South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 31 October 2010
10:15 - 12:15
Morning ride: South Brent
Cloudy start, rain later
6 Participants: Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Ryan Havinga, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath, Jack Parnell
With a rather unsettled outlook we set off up Dean hill and followed through to Harbourneford, planning to turn back at the first sign of rain. Unfortunately the leading riders neglected to wait before descending the hill to South Brent, so Michael was unable to warn them that the small drops of rain that had begun to fall were a sure sign of worse to come.

Since we were in the village we bought some refreshments from the coop and ate them under the shelter of the shop front, but by now the rain was settling in for the morning so there was nothing for it but to head for home as quickly as we could. Zac and Jack had no coats and Zac and Ryan were wearing jeans, so by the time we had taken the main road back to Marley Head and then cut back to Dean hill for the final descent they were thoroughly drenched. They didn't seem to mind, although they were very grateful for the warm fire and computer games on offer at the clubroom after the ride.
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Events Index Gallery Participants