South Dartmoor CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Tuesday 18 July 1995
18:00 - 20:45
Evening ride (Junior): Chalk Ford
Misty, some light drizzle
12 Participants: James Hudson, Michael Jones, Jake Lane, Austin Loder, Craig McCracken, Gavin Pearson, Ben Richardson, Daniel Smith, Graham Smith, Philip Taylor, Dale Turrell, Wendy Turrell
Climbing Wallaford Road all the way to Cross Furzes was ambitious for these youngsters, but by tackling it in several short stages everyone reached the top in a very reasonable time.

It was misty here on the high ground as we rode past Hayford Hall and along the stony track to Lud Gate. Michael was leading by car again while his cough recovered, so he had to park in the lane and walk with group onto the open moor. The mist was now so thick that it was hard to see more than a few metres ahead. Everyone enjoyed the downhill track to Chalk Ford, except perhaps Craig who came off near the top. We crossed the boggy section with only a little difficulty and finally arrived at the ford.

Michael saw everyone over the footbridge and onto the path before walking back up the hill to the car and meeting them at Scorriton - surprisingly we all arrived at about the same time. Craig had suffered a blow-out on the stony descent, so Michael took him home in the car.

There was a lot of enthusiasm for the junior rides, but as many were away over the summer we agreed the next ride would be in five weeks.

[This report was written in 2014 from the following notes - please tell us if you see any errors or omissions]

[MJ in car. Climb Wallaford road in short hops, all did exceptionally well. Misty at the top of the hill, rode past Hayford, along stony track, through Lud Gate, MJ parked car in lane and walked. Hard to see now. Descent of hill, Craig came off near the top, crossed the boggy bit, over bridge, MJ walk back to car, all arrived at Scorriton at the same time, Craig had a blow-out, MJ carried back in the car. Home 8.45. Next ride 5 weeks.]
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Events Index Gallery Participants