South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Friday 17 June 2016
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Staverton
Sunny and warm
11 miles (▲ 230m ▼ 230m)
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers
Gavin joined us this evening to lead a ride up Green Lane and down the track to Abham and Staverton. Michael, who was still recovering from his recent spell in hospital, supported the ride by car.

There was time for refreshments and games of Frisbee in Staverton Park as the sun began to set. We took the track past the tennis courts to the riverside path, then Gavin realised he had lost his phone in the park. Michael kindly went back to find it while Gavin led the group homewards via Colston road.
Friday 24 June 2016
19:00 - 21:20
Evening ride: Aish, South Brent
Sunny and warm
10 miles (▲ 325m ▼ 325m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers, Will Rogers
We rode up to Dean seat, then down to the lower road and up past Nurston. Gavin stopped to talk to a friend outside Nurston and forgot all about the club – Michael had to ring him from the top to see where he was!

It was a bit late now but we rode over to Bloody Pool and Michaael managed to get everyone to agree to a detour down the Lutton lane to South Brent. We took the left turn shortcut before Lydia Bridge and returned straight home via Harbourneford for around 9.20 as planned. It had been a very good ride.
Sunday 26 June 2016
10:15 - 14:40
Morning ride: Dartington
Cloudy but dry
15 miles (▲ 385m ▼ 385m)
5 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers
The plan was to ride to Cranks cafe at Dartington via Pennywell Farm for a change, which turned out to be a very good idea. We rode up Pennywell Hill, past the sawmill and down the other side to the Week road, which everyone enjoyed. This brought us out near Cranks, but Michael had planned a small detour through Dartington before our refreshment stop, and Dillan helped encourage everyone to do that.

We rode up Staple Hill, which took us past the Mud house we had seen being built many years - still standing, to our surprise. After riding through the delightful centre of Dartington that we rarely see, with its thatched cottages, we joined the main road via Vineyard Hill, then joined the cycle path at Dartington Lane and rode back to Cranks from there. Michael could probably have persuaded them to detour further to Dartington Hall and the cafe there, but they were happy with Cranks.

We had a good meal in Cranks, with everyone surprised at how tasty everything was. Dillan had jacket potato with beans and cheese, adding a full salad for just £1 extra, making £6.50 or so. Michael had homity pie with salad which was great, George had jacket potato but did not claim his £1 salad, so Michael went back later with £1 from Lawrence to get his salad and Lawrence really liked it a lot. John had the minted pea soup which was apparently really tasty too, so everyone was happy.

From there we rode to Staverton Play Park where we had fun on the equipment and played Frisbee at George's request. We then rode straight home for 2.40, concluding an excellent ride.
Friday 1 July 2016
19:00 - 21:20
Evening ride: Belford Mill
Sunny and warm
13 miles (▲ 395m ▼ 395m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers
On a glorious sunny evening we set out along the old Ashburton road with Michael following in the car. Today, however, he had his bike in the back, and at Peartree he switched to two wheels for his first club ride since his recent spell in hospital.

We took the path past the park and then the lane to Belford Mill. Dillan had commented last week that we never have videos of ordinary weekly rides, so Michael produced his camcorder and took some shots as we rode through the woodland track.

After climbing the hill to Druid Gavin led the youngsters down to Holne Bridge while Michael returned to the car and caught them at the top of Holne Chase. We continued home via Hembury Woods, getting back by around 9.20.
Sunday 3 July 2016
10:15 - 13:30
Morning ride: Landscove
Cloudy start, sunny later
12 miles (▲ 250m ▼ 250m)
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, John Rogers
Those who had wanted a longer ride today found it too hard to get out of bed this morning, so Michael used the opportunity to take part in his first full cycle ride since his hospital visit. We rode to Staverton along Colston road and then took the short route to Landscove that we rarely use. The objective, of course, was the Hill House nursery.

We spent an enjoyable hour eating soup and cakes in the café and then watching the wildlife in the sunlit garden before heading home via Green Lane. Michael was absolutely fine, so he’ll be back on the bike every week from now on.
Friday 8 July 2016
19:00 - 21:20
Evening ride: Lambs Down
Warm and sunny
6 miles (▲ 265m ▼ 265m)
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
Gavin couldn’t make the ride this evening and George didn’t fancy going too far, so we rode up to Cross Furzes and then took to the Abbots Way bridleway that leads up to Water Oak Corner. We stopped near the top to play Frisbee in the evening sunshine among the many and varied grasses that live on this high moorland.

Nobody was in much of a hurry to leave, but when we finally headed back we took the direct route home for around 9.20 and enjoyed the usual after-ride social at Crofters.
Friday 15 July 2016
19:00 - 21:30
Evening ride: Landscove
Hot and sunny
8 miles (▲ 245m ▼ 245m)
3 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers
Pokemon GO was out in the UK today and we all had our phones loaded with the app as we climbed Green Lane. Sadly those of us on the O2 network had poor internet reception in these remote lanes, so only George was able to collect the few pokemon that were roaming the area.

It was a very hot and sunny evening so after the climb from Baddaford we were grateful for the downhill track across the fields towards Landscove. George thought the first gate was padlocked shut until Michael showed him that one of the links in the chain could be opened up.

As we rode through Landscove we noticed that tents were being set up on the village green for the fete tomorrow afternoon and vowed to go and check it out if we had time. In the end we didn’t have time to go home via Colston and so took the lanes past Riverford and Caddaford instead, getting us back for around 9.30.
Sunday 17 July 2016
10:15 - 15:30
Day ride (Car-assisted): Plym Valley Cycle Path
Hot and sunny
13 miles (▲ 405m ▼ 405m)
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
Today was George’s birthday, and since he wanted to ride the Plym Valley cycle path we thought it would be only proper to carry out his wishes.

We unloaded the bikes at Plympton on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far, so we were very grateful for the shade afforded by the trees along the cycle path. We stopped at Plym Bridge for refreshments from the coffee van, as we knew there would be little else available until we reached the far end – everyone bought fruit smoothies which seemed very appropriate for the weather.

After negotiating the tunnel section, which was deliciously cool and shaded but didn’t last anywhere near long enough, we were surprised to find that the final section of track to Clearbrook had been totally rebuilt since our last visit. The steep and rough path that previously made the end of the ride quite tricky had now been replaced with a long and gradual tarmac ascent to the top. This was apparently completed in November 2014 with money from Devon County Council, and the whole path has now been renamed Drake’s Trail and covers the route from Plymouth to Tavistock.

Michael was keen to continue along the track to Yelverton, but Lawrence insisted on stopping immediately at the Skylark Inn, Clearbrook as he was starving. We got served fairly quickly with excellent quality food and sat in the hot sunny garden at the back. Michael and John went on up the hill to check out the new path to Yelverton – it looks interesting so we’ll include that in our next trip to the area.

On the way back to Plympton George, Dillan and Michael explored the Blue trail to the side of the main path: it seemed to have an entrance but no exit, but provided some interesting off-road fun for all of us. We then re-joined the others at Plym Bridge before returning to the cars and home.

To conclude a very special day Lawrence had baked a chocolate cake just for George, so we shared it out at Crofters along with some welcome cold drinks.
Friday 22 July 2016
19:00 - 21:55
Evening ride: Holne
Dry and warm
8 miles (▲ 370m ▼ 370m)
5 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Gavin Pearson, George Rogers, John Rogers
We started our ride by going along the Lower Hembury Track. We expected to see the usual Rise Up Singing camp in the field by the Holy Brook and we weren't disappointed. The track had a fabulous earthy smell tonight - or so Michael said.

Reaching the end of the track we rode up to Holne, spent some time in the play park with the Frisbee at George's suggestion and then dropped down to Scoriton. Here there was some debate on the best route home, but in the end we plumped for the extended route via Cross Furzes which brought us home rather late by 9.55.
Sunday 24 July 2016
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Cloudy & dull, patchy drizzle turning to rain
14 miles (▲ 490m ▼ 490m)
4 Participants: Dillan Edwards, Michael Jones, Phil Nichols, John Rogers
Michael's cousin planned to meet us at Shipley Bridge today to join us for the part of the ride up to the Avon Dam. John rode with us from Buckfastleigh up to Shipley via Nurston but had to get home for 12.30 so stayed just long enough for a photo (taken by a passing visitor) and then sped off home.

The rest of us headed up to the dam, but the patchy drizzle that had been plaguing us on the way up now turned to rain. We contented ourselves with a view of the dam from the road and then headed back to Shipley at a good speed. Phil eventually caught up with Dillan and Michael in his car on the return via Nurston.
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Events Index Gallery Participants