South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 1 July 2012
10:15 - 13:10
Morning ride: Landscove Café
9 miles
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
With just three of us out and Ash being rather tired after not sleeping too well we abandoned our planned ride to Exeter in favour of an excursion that took us up Green Lane, down to Baddaford Farm and then up the track from Bulland to Parkfield.

We took the lane towards Higher Penn, pausing along the way to ride up and down the track that leads to the higher Parkfield road - merely because Ash and Jack like tracks. It was then all downhill to Landscove where we spent a very enjoyable time at the Hill House nursery tearooms with hot and cold drinks and scones.

We returned home via the direct route to Green Lane, getting back for around 1.10. Ash and Jack played a game of Lord of the Rings against three medium enemies which ended inconclusively before the after-ride social ended at 3.30.
Sunday 8 July 2012
10:15 - 13:00
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny and warm
10 miles
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien
With just three of us out again on the first sunny Sunday for months Michael had to work hard to even get agreement on a ride to Venford. We finally set off at 10.50, riding through Buckfast and up past Hawson Court. Callum was riding fast at this point – he said he had a bowl of cereal before he came on the ride!

We rode through Scoriton and Michelcombe, but then Callum was a bit slower as we reached the park so we stopped there for a break. By the time we had finished playing Frisbee everyone wanted to go to the Holne café, so we went there for a drink and a cake and admired a delightful pony and horse tethered outside as we left.

On the way home Ash and Callum rode the track through Hembury from the fort but couldn’t understand why Michael didn’t join them – until they discovered how muddy the track was after recent rains.

We got home for 1pm and spent the afternoon playing Lord of the Rings online and watching Murray lose to Federer in the Wimbledon final.
Sunday 15 July 2012
10:15 - 13:50
Morning ride: Avon Dam
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The group selected Avon Dam as a destination today, partly because Jerry had never been there with us before. Callum did will all the way up to Shipley Bridge, where we stopped for ice creams, but then slowed down a bit on the way up to the reservoir. Everything looked great in the summer sunshine and today we had time to enjoy it, so we stopped at various places to have some fun.

The reservoir was full to overflowing today. After walking across the dam to the centre we returned across the moor as usual, passing several groups of Dartmoor ponies enjoying the fine weather. Jerry was very impressed with the views and loved the ride. We got back for 1.50 or so as planned and enjoyed some Lord of the Rings online and some trampolining until 3.40.
Sunday 22 July 2012
10:15 - 14:00
Morning ride: Torbryan
Superb weather
16 miles
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We headed out past Caddaford and Staverton towards Torbryan on a perfect sunny morning. A steam train was departing Staverton Station as we passed. Callum and Lawrence were keen to press on to Fermoy’s Garden Centre at Ipplepen but Jerry and Jack wanted the shorter route via Torbryan. In the end Torbryan was selected.

There is a very interesting and scenic footpath that runs from Torbryan to Tornewton. We have used it on several previous occasions and quickly learned that the occupants of The Old Rectory, near the end of the path, have a severe dislike of cyclists: every time we approached they somehow spotted us and came down to complain, even if we were literally as quiet as mice.

It has been several years since we last used the path but Michael was taking no chances on the house having changed hands. Everyone was told to stop talking as we neared the house and to push the bikes as quietly as possible, just in case the same people were in residence. If he had hoped that this time we could get through without incident he was to be disappointed.

A woman was up in the garden that overlooks the path and of course just happened to be looking our way as we crept past. She marched down to the gate, intercepting us before we could get past, and started to tell us off for cycling along a public footpath. She must spend a large part of her life watching for cyclists just so she can complain at them.

Michael pointed out that we were fully aware of her attitude from our last visit a few years ago and so we were taking great care to push the bikes and be as quiet as possible. She then disputed that we even had the right to push bikes along a footpath, but Michael assured her that this is perfectly within the law. She didn’t think we were right and said she would “take advice” on the matter, but nevertheless thanked us in the end for being considerate.

We arrived at Broadhempston community shop and café at 12.30 only to discover that it closed at 12.00, as Michael had feared. Everyone was thirsty so we got some cheap 25p per pint soft drinks form the Monks Retreat and drank them in the park and on the table outside. There was time for everyone to climb onto a container located in the park for a group photo before we set off again.

We took the short route home via Green Lane, arriving later than planned at around 2pm. There was a games social after the ride until 3.50.
Sunday 9 September 2012
10:15 - 13:22
Morning ride: Bickham Bridge
Sunny start and fairly warm
17 miles (▲ 443m)
3 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Jack chose Bickham Bridge over Totnes as he didn’t want to stop at a café, so we decided to do a fast, non-stop ride to the destination for a change. We set off at 10:30, rode up Dean Hill and then down to South Brent where Ash found it very hard not to stop at the co-op for refreshments. From Avonwick we rode up the hill to North Huish and then, for the first time in years, went straight on to the excellent downhill lane to Bickham Bridge for 11:40.

It was cloudy and breezy now but there was no rain around as Michael spent ten minutes photographing the bridge from various angles: Ash and Jack were too engrossed in conversation to go exploring.

We left at 11:50, heading home via Diptford. Rain was forecast for tonight and this probably explained why we saw several farmers out working hard to bring in the hay. We took the short route back via Edeswell viaduct and Rattery, although the final hill proved a bit tiring for Jack who had not been out for several weeks. We got home by 1:22, pleased to have ridden a little further than usual and to have returned close to our 1pm target time.

The social after the ride included some games of Halo on the Xbox console.
Sunday 16 September 2012
10:15 - 15:10
Day ride (Car-assisted): Lustleigh Cleave
Dry with sunny spells
10 miles (▲ 257m)
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Callum came up early this morning with a puncture, but when Michael removed the tube he discovered a hole so tiny that it would have easily lasted all day with a good pump. And the reason he hadn’t tried pumping it was … he didn’t have a pump! Michael suggested buying a pump might be an urgent priority.

Everyone agreed on a car-assisted ride to Lustleigh today, to make the best use of the good weather. We just managed to find a parking space by the entrance to the railway path at Bovey Tracey at 11.00 despite there being loads of other cars there for a nearby football match, but perhaps we should find a better place in or near the town for a future ride.

We set off up the path at 11.15. The entrance gate was well hidden now by large trees that had grown up over the years. Everyone enjoyed the railway path, and the subsequent lane towards Lustleigh looked great in the morning sunshine. We soon realised however that Callum had another puncture. This time pumping was not going to be satisfactory as it went down again in ten minutes, so we had to carry out a repair. There were two new holes now and Callum was a bit frustrated, but he was fine again once we had fixed it.

We took the interesting path through the centre of the village which brought us to the Primrose Café. Everyone except Jack wanted to go in for refreshments, but he still joined us anyway. It was very pleasant inside, although much quieter than it used to be in the old days. Prices were good, there was a small range of very tasty cakes and Callum was very satisfied with the home made leek and potato soup for £4.95. The proprietor was very impressed to find a boy who liked quality soup. She told us that Roger Olver, the owner of the café in the 1990s, had recently bought the Welcome Inn on Exeter quayside, converted it to the Welcome Café by Easter and was now selling his usual high quality range of cakes there. We decided to go there as soon as possible.

We took the lane past Ellimore that includes a very steep climb at the end, then proceeded up to the Cleave where we followed the path into the woods. Michael offered a prize to the first person who could spot the cave: Ash climbed a tree and spotted it, although it actually turned out to be more of an overhanging rock than a cave.

After some running-around fun we were surprised to find that Callum was up for extending the ride to the top of the hill, so we rode on up to Sanduck Cross and down the Mapstone lane back to the village, stopping to look at the massive granite boulder by the side of the lane and again to explore the tunnel where the leat emerged near the café.

Heading back to the railway track we continued to admire the very expensive houses in the area. At Knowle House, however, we noticed that something had changed since the outward journey: the flat platform that we had seen in the garden now had a helicopter on it. Ash or course was very excited about this. We discovered later that the owner runs a helicopter business.

We found two South Dartmoor School youngsters off the side of the railway track practicing BMX-style tricks that looked rather dangerous. After chatting with them briefly we followed the track back alongside the main path and reached the car by 2.35.

We were home by 3.10 after a very successful ride. The youngsters played Minecraft after the ride and were happily planning a beach ride next Sunday and perhaps Plym Valley, Exeter Ship Canal and Haldon Forest in the subsequent weeks.
Sunday 30 September 2012
10:00 - 15:45
Day ride (Car-assisted): Exeter Ship Canal
Dry with sunny spells
21 miles
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Excellent weather meant that today we would be doing our second car-assisted ride of the season, this time to Exeter Ship Canal. Callum arrived early at 10am so we loaded the car quickly and got away by around 10.40. We parked the car at Starcross at 11.15 and then set off for the Powederham road.

Once we had crossed the railway line we were on the path along the Exe estuary, which offered excellent views. At the point where the path goes around the copse there was a diversion in place caused by some path renovations. There were a number of steps to be negotiated both down and up.

We rode on past the Turf Lock hotel onto the ship canal path and followed it all the way into Exeter Quayside where we quickly found the Welcome Café that we had been told about a couple of weeks ago at Lustleigh. It was so busy that the only seats were on the table outside. The coffee and chocolate cakes were exceptionally good and reasonably priced, and the lattes, milk shakes and hot chocolates were large and perfectly made. Callum confused everyone by eating the sponge of his chocolate cake but leaving the icing! Jack quickly helped him out with that but wondered what was wrong with him. Roger Olver, of Primrose Café fame, was there as expected and explained that the current desire for healthier cakes meant they now tended to make only one large cream cake per day.

We continued to Exeter Park for a ride along the Exe and around the back, returning to the canal path along the opposite side of the quayside. Michael’s intention of taking a photo of the group on the bridge at the quayside was defeated when his camera battery went flat as everyone was getting into position.

We returned along the path quite quickly, staying mainly on the cycle path, although Michael was delayed by a wheelchair user who asked him if he could pump his wheelchair tyre! We got back to Starcross for 3.15 and were home by 3.45. The Callum, Ash and Jack played Minecraft until the club ended at 5pm.
Sunday 28 October 2012
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny spells & showers, 10°
10 miles
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
On a chilly but mainly dry morning we rode to Buckfast and on to Scoriton and Michelcombe before stopping at Holne Park for some Frisbee games. George particularly enjoyed the time there and had a lot of fun.

Next stop was, inevitably, the Holne café, which was always the intended destination. Some of the cakes and drinks were not quite up to the usual standard today, but it was an enjoyable stop that conveniently kept us dry during a spell of light rain.

It was dry when we left so we didn’t hang around, heading straight home via Hembury hill. For a change nobody rode the track, so we stopped for a photo in the car park near the bottom. When we got to Buckfast George informed us he had been hoping for some off-road! He should have told us that at the top of the hill.

We got home for 1.15 and spent the afternoon playing first Modern Warfare 3 and then Supreme Commander again so that everyone could get familiar with how the game works. We just managed to defeat the last of the three Normal enemies before the club closed at 4.10.
Sunday 11 November 2012
10:15 - 14:30
Morning ride: Dartington
Sunny but chilly (7°)
16 miles (▲ 261m)
6 Participants: Morgan Emmerson (10, Buckfastleigh), Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, John Rogers, Will Rogers
We had a great turnout today by recent standards on a very pleasant sunny morning, including new rider Morgan Emmerson aged 10. He was on a bike that John had kindly prepared for him. We rode to Dartington via Colston Road, and Morgan did really well. George suggested 2 minutes silence for Remembrance Day at 10.53, so we did that during the ride.

At Dartington Jack seemed to like the idea of going to the cafes there rather than to Morrisons in Totnes, but when we finally settled on Cranks Jack didn’t buy anything. It turned out he had forgotten his money, so Michael bought a cake for him and Morgan to share. We ate outside in the sunshine which made it a very pleasant stop.

As the weather was still excellent we pressed on to Totnes, took a photo on the cycle path and then returned to Staverton Park where everyone enjoyed some Frisbee fun – they had apparently all been looking forward to a Park stop. Morgan said he had never ridden this far before and he would definitely be coming again next week.

We returned to Buckfastleigh along the usual route past Abham, getting back by around 2.30. This had been an excellent ride where everyone was friendly and had a great time – just like old times. We finished the day with some Supreme Commander on the PCs until 4.25. Ash joined us at 3pm after returning from a family wedding.
Sunday 18 November 2012
10:15 - 13:40
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny but chilly start
9 miles (▲ 280m)
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell, George Rogers, Will Rogers
After some debate the group chose Venford over Ashburton on a superb sunny morning. We rode up Silver Street where we met Ash’s friend Barnaby and his friend. Barnaby makes musical instruments and hopes to make a career from it, so we had an interesting chat with him.

Our favourite dog Leo was not in evidence in Scoriton today despite the good weather, but his friend the Border collie was there and greeted us warmly. Ex-member Brodie Scott met us on the road and rode with us through Michelcombe to Holne, giving Ash a good run for his money up the hill. He continued up to Venford but now Jack decided he wasn’t as fit as he used to be and preferred not to go up the hill. So we spent some time in the park while Michael changed his front brake cable, then as usual went to the café where we were, surprisingly, the first customers of the day at 11.50. The food and drink was very tasty today – Will and George had hot scones, cream and jam which they said was excellent.

We returned via Hembury fort and the slalom track – it was great to see that both Will and George really like off-road riding now. George did have a problem with the zip tie breaking on his rear mudguard, but he preferred to press on rather than remove the mudguard, so father will be sorting that later.

We got home for 1.40 or so and played computer games until around 4pm.
Page 76 of 109 (1087 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants