South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 4 September 2011
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Sunny and fairly warm
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Jack Parnell
Overnight rain gave way to sunshine by the start of the ride, as forecast, but as there was more rain forecast for late afternoon we decided to abandon our plans for Exeter Ship Canal in favour of the Avon Dam. We got away rather late at 10.38 but made such fast progress up Dean Hill that we had time to go down to South Brent and take the road to Shipley from there – which actually turned out to be really enjoyable and easy.

The ice-cream van was not at Shipley today for some reason so we pressed on up the riverside path and reached the reservoir by 12.15. We spent an enjoyable quarter of an hour on a chocolate break and photo shoot, then met a man who had actually been involved in building the dam in the 1950s. He said the tramway lines that can be seen on the way up to the dam were actually used for china clay long before the dam was constructed and were not used for the dam building at all. He told us that the blocks for the dam were lowered from a cable that was strung right across the dam.

We took our usual route home – along the path behind the dam and then down the fabulous Abbots Way bridleway across the moor to Cross Furzes, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. When we got back to Crofters at 1.20 Callum felt it had been a perfect birthday ride (his birthday is tomorrow).

There was a social at Crofters after the ride that included trampoline, Supreme Commander and Bomberman. Callum O’B turned up for a few minutes trying to get in on the social – he had stayed up until 5am this morning playing computer games and then overslept, so he really had nobody else to blame but himself for missing the ride.
Sunday 11 September 2011
10:15 - 12:50
Morning ride: Landscove Tearooms
Dry with long sunny spells
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell
A forecast of “cloudy with some showers” turned out to be unduly pessimistic on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. As Ash had homework to do this afternoon we arranged a morning ride that took us up Green Lane and down the track past the travellers’ camp. Callum was out on his new bike today – a Trek 4500 – and he was very proud of it.

We doubled back at Abham on the Riverford road as planned which brought us conveniently to the tearooms at Landscove. We enjoyed hot chocolate and cakes, chatted with Pauline Venables about her charity skydive, played Frisbee in the garden and set off for home at around 12.30 along the direct route via Green Lane. Not a single shower had dampened our day, and we got plenty of sunny spells.

Those who weren’t doing homework spent the afternoon playing Bomberman and Modern Warfare 2.
Sunday 18 September 2011
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Belford Mill
Showery with sunny spells
6 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Reece Parsons (17, Devon)
With Callum O’Brien’s friend Reece kitted out with Callum F’s spare bike we rode to Ashburton, up to Belford Mill and down the woodland track: everyone including Reece really enjoyed it and wanted to do it again, but we didn’t really have the time today. We then took the Terrace Walk back into Ashburton – a few took a tumble near the end but Callum O’B had warned them.

We returned past Ashburton Park, and as it was empty today we spent some time there. Lawrence managed to drop his money on the roundabout thing but after an extensive search he managed to find most of it.

We got home for 1.15 and spent the afternoon with a mixture of trampolining and Lord of the Rings: at first Reece thought he wouldn’t like it, but ended up loving it.
Sunday 25 September 2011
10:15 - 13:15
Morning ride: Avonwick
Cloudy start, sunny later
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
The overnight rain had stopped by 10.15 so we prepared for a good ride. Zac unfortunately arrived with a valve puncture, so Michael fixed one of his spare 700c tubes only for Zac and Ash to break the end off the presta valve when they were pumping it!

For a change we rode up Pennywell Hill, which please Callum O’B as he didn’t think he’d ever been up that way. On the way up, however, he got stung by a nettle and spent ages hunting for a dock leaf while Ash waited at the top.

After a photo shoot at Rattery we rode on down to the viaduct and along the lane to Blue Post, delayed only by Ash coming off on the sharp corner and grazing his knee. The main road brought us quickly to Avonwick where only three took the Cobbly Walk shortcut – the others didn’t want to get muddy apparently, although there was precious little mud between the cobbles.

We climbed the hill to South Brent, spent some time playing in the park and chatting, then called in to the Coop where three bought refreshments. We returned home along the Harbourneford road by 1.15 in bright sunshine. This had been a very enjoyable ride that took our members to new areas, so we’ll try to be similarly adventurous on future rides, pushing for more distant destinations.

We concluded the ride with a Lord of the Rings game at Crofters.
Friday 30 September 2011
19:00 - 21:45
Evening ride: Staverton
8 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
As this evening’s ride was the last of the season Michael had tried to make it special by allowing everyone to bring hot and cold food to eat at Staverton Park. Unfortunately it didn’t go quite according to plan.

Zac brought a Complan in a bottle, Michael took a flask of boiling water and some pot noodles, others brought crisps and chocolate and everyone was quite excited by the idea, which had been advertised on our website.

We got off to a bad start when several had lights missing or not working. Riding along Colston Road Lawrence fell off on a corner, probably because his lights were not working properly, so he was sore and bruised and rode even slower for the rest of the ride. At Staverton Park Jerry broke several of the most important club rules and received a temporary ban from the club as a result. Whilst the noodles came out great, the grass was damp with dew and there were insects flying all around us, so we ended up sitting on the wooden steps into the park.

After playing Frisbee in the park for a short time we headed home along the fast route past Hole Farm. Stopping on the hill above Riverford Callum O'B was riding around without a front light and somehow managed to crash into Jack’s stationery bike which did have lights, causing some damage to the mudguards. The least said about the ensuing argument the better. Suffice it to say that when we had eventually made our way home through Buckfastleigh Michael was very glad that he wouldn’t have to run another evening ride for six months!
Sunday 2 October 2011
10:15 - 15:10
Day ride (Car-assisted): Haldon Forest Park
Very hot and sunny
5 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien
The weather was very hot and sunny again. Everyone had money so we decided to do Haldon forest with a car-assist. It was 11.10 by the time Michael had finished talking to Zac and Callum F about Friday! We wasted a bit of time when Michael went up to the A380 and the had to double back to the A38, but eventually we parked up, unpacked the bikes, bought some pasties and set off around 12.10.

The routes have been completely revamped since our last visit. All the tracks start in the same place and in the same direction now, and the red track (which is the one we decided to do today) is now much easier and consequently much more fun. Clearly they have taken advice from health and safety experts.

Much of the route was new, in fact pretty much all of it was, but it still went past the bottom loop near the old black jumps. That route, which used to be red, is now black “extreme”, so Ash and Callum did it and found it had been made easier than it used to be! Overall we liked the new route a lot, but we were delayed partway round when Zac and Callum F got pinch punctures at the same point. We used Ash’s spare tube for Callum’s bike. Zac tried fixing his with sticky patches, but sadly they lasted all of four minutes and Michael had to replace them with the spare tube in his pannier -which turned out not to be punctured after all.

We got back to the car park at around 2.05, went to the café and Ash saw three old school friends there so we got 10% discount. He had a caramel slice, Michael had a milkshake and Callum O'B had a huge bowl of chips and resented even a single chip being taken!

Finally we explored the two trial areas with jumps and ramps before packing the bikes at 2.35 and getting home for around 3.10. Callum O'B went home to get some money, then they all left around 4pm.
Sunday 9 October 2011
10:15 - 13:40
Morning ride: Holne
Sunny periods with occasional light drizzle
8 Participants: Tao Burgess, Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Fionn Harding (15, Totnes), Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
Callum O'B stayed home with toothache today, but when Zac brought his friend Fionn on the ride we still had a respectable number of riders.

The plan this morning was to head for Venford Reservoir, but Lawrence was recovering from a cold virus that he picked up on Friday and was a good deal slower than usual. He lost us when he waited in Scoriton until we came back for him - he said he didn't know he was supposed to go on! On the climb from Michelcombe to Holne he slowed to a crawl so clearly we weren't going to make Venford today. We spent some enjoyable time in the park by way of compensation.

Fortunately the Holne café was close at hand and everyone wanted to go there, so we settled down for coffee, cakes and scrambled egg on toast. We then returned home via Hembury Woods where Tao and Ash rode all the way around the edge of the fort.
Sunday 23 October 2011
10:15 - 15:15
Day ride: Gatcombe Tracks
Windy but long sunny periods
7 Participants: Tao Burgess, Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Jerry Johnson, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien
Tao was late today, arriving at 10.40 instead of the usual 10.15, so we decided to do a local ride rather than the originally-proposed car-assisted ride to Exeter. Tao was pushing for something harder and full day even though Lawrence and Callum O’B probably weren’t fit enough for that, so we compromised by heading for Totnes with the option of going a little further if everyone was up for it.

We rode out along Colston road, delayed for a few minutes when Callum’s chain broke.
Then at Dartington, on the cycle path near the water wheel, Jerry’s tyre went flat: apparently he had broken off the end of his Presta valve earlier when pumping it with Michael’s pump but hadn’t mentioned this fact to Michael. To make matters worse his rim wouldn’t take a Schroder valve, so we had to take Ash’s Presta tube out to replace Jerry’s and then put Ash’s spare into Ash’s wheel. This was all rather a waste of precious tine. There was some amusement when we noticed that the tube Jerry took out had sellotape covering a small hole – he blamed Jack for suggesting the idea!

The wind was really picking up now, but it was still generally bright and sunny with occasional cloudy spells. We went to Morrisons café which turned out to be amazingly cheap. Lawrence bought a full fry-up and ate everything except the mushrooms and tomatoes which he gave away to Jerry. Callum had a hot dog, the rest of us had drinks and cakes. It was good to get a Latte for less than £1.50!

Tao and Michael decided on the shorter route home, so after spending a little leisure time at Totnes Quayside we took a link track Tao knew from Bridgetown through Bourton to the Gatcombe Tracks. Unfortunately this included a huge climb which really discouraged Lawrence – he ended up walking most of it. He does have some problems with his bike though, and he liked the idea of Michael doing some repairs to keep it going until he gets his new bike.

Ash and Zac did jumps at the bottom of the track into Littlehempston, then we returned straight home via Staverton with Lawrence picking up a bit of speed as we got closer to home. When we got home at 3.15 Callum was being asked by his parents to return home for a trip to London. For some reason he didn’t want to go and preferred to enjoy the social at Crofters, but after some persuasion he agreed to go on the understanding he would get to see Tin Tin on Wednesday. The rest of the group watched the conclusion of Inception while Tao went home and returned with a delicious-looking Apple Crumble, made with apples picked from Michael’s trees.
Sunday 6 November 2011
10:15 - 14:17
Morning ride: Avon Dam
Sunny but slightly chilly (10°)
4 Participants: Ash Freeman, Michael Jones, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Only Jack and Callum joined us for the ride today. It was Lawrence’s birthday and we were disappointed not to be able to celebrate it with him.

We followed the original plan of riding to South Brent, and amazingly Callum was actually very fast – he loved the ride and didn’t complain once all day! We called in to the Co-op at South Brent, bought some Belgian buns and cookies and then decided to take the moderate off-road ride to the Avon Dam rather than my proposed extreme off-road route to Ugborough Beacon.

Autumn leaves adorned the route from Gidley Bridge to Shipley Bridge – Callum did so well he was actually leading at one point. There were, predictably, lots of people at Shipley, and as we rode up the path to the reservoir Callum revealed that he had never been here before.

We ate our food by the reservoir and spent a little time walking along the dam for some photographs. Eventually we set off across the moor for home at around 1.20: it turned out to be quite muddy and boggy in places, but there were fabulous views across South Devon from the top of the Abbots Way.

Once we had negotiated the muddy bits near Water Oak Corner everyone enjoyed the final downhill moorland track to Cross Furzes. After a few more photos by the clapper bridge we returned via Wallaford Road for around 2.17. Congratulations to Callum on his best ride for ages.
Sunday 13 November 2011
10:15 - 15:20
Day ride: Fermoy's Garden Centre
Cloudy with sunny periods
7 Participants: Lawrence Buttress, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Callum O'Brien, Jack Parnell
Zac rang at 9.50 to say he had a puncture but his Mum would take him to get two new tubes from Big Peaks and he would therefore be a little late. He got here by 10.25 but took another half an hour to change the tube, so it was 11am when we finally got away on our planned route to Fermoy’s Garden Centre.

We took the usual route past Caddaford and through Staverton. Near Ambrook we came across a farmer who was struggling to get his Land Roved out of a field. Things were harder for him because he had a trailer attached that contained six bullocks. Ash decided we should stop and help him, so most of us spent some time heaving away while the farmer sat at the wheel. Jack stood back and watched, saying it was the Farmer’s problem, not his! It took a lot of effort and a great many attempts, but just when Michael was about to pull out our troops we managed to get it out.

We arrived at Fermoy’s at 12.40. Lawrence had the small roast at Michael’s suggestion but then moaned constantly that he needed the full roast despite his small size! When he had polished off the small roast he attempted to prove his point by going up again for £2 of chips! Unfortunately he ended up proving himself wrong: even though he shared them out he still couldn’t manage the few he kept back for himself. Most other people had pasties, although Ash, in contrast to Lawrence, couldn’t manage all of his.

The pet store had changed in that the furry animals and birds had now moved down with the rest of the pets. We headed back around 1.50 or so, following the usual route through Denbury and Broadhempston. Callum F was still looking around for some off-road. He had declined the woodland tracks at Orley Common on the way out, but now he was organising a group who wanted to ride Beaston! Lawrence was getting tired, the majority wanted to get home and the track would have been very muddy today, so Michael had to overrule on this occasion. He did promise a Dartmoor off-road ride next week however if the weather was suitable, and that seemed to satisfy everyone.
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Events Index Gallery Participants