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Friday 12 November 2010
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Charades & Music Quiz

5 Participants: Julian Duquemin, Ash Freeman, Callum Freeman, Michael Jones, Zac McGrath
It was good to see Julian this evening, visiting his friends in Devon for the weekend. Zac had his foot in plaster and Julian didn't have his sports clothing so Callum's suggestion of badminton was always going to be a non-starter. Instead we had a very enjoyable evening playing games at Crofters. Most of the time was spent on Charades, where Julian's attempts to mime the movie Madagascar came to nothing when everyone totally failed to get his mime for "Mad" and failed to realise that his mime for "Petrol" was supposed to mean "gas"! He did get them to guess "car" but sadly that wasn't enough for them to have any clue what movie he was talking about. Ash came first and Julian came a close second.

Next up was a short music quiz where Zac seemed unfamiliar with almost every genre of music Michael came up with. Julian and Callum were the clear winners here, but everyone had fun. We concluded a great evening with a team game on Call of Duty, where Julian and Zac's ploy of closing the door to their room so they could discuss tactics in private failed to make any noticeable difference to the magnitude of their trouncing!
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