South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 21 of 109 (1087 items)
Sunday 21 April 1991
Day ride: Curtisknowle
32 miles (▲ 850m ▼ 850m)
18 Participants: Neil Ault, Stuart Benns, Tao Burgess, Karina Hobday, Michael Jones, Sebastian Lessware, Martin Luke, Luke Roberts (12, Devon), David Robinson, Gary Taylor, Debbie Twydell, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Joseph Watkins, Martyn Williams, Craig Wilson (15, Devon)
From the Avonwick pick-up we took the road which runs alongside the river Avon and the old railway station (Ham Mill Halt) to Diptford. Michael had to give Luke a little training on the right-turn procedure, then we continued to Curtisknowle. Unfortunately the leaders were so keen to charge off at the front that most of them went straight past the right turn which leads to the track alternative: those of us who took it agreed it was an excellent detour.

Lunch was enjoyed on a log pile near the river at Gara Bridge before we tackled the big climb out of the valley. It wasn't long before we found ourselves passing the famous goat farm about which Plymouth Section are always raving. A change is as good as a rest, or so we are told, so plans for Loddiswell café were abandoned in favour of goats milk scones and organic apple juice. The food wasn't too bad, and the prices were excellent, but the odours emanating from the male Llama outside were sickening!

Return was via Topsham Bridge and Moreleigh.
Sunday 28 April 1991
Day ride: Clampitt
38 miles (▲ 685m ▼ 685m)
28 Participants: Stuart Benns, Christian Bryant, Jenny Bryant, Mike Bryant, Tao Burgess, Jamie Davey, Alan Dawson, Barry Dawson, Dayle Guy, Mark Hedges, Martin Hills, Lee Jelfs, Roger Johnson, Michael Jones, Matthew Legg, Sebastian Lessware, Martin Luke, Paul Oakley, Luke Roberts, David Robinson, Philip Robinson, Gary Taylor, David Waldron, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker, Joseph Watkins, Craig Wilson
First stop today was the Canonteign Falls café, although not everyone partook of the refreshments. We then followed country lanes through the picturesque village of Christow and up the long hill to the destination.

Michael was somewhat disappointed when we arrived, because the surrounding forests had all been harvested since his last visit several years ago, leaving a desolate wilderness almost everywhere. We made the most of it, however, selecting a couple of grassy banks along the track for lunch.

Continuing along the track we were soon riding around the reservoirs. Approaching Hennock a few decided to explore the bridleway shortcut down to Five Lanes - it turned out to be very rough, but enjoyable nevertheless. After a short puncture delay we separated near Bovey Tracey, some returning to Paignton via Chudleigh Knighton and others stopping at the café at Bovey Tracey.
Sunday 5 May 1991
Afternoon ride (Buckfastleigh): Avon Dam
Sunny and warm
15 Participants: Neil Ault, Joseph Bellows, Stuart Benns, Tao Burgess, Alan Dawson, Luke Hatherly, Zoe Hatherly, Mark Hedges, Michael Jones, Alex Lessware (Junior, Totnes), Sebastian Lessware, Martin Luke, Susannah Maurer (Adult, Devon), Paul Oakley, Craig Wilson
A short ride through Dean to Shipley Bridge brought us to the reservoir, which wasn't overflowing today - an ominous sign for those who haven't forgotten last year's drought. We returned to Buckfastleigh along our usual route over the moor via Cross Furzes, and enjoyed refreshments on the Crofters lawn.
Saturday 11 May 1991
Weekend ride: Dartington / Salcombe YH
Day 2: Dartington to Salcombe YH
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Jamie Davey, Alan Dawson, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Chris Platt, David Platt, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Eliot Thomas-Wright, David Waldron
Michael went down with a virus on Saturday, but he had recovered sufficiently by Sunday morning to manage the cycle journey home. Highlight of the weekend was when the warden at Salcombe hostel produced a three-metre python from his kitchen - alive and fully functional! The younger members were highly amused at the sight of Michael knocking over a jug of water as he backed away from it! A succession of smaller snakes and lizards were then brought out, some of which were safe enough to be handled by the younger members - we have a photograph of a small snake wrapped around Alan's neck!
Sunday 12 May 1991
Weekend ride: Dartington / Salcombe YH
Day 3: Salcombe to Home
32 miles (▲ 730m ▼ 740m)
13 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Jamie Davey, Alan Dawson, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Chris Platt, David Platt, Martin Rushworth, Peter Rushworth, Eliot Thomas-Wright, David Waldron
Return from Salcombe was across the ferry to East Portlemouth, and then via Slapton Sands and Totnes. We lost Peter Rushworth at Bow Bridge: he took a wrong turning and promptly got a puncture, so he wasn't missed until we had climbed the long hill. He found his way home eventually, however.
Sunday 2 June 1991
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston
37 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Alan Dawson, Barry Dawson, Julian Duquemin, Michael Giles, Dayle Guy, Mark Hedges, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Matthew Jago, Matthew Jeffery, Michael Jones, Luke King, Matthew Legg, Alex Lessware, Sebastian Lessware, Martin Luke, Liz Minskip (Adult, Devon), Robert Minskip (Junior, Devon), Paul Oakley, David Robinson, Philip Robinson, Peter Rushworth, Matthew Staccombe (Junior, Devon), Debbie Twydell, James Twydell, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Robert Walker, Francis Whitestone (Junior, Devon), Tom Widger
Our invitation rides usually attract a good attendance, and today was certainly no exception. After a short play in the park at Broadhempston and a meander through the local lanes we somehow managed to find our way to the Pick and Park café for afternoon refreshments.
Sunday 16 June 1991
Day ride: Cranbrook Castle
Breezy, sunny with showers
25 Participants: Neil Ault, Martin Hills, Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Dave Humphreys, Matthew Jago, Michael Jones, Stephen Larkin, Alex Lessware, Martin Luke, Daniel May (Junior, Devon), Unknown Rider 1, Unknown Rider 2, Unknown Rider 3, Martin Rushworth, Debbie Twydell, James Twydell, Ken Twydell, Paul Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Lorraine Walker, Tom Widger
After a gentle ride along the Lustleigh railway track, about half the group (mainly the oldies and the very youngies) decided to shorten the ride and headed straight for the Primrose café. The rest of us - including Paul and Ben - took the Wray valley road from Bovey Tracey and stopped for lunch near the old railway bridge on the outskirts of Moretonhampstead, sitting on piles of logs. Stephen and Daniel decided to head homewards for some reason, leaving the rest of us to continue to the destination.

Conditions were somewhat breezy on the hill, but the views were extensive. We returned home via Chagford and Hound Tor rocks, leaving Paul and Ben very ready to consume tea at Crofters and await the arrival of Mum in the van.
Friday 26 July 1991
Weekend ride: Street / Cheddar YH
Day 1: Home to Cheddar YH
Sunny & hot
34 miles (▲ 165m ▼ 165m)
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Mark Burnard, Alan Dawson, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Eliot Thomas-Wright
This turned out to be one of the best weekends we have ever organised. A few were put off by the high cost of travelling to and from Taunton on the railways, but those who went were not disappointed.

From Taunton station we rode through Creech St Michael, Ham, Knapp, North Curry and Meare Green, stopping at a visitor centre near the latter to learn the importance of willow in the area. Next stop was Burrow Mump, a strange rounded hill sticking up out of the acres of flat landscape, with a ruined church at the summit. Our route to Cheddar hostel was really very easy, the long flat roads being only occasionally interrupted with short climbs. Michael was awarding points to the members who noticed local features such as drainage ditches or willow trees, but there were so many that we eventually had to give up the idea.

Martin Hills hit a major problem shortly after our arrival at the hostel. He locked up his bike and realised he hadn't got the key. He located a shop that had a pair of bolt-croppers, but had to wait until the next morning for them to open. After a generous supper we enjoyed a cycle excursion to the gorge before returning for card games at the hostel.
Saturday 27 July 1991
Weekend ride: Street / Cheddar YH
Day 2: Cheddar to Street YH
Sunny & hot
28 miles (▲ 405m ▼ 345m)
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Mark Burnard, Alan Dawson, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Next morning we began the day with a guided tour around the Cheddar caves and then climbed the long gorge to Priddy. We called in briefly at Wookey Hole after lunch, but decided there wasn't time to see even the Hall of Mirrors. At Wells we looked over the cathedral and watched the jousters on the famous clock doing their thing, then we proceeded through the lanes to Glastonbury Tor, where the long climb kept us occupied for quite a while. We were only a couple of miles from Street, but Michael decided not to point this fact out as we surveyed the view from the tor. An excursion was organised which took us through West Bradley, Baltonsborough and Butleigh before bringing us to the hostel on time.

Street hostel is a wooden chalet surrounded by woodland and situated on a ridge overlooking Street. The interior was very satisfactory, some of the dorms even having their own balconies. There was plenty of room outside on the common for games of rounders, so that is how much of the evening was spent.
Sunday 28 July 1991
Weekend ride: Street / Cheddar YH
Day 3: Street to Home
Sunny & hot
29 miles (▲ 150m ▼ 205m)
9 Participants: Neil Ault, Tao Burgess, Mark Burnard, Alan Dawson, Matthew Hamlyn-White, Martin Hills, Michael Jones, Martin Luke, Eliot Thomas-Wright
Our last day was plagued with mechanical problems near Walton, but we still found time for the planned excursion to Meare before heading for Taunton via Ashcott. We arrived at the station with a few minutes to spare - just enough time to purchase a few items of food from a nearby shop.
Page 21 of 109 (1087 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants