South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 3 March 1991
Afternoon ride (Paignton): Staverton Bridge
16 Participants: Christian Bryant, Jenny Bryant, Mike Bryant, Sarah Bryant (15, Torquay), Ben Hobday, Karina Hobday, Roxanne Hobday, Dave Humphreys, David Robinson, Gary Taylor, James Twydell, Ken Twydell, Julie Twydell-Hobday, Andrew Walker, Charlie Walker, Robert Walker
A change for the better in the weather saw the magnificent total of 16 members at Five (now only Four) Lanes, Marldon. Drama began almost immediately with Mike and Christian Bryant having to return home by car to fix a loosened crank. They were able to rush back and catch us up within a mile or so, we having delayed our start as long as possible - Dave used the time to mend his first puncture of the day.

By the time we reached Red Post Dave had had another puncture in the same tyre. Luckily these were the only mechanical mishaps in an otherwise lovely day.

Staverton Bridge, our published destination, was soon reached and we took the path down by the river to rest and eat. Jenny told us of an earlier career as a raft racer on the River Dart. Also it turned out that both she and Dave H had worked together some 20 years ago. It was about then that Rob pointed out that he had last seen his father outside the Sea Trout Inn at Staverton some 20 minutes earlier. Gary was sent back to find him but by then it was too late. Apparently Charlie and his son Andy had been delayed by a detached chain, and by the time they got to the bridge we were all down by the river out of sight. He waited a bit but assumed that we must have gone to Dartington as there are cafés there. He got back home safely but it was a shame that we 'lost' him.

Lessons learnt: 1. When left or detached from the group stay put: the leader will always send someone back eventually. 2. Leaders should check that everyone is present when deviating from the route.

After further search parties had returned without success we set off back to Staverton village and on to Ipplepen via Fishacre Barton, from where we observed some abseilers on a distant cliff. From Park Hill we took the non-Compton route that is more pleasant, safer and just happens to pass the Robinson abode.

All in all this was a very peasant ride and a triumph of organisation by Ken - after all we did reach the published destination, and we were back at around 6.30. Alright, so we lost a couple of riders, but nobody is perfect!!
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Events Index Gallery Participants