stopped to say he wouldn’t be coming because his Mum wouldn’t bring him in, but as Michael pointed out he could have cycled to Totnes and got there by 12.35!

We had a very pleasant lunchtime amongst the buttercups in the sunshine, although Hallam didn’t much like the chicken pasta he had bought. Michael then fixed the second hole in Callum’s tube (the one caused by him riding around earlier) and we eventually left at around 1.35. As usual we enjoyed the downhill part of the track but not so much the uphill bit. Hallam rode it all however.

Next stop was Ashprington Play Park, where the big swing was generally considered to be pretty good. The downhill to Bow Bridge was great fun, but then, stupidly, three people attempted to ride the ford despite Michael’s warnings. Hallam tried first, stopping halfway across and getting both feet soaked. Callum went second and made it across, but went so fast he splashed his feet to be nearly as wet as Hallam’s. Finally Ash tried: he nearly made it to the far side but put his right foot down in the water, then when trying unsuccessfully to start again put his left foot down! It all made for great entertainment.

We took the flat road to Harbertonford and stopped at the shop for ice creams and drinks by the river – very relaxing. We had done 16 miles by now with 8 to go (although Michael told everyone 4, based on his original estimate of 20 miles for the ride), and by the time Callum had filled his water bottle when everyone else was ready to go it was 2.38 before we finally got away. Michael was still estimating a 3.30 return time, but with actually 8 miles to go that was always going to be tricky.

Things went fairly well through Sandwell and everyone enjoyed the main road section and the descent to Tigley, but now it was 3.15 and some parents needed phone calls to delay them arriving at the Buckfastleigh collection point. To make matters worse Ryan was now feeling really tired, so it was 4.11 when we eventually made it over Rattery hill to Buckfastleigh. It had been a good ride though, and everyone did really well.
Sunday 13 June 2010
10:15 - 12:50
Morning ride: Chuley Cross
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Ryan and Zac came on the ride today, but when Ryan rang he said he was very tired and would like a shorter ride today if possible. Well that suited Michael OK. It was a sunny morning with average temperatures for the time of year. Some people suggested Haldon Forest but as we couldn’t do that in the time we had we did a short ride to Ashburton Play Park for Ryan and Ash to do some jumps, then returned up the hill to Chuley. Ash saw a stoat with a young rabbit near the top: he chased off the stoat and the rabbit eventually ran into the undergrowth but it looked as though it had been at least partially injured.

We took the stony track down from the far side of Parkfield – it was OK, but boggy at the bottom as usual. We then tried the Pridhamsleigh track which we hadn’t been on for many years. Here there were very large badger holes in the bank and one actually in the floor of the track! Michael had warned about the possibility of the track being overgrown, but in fact it was clear today and very enjoyable, except for Ash coming off on the way down and hurting his knee. We got home at 12.50.
Friday 18 June 2010
19:00 - 21:00
Evening ride: Chalk Ford
Cloudy but warm
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
After a little discussion at the start we headed for Chalk Ford, climbing the hill to Cross Furzes in a record time of 24 minutes. After descending to the ford we found the piglets again, somewhat larger than when we last saw them. Today we were prepared with the camera, however, and spent an enjoyable time playing with them again.

Michael got a puncture as we climbed the hill from Chalk Ford, so we didn’t extend the ride as originally intended and got home at around 9pm. The youngsters played Call of Duty in the clubroom until 10.
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